The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 84: The sperm-making female partner chooses to farm (33)

Chapter 84: The sperm-making female partner chooses to farm (33)

Chapter 84: A female mate chooses to farm (33)

The strong men were so excited that they almost cried.

Princess, will you still harvest beans next year?

"Harvest!" Xu Yin's answer was very affirmative, "It's the same as sugar cane, you can harvest as much as you can."

They made up their minds and decided to go back and tell the clan leader that except for the high-quality paddy fields that were still planted with rice, and the high-yielding rice they exchanged with the princess, all the inferior fields were interplanted with corn and beans.

In their village, the second-grade paddy fields are several times that of the first-grade paddy fields.

In the past, I always complained that God did not give them a way to live, and the harvest from rice was low, and that planting corn was a waste of land. Now I understand: it is not that God does not give them a way to live, but that they themselves have not found the right direction.

Xu Yin was also concerned about the growth of a handful of sugar cane. The carpentry workshop was about to finish the juicer and was waiting for the sugar cane to be shipped in batches to produce sugar.

The sugar workshop has been selected and is under construction, just in the southern suburbs of Fucheng.

The wealthy prince bought all the fields around the workshop and used them exclusively to grow sugar cane. The sugar mill and sugar cane base are planned in one place to save transportation trouble.

A few days after buying the land, Yan Kejin received a letter sent by a flying pigeon from the guard who went to cross-border overseas continents to buy fruit saplings. He said that in a county in the east of Qin County, the black and purple-skinned sugar cane that the princess mentioned at the beginning was found. People grow it and sell it as fruit.

When Xu Yin learned the news, she urged Yan Kejin to write a reply to the guard, asking him to buy all the purple sugar cane there and then count the quantity. If there was too much, don't find a carriage to transport it to the city. The cost was too high. It is better to build a sugar workshop directly locally. Black and purple sugar cane boiled with earthen brown sugar is the best!

It's okay if the sugar cane bottoms out. She wrote down the method of burying it in the soil at the end of the letter. If she keeps it this way, it won't rot next year.

As for the candidate for sugar production...

Dongxue followed her down several times and became proficient in making red and white sugar. She was sent there to make sugar after the new year.

Since there are not enough manpower, send a few rougher women over to help.

The guard's reply has not yet been received, and the progress bar for the task of "Exploring Baigui County" given by the system has quietly moved forward a little.

It proved that her guess was correct - as long as she sent out the people, the harvest of the exploration also belongs to her.

At this rate, we may be able to explore all of Baigui County before the year:

Because Yan Jiu went to the rainforest area and indirectly explored the southwest.

On the eleventh day, we first went to the outer continent across the border, and now we stopped in the eastern part of Qin County, which is equivalent to exploring the southern and southeastern areas of the county.

After thinking about it, she asked Yan Kejin to second two guards and send them to the north of the county, the east of the county, the west of the county, and around the city.

The task given to them is to examine local specialties and geographical environment.

What people planted by the people, what they eat, what kind of lift, and no details, they are recorded, and they look back to see her.

The time limit for the task is set at the end of the year.

The royal guards still have to be neat and tidy during the New Year.

If this strategy works, then next year, we can follow this method to sweep the other four counties.

Xu Yin is looking forward to it.

The first person to return from his errands was Shi Shi. He pulled a carriage of southern fruits and specialties back to Fucheng before winter.

Princess, the sugar workshop has been built. The sugar cane purchased previously has been buried in the soil according to your method and can be dug up at any time.

Xu Yin praised him a few words after hearing this.

Yan Kejin felt sour when she heard this, and waved Eleven to step back: "You're free? Then go help your Tenth brother. He went to the west. There was only one news. It was said that bandits were rampant in Baipu area. Bao Buqi encountered them. .

Yes, Your Majesty.

Hey wait a minute.

Seeing that Eleven was about to leave, Xu Yin asked her grandma to pack a portion of each of the banana slices, taro sticks, dried sweet potatoes, and popcorn that she had baked a few days ago, and motioned to Eleven to take them.

"It's been a hard life these days, let's get a taste of these. When the fruit tree saplings you brought are planted next year, there will be more dried fruits. There is roast duck in the big kitchen today, you can also bring one back to add some. Cai, I will wait for you brothers to come back, and then I will take care of you."

Yan Shiyi thanked him happily.

Out of the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of the master's unhappy face. A chill ran down my back, and he left with the baggage in hand. Yan Kejin waited for him to go out, then turned to look at the princess: "Didn't you say those are all for me?"

Xu Yin hesitated slightly: Did she say this?

Even if I said

"Can you eat all that much by yourself?"

If you cant finish it, it belongs to me too.


These are freshly baked and delicious. They will become oily after being stored for a long time. I thought you just wanted to eat them fresh...Okay, I know you like them. Can I prepare them for you every once in a while?

Yan Kejin:

What's going on with this coaxing tone?

Xu Yin took the opportunity to change the topic: "Let's go and see what fruits Shiyi brought back. I heard that some of the fruits from other continents across the border are very strange, and I don't know if they taste good or not..."

Yan Kejin let her pull her to the front yard.

Xu Yin thought there were only fruits and other local products, but she didnt expect there was a box of South Sea pearls.

Yan Kejin took one look at it and stuffed it into her arms with disgust: "The quality and specifications are not of high quality, but it's okay to make beads and wear them for fun."

Xu Yin felt funny in her heart, this arrogant man.

"Then what kind of pearls would suit your eyes?" She looked at him jokingly.

Yan Kejin chuckled: "Wait."

Xu Yin didnt know why.

It was not until dinner time that he came to the main courtyard carrying an exquisite jewelry box.

Give it to you.

Xu Yin took it and took a look. Inside the jewelry box was a pair of jade-white pearls. Each one was as big as a pigeon egg, white, crystal clear and sparkling.

"My mother's relics, if she were still alive, she would definitely give them to you."

"But..." Xu Yin raised her head and looked at him, "This is not something I can wear."

Yan Kejin glanced at her: "I'm just letting you keep it, but I'm not letting you wear it. Why are you panicking? Didn't you ask me what kind of pearls can fit into my eyes? At least they must be of this grade."

dog man.

In the twelfth lunar month, the guards of the Yanzi team who were sent out to investigate came back one after another.

Yan Shiwu brought back the local specialties from Jundong and a thick stack of records, and reported back with a happy face:

Your Majesty, Your Majesty, my subordinates are fortunate to have lived up to their orders!

Xu Yin looked at what he brought back. No wonder the young man was so happy. He found a coal mountain in Jundong Mountain District -

Monster Mountain, which is called an ominous place by the locals.

The mountains are all black and barren of grass. Every year during the Ghost Festival in July, black smoke sometimes lingers on the mountains. People are afraid to get close to the mountains. There are no human habitations within a hundred miles.

When Yan Shishi was marching with King Jinnan to fight, he was lucky enough to see a coal mountain in the north of Yan. It was very similar to what the people explained with horror. So he prepared enough rations and drinking water and went deep into the mountain to explore, and found that it was indeed a coal mountain. Stretching for hundreds of miles, the coal reserves are by no means small.


Yan Kejin, who had always been calm and composed, couldn't help but be ecstatic at this moment.

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