The Conquerors Path

Chapter 150: Leonardo’s Preposition

Chapter 150: Leonardo’s Preposition

“So what are you doing here Leonardo?”

I asked to Leonardo who was now sitting in front of me in a couch, after meeting him I entered the room with Elda who sat beside me in the couch that I sat, now I sat facing Leonardo and one other girl that sat beside him, she had shiny brown hair that was in a bob cut with sparkling brown eyes

She gave off the vibes of a next door girl, cheerful, innocent and fun, her body was small and she looked like a cute animal that needed protection, seeing her I understood who she was directly but just to be sure I used the read function


Name: Sonia Fizaree

Sex: Female

Age: 17

species: human/vampire

Talent: 8/10

Power: Origin level 2

Title: The Lost One, Cute Girl, The One Who Wants To Protect

Love: 0%

Description: A girl with the blood of a noble vampire flowing through her but doesn’t know it

>Has a crush on Leonardo but to shy to do anything, thinks that Leonardo is the best and will one day definitely become powerful

>Wants to become powerful to help Leonardo but doesn’t now what she should do

Difficulty: A+(Go on my sailor!, conquer the promised holy lands!)


Seeing her information, I sighed, in the starting of the game she’s like a freebie that’s given to you, you just have to do a few moves and she will be yours, she basically the childhood friend route, not only that in the upcoming future she would awaken her vampire side becoming a force to be reckoned with

Vampires do exist in this world, they are extremely annoying to deal with due to their high regeneration and crazy style of combat, the only thing good is that they can’t fight in the light, they live in the demon realm and is one of the noble clans

But that’s where it changes for her, half vampire are extremely rare, since it’s very hard to find a cross breed between a demon and human, anyhow once Sonia awakens her other side she would have the good things of both side, she would have all the abilities that vampires have and she would be able to walk in the sun with no problem, something only a few noble vampires could do

Looking at the shy Sonia, I have was having a small headache, in the game she’s easy to conquer but now she’s a big obstacle I have to overcome, the only good thing is that Leonardo’s too dense to realize her feelings and only thinks of her as a good dear little sister

‘Well good for me, I might well as take this cute thing for myself’

I thought as I looked at Sonia who was shyly sitting beside Leonardo and sneaking glances here and there, whenever her eyes met mine she will quickly avert it like a scared rabbit, I couldn’t help find it cute, well after having a quick look at her I turned to Leonardo who was kept staring at Elda in daze

Ever since I entered and he had a look at her, his face was like he met his dream girl or something, at first a blush took his face and he kept looking at her in daze, Elda saw it too but she was used to it but now it’s been a few seconds and he’s still in daze, so all I could do was cough and get his attention

“Cough, have had enough fill of watching my sister?”

“Ah!, no-no I just thought that she was really bea-beautiful!”

Flustered Leonardo quickly waved his hands with a blush, at the same time I took notice of Sonia’s reaction, I could a sadness and bitterness flashing through her eyes as she looked at Leonardo, I hid my smirk as I nodded my heads to Leonardo’s words

“Indeed my little sister is beautiful”

Elda who was unmoved my Leonardo’s words unconsciously smiled with happiness after hearing my words, the smile again brought him to daze, seeing the situation I quickly spoke again

“So?, why are you here? and whose this little beauty beside you”

While I spoke those words I gave Sonia a natural charming smile, which quickly induced a blush on her face, this was good time to earn some brownie points, first there’s no girl that doesn’t like a compliment and mine came at the exact time she was down from comparing her herself with Elda, so I quickly earned a good rapport

“Ah!, sorry for the sudden meeting but I wanted to speak with you, oh! and the ones sitting beside me is Sonia she’s my childhood friend and she’s like a sister to me!”

When Leonardo spoke about her just being a sister, I could see a disappointed look on her face, even Elda sitting next to could notice that Sonia wanted more with Leonardo, well one might thing about how someone like her without any background or great talent could enter the Babylon Academy

Simple it’s because her vampire side is known to the higher ups and they couldn’t just let go of such a future powerhouse, hence they hid it among themselves and is just waiting for the other side to awaken, as for why they are sure she would awaken, well I have no idea, it was jut like that in the game

“So what’s it that you wanted to talk about?”

“Oh it’s simple, I want to join your faction!”

“Um?, Why?”

I asked surprised, in the game he really didn’t join any faction, well technically it was the players choice, he would become like a mercenary who would work for any faction that paid him, that’s how he started to be acquainted to all those powerful girls that paid him, hearing my question a powerful flame lit in his eyes

“Because I became your fan after I saw that fight during the Seth hunt!, you were really amazing, I was really moved when I saw you fight to save those soldiers, it was really heart moving!, I wanted to come and talk to you afterwards but you were not free”

“I got a lot of offers but I think that joining your faction is the best choice for me, plus even Durendal agrees that the path I am taking is good”

With that Leonardo stopped talking as he waited for my answer, well after hearing him I went into deep thought as I leaned backward, what he proposed was tempting, if he join me not only would I have a powerful ally but I would also be able to keep tabs on him easily but that would also mean that the future troubles that he faced would one to me too

There’s a lot of pros and cons, plus if he joins Sonia would join to making it easier for me to lay my hands on her and seeing her response to Leonardo’s sudden interest in Elda I might have a plan to get my hands on this cute and shy girl

So the question is: To accept or not to accept?

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