The Calamity of a Reborn Witch

Book 3: Chapter 15: The Pretense of Power

Book 3: Chapter 15: The Pretense of Power

It had only been a few short weeks since the citizens of Lafeara had seen the royal procession pass through its Capital streets to greet Ventraynas Ambassador. A few faded ribbons and tassels waved in the morning breeze, tied to street posts and window shutters that overlooked the main road. They fluttered above the rank of royal knights who escorted Prime Minister Attwood, his son, Lord Acheron, and Crown Prince Percy through the street on horseback at the head of several nobles and attendants.

The first laborer to spot the knights quickly sounded the alarm. The people gathered nearby rushed to form a somewhat uniform line along the drains, where they cheered and waved enthusiastically for their prince.

Long live his Majesty!

Long live Crown Prince Nicholas!

We are praying for you, your Majesty! Saints blessing upon you and your family!

The commoners' upturned faces, proud smiles, and reverent gazes eased the tension in Nicholas's shoulders as he lifted a hand and offered a simple wave and smile in return.

Theyre still celebrating your Majesty's success with the Ventrayna negotiation, Attwood observed with an acknowledging nod. A reprieve from heavy taxes will allow them to better prepare for winter and feed their families.

Anyone would be thrilled to have the weight of the Emperors boot off the back of their neck, Acheron muttered, his tone less cheerful than his words and forced smile implied.

But how long until their humble adulation turns to anger when they learn Lafeara is going to turn its back on the Pope? Nicholas wondered absently as he glanced towards the oddly sullen rogue beside him. Not to mention the possible plague Duchess Kirsi discovered in the slums.

The Crown Prince lowered his hand to adjust the hunting bow strap across the dark burgundy jacket and trousers chosen for the journey ahead. Gold oak leaves, emerald vines, with tiny purple blossoms interwoven along the fabric embroidered the jackets cuffs and neckline. Beneath his fancy outerwear, a studded leather chest armor embossed with the royal wolf symbol rested over a light weight chainmail forged from witch steel, worn over a comfortably thin but durable linen shirt. Similar plates of the rare witch steel were fastened to the back of leather armor braces and leg guards hidden beneath his clothes.

Uncomfortable as hell, but better a long awkward ride to Gilwren Forest than a short one.

Witch Steel was perhaps Ventraynas second greatest asset. The magic fused metal could only be smelted with the flame of a fire witch. The few precious bars the Emperor had granted as part of Eleanoras engagement to Tristan had been forged into a full suit of armor for King Henri. The Dowagers first act as Queen Regent after her sons death had been to overturn Henris request to be buried in that same suit of armor. She then handed it over to Nicholas on his nineteenth birthday. The Crown Prince had the entire suit of armor smelted down and refashioned into more practical, protective gear that could be easily worn outdoors on days like today.

Even Tristan never got to wear armor made of Witch Steel despite the number of battles he took part in. Nicholas turned in his saddle and hid his discomfort behind another smile as he waved to the growing crowd of citizens, which now contained a few nobles as well. Though, given Tristans incredible luck and survival skillsperhaps he didnt need it.

The very thought of the First Prince soured the bright morning light that flooded the streets around them and reflected off the armor of the giant knight captain who rode just in front of the Crown Prince. Nicholas drew in a slow breath as he focused on Beaumonts lethal bastard sword, most of the hilt wrapped in bloodred leather that stopped just beneath the large amethyst jewel at its very tip. The Crown Prince smiled at the memory of his bodyguard knocking Tristan on his ass in practice. Beaumont was the strongest person Nicholas had ever seen, even without his sword.

Soon enough, well have our first shipment of Witch Steel as per negotiations. Sir Iker is already working hard to clear his schedule to begin work on at least 200 knight swords. Once we have enough Witch Steel to outfit at least a thousand knights, then well be in a strong position to enforce our western border and keep those pagan witches from invading during next summers harvest.

