The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 79: The sperm-making female partner chooses to farm (28)

Chapter 79: The sperm-making female partner chooses to farm (28)

Chapter 79: A female mate chooses to farm (28)

After discussion, the couple immediately went to the village chief to buy a piece of land to build a workshop.

The village chief heard that the nobleman wanted to build a workshop in their village, and wanted to recruit villagers to make Sanhua wine. The brewing formula and labor could be paid in silver or food, depending on what the villagers liked.

The village chief burst into tears of gratitude and tremblingly insisted on kowtowing to them.

Xu Yin remembered the crops that were far from full when he came in, and left him with a new method of retting: "This method of retting can increase the yield per mu. If you are not sure about the specific method, you can send someone to the Wangfu Farm to learn."

In addition to informing Wangfu of the location of the farm, he also asked Yan Kejin to write a handwriting and asked the village chief to select a few strong laborers to go to Uncle Wang to carry several bags of high-yielding rice seeds back.

Use the limited fertile land to grow high-yielding rice and ensure that the villagers have enough to eat and there is still surplus grain to make wine.

After finishing this matter, she returned to the carriage and took a nap before she had the opportunity to check out the random skill rewarded by the system - [Permanent Divine Power].

Xu Yin:

What the **** is divine power?

After reading the skill introduction, I realized that it is synonymous with infinite strength, which is equivalent to... Popeye's energy spinach?

Xu Yin twitched the corner of her mouth and did not use it immediately.

But... keep it, maybe it will be useful in the next small world.

Along the way south, Xu Yin and Yan Kejin were like ordinary newlyweds on their honeymoon. As they walked and shopped, their relationship warmed up and they stocked up on specialties.

Whenever Xu Yin complimented her, "The scenery here is nice," Yan Kejin would stay with her, without urging or chasing her, and would let her wander around until she got tired of it and had enough stocked up before going to the next place.

It was already half a month later when we arrived in Yong County.

July is the hottest and humid time of the year in Nanman, and it also ushered in the abundant rainy season.

In this month, half of the days were rainy, but it didnt rain all day long. Instead, it rained suddenly and then cleared up.

At this time, I realized the advantages of the cement road. No matter how hard it rained, the carriage could still run on the cement road.

If it were replaced by the yellow dirt road of the past, the wheels of the carriage would have sunk many times.

Pedestrians walking on the cement road will not get their shoes dirty.

Xu Yin heard several groups of passers-by walking on the road holding umbrellas, and they praised the road for being well repaired.

I heard that it was built by the governor of King Jinnan. Since he came, everyone in Baigui County has had enough food.

Really? We have enough food for every meal? Thats great! We dont know when we can have enough food for every meal here.

"It's coming, it's coming! I heard from the people building the roads that Baigui County will recruit more workers. When the time comes, we will send our boy to try it out. Maybe he will be lucky enough to get in. Not only will he get wages, but he will also take care of food and housing. "

Is it really that good? Then I dont know when to recruit him!

King Jinnan is such a good man! Good people are rewarded! I hope he lives a long life!

The Bodhisattva in heaven cannot control us, but King Jinnan, the living Bodhisattva, can control us! When we go back, carve a longevity tablet and pray for him every day

Xu Yin tilted her head and met the eyes of the living Bodhisattva that the common people call her.

"Pfft..." She couldn't help laughing, teasing him, "Living Bodhisattva?"

"Don't mess around with me." Yan Kejin looked away with a stern face, but the crimson tips of his ears betrayed him.

Yong County is the destination of their trip, and they plan to stay there for a longer time. I heard that the cement road has been paved to Yong County, a hundred miles south. Xu Yin also wanted to visit the two small counties along the way.

Since it was rare to get out, she wanted to visit a few more places so that she could complete the task of [Exploring Baigui County] as soon as possible and get the map of Baigui County.

After the rain stopped that day, Yan Kejin took her to the market in Dongcheng, Yong County.

The markets in various places are similar, but the difference lies in the specialties they sell.

Although he really couldn't understand what was so interesting about such small stalls and hawkers. But the princess liked it, so she reluctantly accompanied her.

Master, there are a lot of people gathered over there, there must be something good, lets go and have a look! Dong Xue pointed in one direction and said happily.

Xu Yin raised her eyes and saw that there were indeed many people surrounding her.

But as I got closer, I realized that instead of rushing to buy something, someone was clearly quarreling, and pedestrians passing by were watching and eating melons to join in the fun.

There were too many people, so Yan Kejin asked the guard to go to a street restaurant and ask for a private room upstairs. He ordered the most expensive mountain wild tea in the pot shop, and also served some local pastries and snacks.

There is a window in the private room, and you can see the quarrel scene from the window.

"Sun Ming, you are still not a man! Your brother poisoned my little treasure. Not only did you not arrest him and report him to the official, you also blamed me! I will fight with you today!"

A woman in her thirties was holding a little boy with a rash on his face, kicking and beating the man opposite.

The man became angry: "Are you finished? The doctor said that Xiaobao is fine, what else do you want? If you want to report it to the official, go ahead! Let's see if the official will help you or brother Yang. Brother Yang said this food cannot be eaten. A stone was specially used to press the lid of the bucket. How could Xiaobao touch the contents inside when he is so small? It was not you who instigated it! When something happens to Xiaobao, you blame others. The one who should really be blamed is yourself! "

The people watching were in an uproar.

From the crowd's chatter, Xu Yin roughly deduced what happened:

The male owner of this house brought a friend home. The female owner saw the friend bring a bucket to the door and clearly said that the bucket was not for food. The female owner did not believe it and secretly encouraged her child to get it. As a result, the child was poisoned. The owner wanted to call the police to arrest him, but the male owner refused, and the couple quarreled in the street.

However, Xu Yin felt that the red rash on her face was not necessarily due to poisoning, but could also be due to allergies. Maybe I touched something that people are allergic to.

At this moment, the woman overturned the wooden bucket in the man's hand in a fit of anger, and the white lotion in it spilled all over the floor.

"He said it's not for food, but it's clearly milk! I saw it when I was working in a noble family! You can't even try to deceive me! I asked Xiaobao to get some to drink because I wanted to supplement his nutrition. Who knew that your Yang My brother is so vicious that he poisoned the milk. This is not good for our family! You think he is a brother, does he think you are a brother? You loser!"

Xu Yin said "Huh".

What? Yan Kejin raised an eyebrow and looked at her.

"This shouldn't be milk." Xu Yin suddenly thought of a possibility, and hurriedly asked the guard to go down and scrape some white lotion up with a stone chip.

He smelled it from a close distance, rubbed it with his fingertips, and suddenly said: "Sure enough..."

Yan Kejin frowned when he saw her actions. He dipped a silk handkerchief in water and wiped her fingertips: "Aren't you afraid of being poisoned?"

This is not poison, this is natural rubber.

Xu Yin almost laughed out loud. She really planted flowers deliberately but not in bloom, but unintentionally planted willows to create shade.

When she first arrived in Nanman, she asked the housekeeper about rubber. She also paid attention to it when she went to the market, but there was no news about rubber.

Unexpectedly, I accidentally watched a couple quarreling when I went out to play, and I learned something from it.

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