The Bodyguard System

Chapter 63: Wilson

"Let's go. We are eating here today." Scarlet stated as she led the way towards the trance of the hotel. At the same time, she took out her phone, before making a call.

Jad followed behind her. He could not help but look forward to the food that was going to be served within this hotel. Just by the magnificce that the building possessed, he hoped that the meals within it were also going to be better.

To say the truth, ever since he had received the system, it could be said that his life had changed for the better. As for the future, he could not talk about it, but still, he hoped that everything would go well.

Scarlet on the other hand did not know what Jad was thinking about. After making a call, a few seconds later, somebody received it. "Uncle, we are here. We are here to eat. Can we have something special prepared for us today? Additionally, I did not make any reservation.

I hope you can give me a special privilege so that I can ter without making any reservation."

"Sigh! Okay. You can come over. I will inform somebody to come and pick you up. And wait, did you just say that you were coming over with somebody else? Please don't tell me that you came with a large group of people this time." An old male voice came from the other d of the phone.

"Oh, that? I came with only one person this time. You don't have to worry much about trouble. We are not going to cause you any trouble this time." Scarlet responded with a chuckle.

"I hope that is the case. Otherwise, if you decide to cause trouble this time, I will definitely inform your father about this." The voice responded.

"Humph! If you tell my dad about anything, I will definitely not talk to you again." Scarlet acted like a little girl, and threw a tantrum. The expression on her face looked quite cute, completely differt from the fierce expression that she always possessed each and every time that he was talking to Lucas and the others.

This was the first time that Jad was seeing that expression on her face. And for a momt, he could not help but doubt that this was the same Scarlet that he had be interacting with all this time. Could it be that she had be somehow switched?

After all, this change was quite too much. From the fiery girl with a fiery temper, to a little stubborn girl, this was too much of a transformation. At this point, Jad could not help but wonder who the real Scarlet was.

"What now? You are saying that you will not talk to me if I tell your father about you causing trouble? I thought that not long ago, you just said that you are not going to cause any trouble this time." The male voice responded with a light laughter accompanying it.

"Humph! Uncle, are you teasing me now? Just wait. I'll make sure that I pay back for this." Scarlet's ferocious expression returned once again. It was clear that she was not happy with being teased.

"Okay. I'm sorry about that. But I'm really serious this time. You cannot cause any trouble within the hotel. We are already expericing some kind of problems here. So, if you come and cause trouble, we will not be sure on if we are supposed to deal with internal problems or the ones that we are facing from outside." The male voice responded laughingly.

"Whatever. I just want to eat. I'm currtly quite hungry after going all a the city." Scarlet responded. Immediately after that, she hung up the call.

At this momt, the two of them had already arrived at the trance of the hotel. There were two security guards in black suits, possessing muscular body statures. Each and every one of them looked quite ferocious, and was quite intimidating.

The trance to the hotel was quite huge. The double doors were about 5 meters tall, and were painted gold. Currtly, they were wide op, abling Jad and Scarlet who had yet to ter into the hotel to see that there was a counter in front of them. And other than that, they could not see anything else within the hotel.

The two security guards did not prevt them from tering. The momt that the two of them reached the reception area, the female receptionist who was currtly wearing a shirt looked at them with a smile.

She seemed to be quite familiar with Scarlet, considering that she immediately addressed her. "Young miss, Scarlet. Welcome. Would you like me to make arrangemts for a private room or would you eat in the op space?"

"Oh, Carol, I never thought that you were on duty. Had I known that you were on duty today, I would have not called that stinky uncle of mine." Scarlet responded with surprise in her voice.

Ev though she was calling her uncle as stinky, there was no any sign of distaste in her voice. It was clear that she was just joking a, but she did not mean it.

"Haha." Carol could only laugh awkwardly, not sure on how she was supposed to respond to that. She could not support Scarlet at this momt, as that was definitely going to mean that she was going against the manager.

Additionally, she could not defd the manager, as that would imply that she was going against Scarlet, the daughter of the owner of the hotel. So, the best thing that she could do was to not commt on what Scarlet had said.

"Okay. Simply make arrangemts for me so that I can get a private room. I don't want to sit in an area where some people will be looking at me with those irritating gazes." Scarlet waved her hand as she said.

"Right away." Carol responded. Immediately after that, she began typing on the keyboard of the computer in front of her. And a few seconds later, she seemed to have already completed making the arrangemts.

She was just about to say something wh suddly, she saw somebody coming over. Her expression immediately became respectful.

Realizing the change in Carol's expression, Scarlet also looked towards the direction of the newcomer. At that momt, she realized that there was a middle-aged man coming over.

The man was currtly wearing a blue suit, a shirt, and a red tie. His medium-lgth black hair that possessed patches of gray was combed backwards. A few wrinkles could be se on his face, and his blue eyes stared directly at them.

All in all, it could be said that the man who had appeared looked neat. But this was to be expected considering that he was the manager of a five-star hotel.

"Uncle, I thought that you said that you are going to sd somebody else to come and fetch me?" Scarlet asked with raised brows.

"I was close by. So, I decided that instead of sding somebody else to come and pick you up, I would instead come and pick you myself. After all, I am currtly free." The man said.

As he said those words, he turned to look at Jad who was standing behind Scarlet. He raised his brows a little, before deciding to ignore him.

"Tch!" Scarlet clicked her tongue. But she did not commt on what her uncle had said. Instead, she remained silt, while Carol wt ahead and told Wilson, the manager of the hotel about the arrangemts that she had already made.

Wilson was just a manager of the hotel, and was not a relative of the Johnsons. But ev th, the relationship betwe him and Clifford was quite deep. And that was the reason why Scarlet would always refer to him as uncle.

It could be said that despite the fact that Wilson was not a relative of the Johnsons, the relationship that he possessed with the family was quite close, just like that of relatives. So, it was not strange that Scarlet was well acquainted with him.

"Okay th. You don't have to worry much about this. I will continue with the rest of it. You can just go back and continue with what you were doing before, before this stubborn niece of mine came in." Wilson stated.

"What do you mean by saying that I am stubborn? I have just arrived, and I have not done anything. So, why are you saying that I am stubborn?" Scarlet asked, completely displeased by what Wilson had said.

Wilson simply chuckled before responding. "Stubborn does not mean what you have just done, instead, it is your character. You are already used to being stubborn. So, of course you are a stubborn niece of mine."

Scarlet wanted to retort, but in the d, she simply pursed her lips before maintaining her silce as she shifted her gaze from him. The way that she was acting was like a little girl who was wronged.

Upon seeing this, Wilson could not help but laugh out loud. Th, he oped his hands as he said, "Okay. Come over here."

Scarlet snorted, as if she was not interested. But nevertheless, she wt ahead and gave Wilson a hug. Th, Wilson began pulling her towards the elevator that he had used to come here.

Jad on the other hand simply followed the two of them siltly. Since it was a conversation betwe two people that were quite acquainted with each other, he was not willing to interrupt.

The elevator, the one that was used by the manager and the top staff of the hotel alone, oped up and the three of them got inside. The momt that they got into the elevator, Wilson looked at Jad and asked, "I guess that you are the bodyguard that Clifford talked about?"

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