A small detour ahead, your Majesty, Attwood explained after a whispered conversation with a steward who had ridden forward to deliver a message. Her Highness isnt too far behind us. I believe it would be worth the minor inconvenience to ride out alongside your future queen.

Nicholas sighed and nodded, then adjusted his position in the saddle as they turned towards the town square where the knights fanned out to provide a bit more breathing room from the thronging, cheering crowds. A nearby flower cart was almost overturned as the crowd looted its buckets of bouquets. Colorful wildflowers and petals rained over the knights to scatter at the feet of the Crown Prince and his nobles.

Lets hope they remain calm, Acheron muttered while offering the crowd his own diplomatic smile, which earned several squeals of delight from nearby women. Things will turn ugly real quick if a fight breaks out.

Nicholas nodded worriedly in agreement. Id rather not have any blood spilled on such an important day.

A jubilant blast of trumpets calmed the crowd as more knights poured into the square, escorting the Crown Princess, who rode alongside her father, Lord Alastair Kensington. Eleanoras hunting dress almost perfectly matched that of the Crown Princes garments in appearance, with the exception of a few frills and a full skirt.

And here I thought shed take the opportunity to wear mens trousers in public, Nicholas thought ruefully as he turned his horse around to greet her.

The sun danced upon the net of emerald and ruby decoration which held Eleanoras licorice black hair above the high collar of her dress. Her amber eyes flashed above a confident smile as she turned her attention to the cheering crowd and offered them a perfect smile and wave.

Bless you, Princess Eleanora.

Long life to you, your Highness!

We love you, Princess!

It would appear your success has also bolstered the Crown Princesss position and reputation, Attwood observed thoughtfully as he too watched the crowd push forward to offer the foreign princess flowers and words of gratitude.

Why wouldnt they love her? Acheron countered with a sharp look towards his father. It was Eleanoras marriage that secured such a large tax cut for our kingdom.

What is with him today? Nicholas threw the rouge an impatient glare that appeared to go unnoticed. Its like hes trying to pick a fight with me. A cunning smile quickly spread across the Crown Princes face as his gaze returned to the Crown Princess and the ladies in waiting who rode behind her. Ahh, if it isnt, youre future wife, Lord Acheron. Perhaps you should go over and say hello?

Acherons steel-blue eyes faltered in Lady Evelynns direction. The rogue quickly turned his mare to face the exit the knights were already clearing for their departure and rode off, much to the Prime Ministers frustration.

Pardon me, your Majesty. It appears my son needs another firm reminder, Attwood muttered as his frowning gaze followed after the fleeing noble.

Nicholas waved his hand permissively and turned to wait for Eleanora. Really, Acheron. If youre so opposed to the idea of marrying her, then you shouldnt have slept with the lady in such a public place.

The Crown Prince watched his wife draw closer with mixed emotions. There was something about the way Eleanora controlled the beautiful red warhorse that her late uncle had gifted her that annoyed him. That and her own exotic beauty which appeared to have charmed the crowd, who had taken to chanting her name over his own.

Your beauty and charm were never in question, Eleanora. Its clear enough why Tristan fell in love with you. But lets see how long you can hold onto to the publics favor and if you can sway the nobles to your side.

Nicholas quickly forced a welcoming smile onto his face as his wife reined in beside him.

You couldnt wait for me? Eleanora whispered as she brushed a loose lock of hair away from her pink cheeks. We were supposed to leave the palace together.

Someone was running late, Nicholas reminded her pointedly and then leaned over to lightly peck her cheek. Never mind that now. We have an audience to appease.

Eleanoras lips twitched with an amused smile as she caught the lapel of his jacket and pulled him back towards her for a full-on kiss.

Nicholas felt his cheeks burn with heat as the crowd erupted around them with a booming roar of approval. He tightened his grip on the reins but let her end the kiss and pull away first. Not that sort of display, he muttered and then gestured to where Attwood and Acheron were waiting for them to proceed.

I just wanted to show my gratitude to the husband who waited so patiently for his wife to get ready, Eleanora replied with a sultry smile and wink.

