The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 55: The sperm-making female partner chooses to farm (4)

Chapter 55: The sperm-making female partner chooses to farm (4)

Chapter 55: A female mate chooses to farm (4)

DingExplore the land of the Southern Barbarians, and for each county explored, you will be rewarded with a map of that county

The system issued a task to her in a timely manner.

But maps? Do you want her to buy it?

The map of Furong County in my hand was bought with money along with the geography.

The system gives you a choice, accept the task or reject it?

Xu Yin thought that if she couldn't complete it anyway, her energy points would not be deducted, nor would the progress bar be set back, so she simply accepted it, just in case she finished it accidentally.

DingTrigger long-term mission: Build a home

Just received the mission to explore Nanman, and a new mission popped up.

There are no specific requirements, nor are there any rewards for completing the tasks. In short, it is quite confusing.

Maybe the dog system triggered it again, Xu Yin ignored it.

She continued to think about Furong County. It really looked like Hunan Province. The climate and crops were similar, and even the dialects spoken by the locals were somewhat similar.

The only drawback is that the specialty products are not as rich as Tongcheng, but it is understandable, after all, there is a long river of history.

If Furong County is really the Hunan Province in later generations...

Xu Yin's mind flashed with a map of China in the shape of a rooster, and she almost laughed out loud with joy.

Nanman co-authored it in the Guangdong and Guangxi areas!

Oh my God, I was so worried all the way, why didnt I think of it earlier?

If she didnt wear it this time, she would have wanted to go south for a walk.

Now its okay, Im traveling at public expense, with bodyguards and nannies all around me. When I get to the destination, I have my own big villa (Prince Jinnans Mansion) where I can stay as long as I want.

Of course, you cant leave the fief if you dont want to live there.

Looking a little frustrated, the range of activities is limited.

But the snail shell can still be used as a dojo. The Nanman is so big that it is enough for her to move around.

What's more, compared to the treacherous situation in Beijing, the Nanman, where the sky is high and the emperor is far away, is more suitable for her to survive and not be cannon fodder.

After figuring it out, Xu Yin completely let go.

Early the next morning, I took out the banknotes at the bottom of the box. When Grandma Feng accused her of using the dowry money casually, I kept two of the five hundred taels in denominations for emergencies, and planned to exchange the rest for supplies.

"Chunlan, take a few boys to buy grain, grain seeds, and seeds of vegetables and fruits. You need to harvest new crops this year, so that they won't be infested with insects after a year. If you don't have any, old grain will do."

Xia Zhu, go buy some poultry and pick out more eggs and ducks.

There were two maids left who were sent by her to purchase cotton and cotton cloth.

The cotton must have cotton seeds, and the cotton cloth must be thick and fine. After that, they have to look for silkworms.

Qiu Shuang, your hometown is Linhai County. Do you know silkworms? They can spin silk, make cocoons and then weave silk?


Although Qiu Shuang didn't know why the girl wanted to buy silkworms, she still nodded obediently.

Xu Yin taught her how to pick strong silkworm babies. When she met someone who knew how to raise silkworms, she hired him with a high salary.

When the maids left one after another, Xu Yin handed Nanny Feng three thousand taels:

Mommy, please find someone you trust to help me replace them with fishing nets, fishing rods, and a batch of iron sheets.

The latter is the important point.

Iron has many uses. In addition to improving farm tools, she also wants to build a boat, a patrol and fishing boat that can withstand weak typhoons. Nanny Feng was startled: "Girl, this piece of iron..."

It doesnt matter if you can get the best one, but if you cant get it, it doesnt matter.

Yanhua does not allow private trading of iron tools. Once discovered, the crime of exile will begin.

However, there are many princes and nobles who buy and sell ironware privately, and the court does not see much control over it.

Xu Yin did not deliberately conceal the fact that he sent his subordinates to go shopping. He only concealed the purchase of iron.

Mother Feng came back and said that it was hard to buy iron, so she had to go through a lot of trouble to get a hundred kilograms from the black market.

The density of iron is high. One hundred kilograms of iron is actually the size of nine footballs. Xu Yin dispersed it and hid it in a large number of materials, making it difficult for others to detect it.

At this time, she was glad that she was not in the future, and there would be no beeping when passing the security check.

Moreover, which of the palaces chariots and soldiers guarding the city gate dared to poke their spears into the carriage?

But this hundred pounds of iron cost her one-third of her banknotes.

Soon, the news that the future princess had spent all her dowry money spread among the palace staff.

Its not that they are gossiping, but what a dowry means to a woman is not only clear to women, but also to men.

After all, who doesnt have a mother? Which mother would use the dowry as a last resort?

The rich lady from the prime minister's residence usually spends money lavishly. On the way south, she actually spent all the ten thousand taels of silver notes at the bottom of the box.

This is not ten taels or one hundred taels, but a full ten thousand taels!

Oh my god, its horrible for women to spend money! Who can afford to marry after spending ten thousand taels in two months?

Oh, someone is getting married soon! It was the emperor who acted as a matchmaker, and they got married as soon as they arrived in the fiefdom...

Speaking of which, how could the emperor bestow such a woman to his own prince? Were they really not sent to disrupt the palace and cause the prince a headache?

Can't help but look at their prince with infinite sympathy.

Yan Kejin:

Xu Yin didnt know these things, but even if she knew, she would laugh them off.

Isnt the dowry just a way for the mothers family to help the married girl straighten her back and live a better life?

She has always believed that money is for spending, not for saving. Why bother if you don't use the ready-made dowry money, but your life is tight and unsatisfactory?

From Beijing to Furong County, the people around her were sent around by her.

When we first left the capital, it was just a small fight. Several counties came down to gather ten carriages.

Upon entering Furong County, the 10,000 taels of silver notes at the bottom of the box were left untouched except for the emergency 1,000 taels. The rest were all taken out in exchange for supplies, and carts of rice, flour, grain and oil, cotton, silkworms, and various seeds were brought back...

Linlin Zongzong added a dozen more carriages, twenty or thirty mule carts loaded with grain, and the driver alone hired a lot of people.

Thanks to the royal palace's personal troops, although some people coveted it, they did not dare to act rashly. Otherwise, this journey will definitely not be so stable.

Everyone in the palace secretly rejoiced: Fortunately, the border between Nanman and Furong County was right in front of them. Otherwise, would they still have to buy it? The future princess is so flowery that they worry about the prince.

Yan Kejin heard the report from his subordinates and learned that Xu Yin not only bought grain, but also bought grain seeds; not only bought cotton, but also brought cotton seeds; not only bought silk brocade, but also bought mulberry silkworms, and a bunch of There are so many kinds of vegetable and fruit seeds that even the secret guards can't identify... His eyes are thoughtful.

In fact, after the fief was granted, he sent people to collect supplies from all over Yanhua and transport them to Nanman.

It was just scattered in the name of traders and traveling merchants, and not many people knew about it.

There are only a few carriage luggage transported from the palace in Beijing.

I heard earlier that he was a brainless princess who sent people to buy goods wherever she went. She stocked up ten carriages of goods along the way. She also thought she had believed the rumors about the Nanman and was afraid that she would live a hard life there.

Now I find that she is not stupid. Would a stupid person think of hoarding seeds? Even silkworms were considered?

Yan Kejin's lips curved into an interesting smile: Whether he is really stupid or fake, you will know soon.

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