The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 92: The sperm-making female partner chooses to farm (41)

Chapter 92: The sperm-making female partner chooses to farm (41)

Chapter 92: A female mate chooses to farm (41)

Those landmasses, according to the visual inspection of the guards, are not necessarily smaller than Yanhua.

Yan Kejin was reminded of a sentence that the princess often said for a while: The world is so big and life is so short, why limit yourself to the small Yanhua?

His heart suddenly became enlightened at this moment.

Xu Yin saw that he was busy in the study all day, so she didn't bother him.

When I was bored, I planned to go out for a walk, but he used a cabin of pearl agate to stay in the embroidery building.

These jewels, some of which are old, and some of which are still very new, were all robbed by pirates from passing merchant ships or ships from other countries. Generation after generation, I dont know how many generations of pirate wealth have been accumulated.

Xu Yin took Cai Qing and the two of them while wiping and thinking: too much jewelry is actually of little use. In her opinion, it is not as practical as a warehouse full of supplies.

However, she has a better idea now.

That night, when the couple had dinner together, Xu Yin expressed her thoughts.

After hearing this, Yan Kejin raised his handsome eyebrows lightly: "Build a navy? Patrol the coastline at ordinary times, and go to war at any time in case of war?"

Thats right.

Xu Yin gave him an analysis of the importance of the navy:

"The coastline, like Yanguan, is also an important national defense, even more important. We can invent muskets and cannons, do you think other countries will not have them? If one day they attack with big ships and cannons, do you think they will be able to invent muskets and cannons? Can Yanhua's current military strength be able to defend it? They can fight on the sea, can we? They can drive straight in with their boats, but our soldiers may faint as soon as they get on the ship."

The more Yan Kejin listened, the more solemn his expression became.

Thinking of the Yanzi teams adaptive training before going to sea, most of the time they were indeed fighting against seasickness.

I didnt think so much about it at the time, but now that I think about it, I get a chill down my spine.

The Yanzi team who followed him in countless battles in the north and south had to get used to getting on the ship for a long time, let alone ordinary soldiers who had not undergone long-term combat training.

Let's not talk about the Nanman coast, let's talk about Linhai County. Why do pirates come all over the Shura Field?

The soldiers guarding the city, the hand before holding the spear is used to wield the hoe. They have never gone into battle to fight against the enemy or fight in front of the horse. They have struggled to fight on the ground. How can we expect them to fight at sea? What a joke!


This king has no right to raise soldiers privately. If word spreads to the capital, my father will suspect that I want to force the palace.

Xu Yin also considered this.

For the outside world, we can say that we are setting up a caravan to go to sea. Anyway, most of the training is carried out at sea.

After thinking about it, Xu Yin added: "Other countries have not thought that it would be best to attack Yanhua from the coastline, but what if it happens? Just think of me as overly cautious and prepare for a rainy day. I would rather not be able to use it than to be caught off guard when something happens."

Yan Kejin pondered for a while: "Recruiting in the name of forming a caravan is a good method. The recruits will be trained in batches, and when they are finished, the Yanzi Team will take them out to sea for training. Those who have not had their turn to train will be patrolled offshore to take precautions. In this way , we have to build a beacon tower some distance away from the seaside, otherwise there will be no time for any movement to be transmitted back."

"Just build a signal tower." Xu Yin suggested, "Once the beacon tower is repaired, won't it be exposed again? Let's pick some uninhabited islands and build a few signal towers to pilot ships. The signals between ships and signal towers can be designed , for example, a steady light indicates safety, a slow flash indicates there is movement that requires patrolling, and a quick flash indicates an emergency situation that requires defense..."

Xu Yin casually thought of a few signals, and then drew a solar signal tower.

Thanks to the discovery of abundant silicon ore reserves in several counties in Nanman, otherwise we really wouldnt be able to afford solar panels as consumables.

The couple chatted more and more deeply, and their sleepiness was gone. It was not until the watchman's knock came again on the street that they realized it was the third watch.

"Let's go to bed first and think about it tomorrow." Xu Yin yawned and felt sleepy. She turned off the light, nestled into his arms, and fell asleep soon after.

Yan Kejin was as awake as in the early morning when her brain works best.

He carefully deduced what the princess just said, and it was indeed feasible. He pressed a kiss on her delicate face and then laughed:

"Everyone else knows that this king has bad luck. First he lost his position as the crown prince, and then he was forced to marry the stupid fourth girl of the Prime Minister's Palace. Little did they know that this was not a calamity, but a blessing! The princess was so stupid, she was obviously as wise as a fool! "

In the next few days, with Xu Yins planning and Yan Kejins deployment, the couple suddenly turned their vacation into work.

It wasnt until the first month of the year when the notice for recruiting crew members was posted and handed over to the Yanzi team for inspection and training that the original leisurely pace returned.

Qin County seems to have only two seasons. Not long after the first lunar month, the temperature at noon is almost 30 degrees.

Fortunately, she brought enough clothes with her when she came. From winter clothes to summer clothes, Xia Zhu was fully prepared.

Put on a skirt made of silk and soft tobacco produced by our own textile workshop. It is light, soft and breathable, just like what the ancients described - "The lotus breeze blows cool to the pillow, and the tulle is like mist and smoke."

Not only is it cooler to wear, it also has a more graceful texture than a brocade skirt. When you walk, the skirt sways, as if there are lotuses growing on the soles of your feet.

Xu Yin chose the lotus leaf skirt that was azure after the rain. After walking on the street for a while, several official ladies came to her. They held up a round fan to cover their faces and shyly asked her which tailor shop made this dress. of.

Xu Yin:

I wonder if its too late to ask the textile shop to speed up and open a branch in Qin County?

The answer is naturally no.

Currently, the silkworms spun out by silkworms are simply exchanged for cotton, medicinal materials, beef and mutton through merchants and Beidi, or shipped to other countries to be exchanged for fine tonic medicinal materials such as bird's nests, Ganoderma lucidum, tiger bone wine, etc. The inventory of condiments that are abundant in the local area is almost empty.

The output is still too low. We need to call on more people to raise silkworms and sell silkworm cocoons.

However, if there is a plan to expand a branch, Qin County can be given priority.

I don't know Xu Yin's identity as these official ladies, but looking at her clothes, I guess she is either a noble from the capital or a daughter of an official from Linhai County, and her status will be higher than them. Therefore, I didn't get the answer I wanted, but I don't know. Dare to vent your anger on Xu Yin.

Just after I returned home, I couldnt help but talk about it with my parents.

The master of one of the families was the one who accepted and managed the exiled prisoners, so he became suspicious when he heard this.

A few days ago, another group of deportees were sent to Beijing. The escorting officer said that the road from Qinxian Mountain to Qinxian County was newly built. It was flat and clean. It was not muddy or waterlogged on rainy days. It was said that it was Jinnan. King's handiwork.

He couldn't help but wonder: Why did King Jinnan build such a road? Could it be to facilitate his inspection in Qin County? Could it be that the noble person my daughter met on the street was Princess Jinnan?

At the moment, I exchanged information with my colleagues and learned that someone had indeed seen people from the Yanzi Team in Qin County.

Yanzi team? Those are the personal guards trained by King Jinnan. Doesn't it mean that King Jinnan is also in Qin County?

You are so good, why did King Jinnan come to Qin County?

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