Nicholas blinked as the Crown Princess and her warhorse eagerly danced past Captain Beaumont towards the front of the knights. Wait, Eleanora! He sighed and quickly nodded his head towards Viscount Kensington, who watched them both from a respectful distance, then kicked both heels against the stallions flanks as he rode after his troublesome wife.

Did no one tell her that were supposed to ride side by side?

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The royal couple managed to settle into a more traditional position and pace for the remainder of their ride through the capital. Lord Kensington rode behind them, beside Lord Attwood, while Acheron dropped back to accompany the younger nobles, who had already cracked open the first bottle of wine for the road.

At least they waited to start drinking until after we left the Capital. Nicholas shook his head, feeling a tiny bit of envy for the rogues dismissive regard for his public image and seemingly free lifestyle. I wonder how much that will change after hes married.

Behind the royal knights came the carriages that carried the wives of the invited nobles, followed by carts packed down tightly with colorful tents used for the hunt. Nicholas noticed that none of the carriages bore the mark of the Kensington family and felt a stab of relief that his mother-in-law would not be joining them.

Is this everyone? Eleanora asked as she too glanced over her shoulder to observe their small tail. With so few competitors, winning this years competition will be easy enough.

Im afraid the number will more than double in size by the time we reach Gilwren, Nicholas replied with an apologetic smile. While Viscount Rykard prefers to keep the number of nobles invited small so as to have enough room and showers to host us properly, families like Borghese and Hawthorne tend to bring their own supporting nobles to such events.

Eleanora nodded, the gleam in her eyes fading as she fiddled with the tassels on her reins.

What is it? Nicholas tilted his head slightly as he studied her. You were practically bouncing in your saddle earlier at the thought of slaying deer and bunnies in the forest.

I heardthat Lady Kirsi came to visit you late at night the day beforeover some urgent matter? Her amber eyes flicked towards him with a glimmer of anger and suspicion.

This again? Nicholas repressed a sigh as he refocused on the road ahead. Ever since he had sided with his grandmother to have Lady Maura officially adopted into the royal family and then instated as Duchess of Bastiallano, Eleanora turned into a veritable porcupine whenever the name Lady Kirsi was mentioned.

Her Grace brought to my attention a matter of public safety, Nicholas replied with forced patience. Nothing more. We should be grateful the Duchess has taken her role and responsibilities so seriously.

Indeed. And how serious they must be for her Grace to visit you in the dead of night.

Nicholas clamped his teeth together at her tone and exhaled slowly through his nose. And how is it, Crown Princess, that you are so well informed of the coming and goings of Peony Palace? I expressly forbid my knights and servants from mentioning Lady Kirsis visit.

Ill have to ask the royal steward to look over the housing staff list again. It would be problematic news of the Duchesss discovery reached the publics ears.

I see, so that is what your Majesty is concerned about, Eleanora responded coldly. Are you saying that I should take no notice of the women who come and go from your palace in the night?

I am at Rose Palace every other night, Eleanora. What more do you want from me? Nicholas responded sharply.

Eleanora snorted. It is none of my concern if your Majesty wishes to extend the number of Mistresss he keeps. Just remember that only our child will convince the Emperor to extend his generosity.

She actually suspects that the Duchess and I have that sort of relationship?! Nicholas squeezed the reins as he fought back a laugh, keenly aware of the knight captain who rode ahead of them. I have more than held up my end of this political marriage, Eleanora. You asked that I refrain from visiting Lady Rosamund. I have done so. You asked permission for your fathers knights to guard your palace. I have granted it. He turned his hazel-blue eyes towards her and offered an empty smile. But as for the matter of a child, that will depend on your ability to conceive and become a mother.

The Crown Princesss eyes flashed dangerously as the warhorse beneath her tossed his head in agitation. What are youHow dare"

If you want a demonstration of my ability to produce an heir, then say so, your Highness. There are plenty of noble families hoping for the chance to have their daughters welcomed into the royal family as a Royal Consort.

The look of hurt that flickered across her amber eyes made Nicholas regret his words. He turned away and ignored her glare. She started the fight, not me. Ive had enough of her moody behavior.

He bit back her name as Eleanora charged suddenly ahead, startling the royal knights who hurried out of her path. The Kensington knights, their capes bearing the image of an oak tree surrounded by stars, broke rank to gallop behind her. Lord Alastair followed quickly behind them but managed to cast the Crown Prince a pointed look of disapproval as he passed.

Prime Minister Attwood moved up beside the price as the shamble of knights quickly regrouped around them. What happened?

Arughher Highness is more eager for the hunt than I thought, Nicholas replied with a helpless shrug and mocking laugh.

Attwood sighed and tilted his head towards the brilliant blue sky above them as if sending a silent prayer to the Saints beyond. Did you have another fight?

Nicholas shrugged and then nodded reluctantly.


Perhaps were simply not compatible, Prime Minister.

Attwood shook his head, then rubbed his jaw thoughtfully as he gazed after the runaway princess. You must learn patience, your Majesty. Arranged marriages are about showing respect and knowing when to compromise.

Perhaps you should be lecturing her Highness then, Nicholas responded with an impatient growl.

I will leave that to Lord Alastair, Attwood replied as he lifted a hand to shield his eyes from the sun to their left. It looks like shes slowed down at least.

Ive tried being patientbut how do you compromise with someone who creates problems out of thin air?

What sort of problems? Attwood pressed curiously.

The Crown Prince shook his head and glanced towards Beaumonts silent back. Eleanora accused me of having an inappropriate relationship with Lady Kirsi.

W-what?! With the Duch

Nicholas resisted the urge to laugh as the Prime Minsters worried gaze snapped immediately onto the knight captain.

WellI suppose jealousy is a perfectly normal part of every relationship, Attwood murmured hesitantly as he tapped his chin. I honestly thought things were going well between the two of you after the Ambassadors visit.

They werein bed at least, Nicholas replied sourly as the memory of their last cordial coupling filtered through his mind. The sex isnt exactly passionate, but its not terrible either. Its holding a conversation without biting each others heads off thats the problem.

Attwood smiled sympathetically. Give it time, your Majesty. Im sure her Highness will grow more comfortable once a child is on the way. At least you know you work well together when you have a common goal.

I suppose, Nicholas grumbled and shifted uncomfortably in his saddle once more.

Ahh, we appear to have caught up with them.

The Crown Prince raised his gaze and narrowed his eyes as he took in a shepherd by the side of the road who was lifting his young daughter towards the Crown Princess. The child offered Eleanora a crown of white and yellow daisies, which Eleanora accepted graciously with a beautiful smile before pressing a gold crescent into the shepherd's hand. When the Crown Princess rejoined her knights, she glanced in Nicholas's direction and, after a whispered prompt from Lord Alastair, rode back to join them.

Best if you forget the fight happened and focus on enjoying the journey, Attwood prompted before pulling back to resume his original place.

The Crown Prince drew in a strained breath and offered his returning wife a welcoming smile as she circled and rode beside him. You appear to be in a better mood, Nicholas commented with a glance at the circlet of daisies.

My smile is but an illusion for your adoring citizens, Eleanora replied without missing a beat. Just like our marriage and your claim to Lafearas throne.

Your Highness! Lord Alastair hissed reproachfully as he rode past them to join the Prime Minister.

What? Am I not allowed to speak the truth simply because Im married? The Crown Princess glanced over her shoulder briefly and then yanked the flowers from her head. If his Majesty had any real power, he would have stopped the Dowager from making a half-blood into a Duchess.

Just how far will you push me until youre satisfied?

Nicholas reached across the short distance between them and snatched the crown of daisies from her hand. While were out here airing the truth, Eleanora, He crushed the flowers and flung them down onto the dirt road. Perhaps I should remind you that you are not yet queen. When it comes to power and authority, a Duke and Duchess hold far more influence than a princess.

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