The Crown's Entrapment

Chapter 691 Always Be Here For You

Calypso once dreamt of this scene… For years, he longed to be with his mother. A dream to be with her again when she returned to him and his father. He was eight when she left, and he waited for her for ten long years before he finally realized that he was only waiting in vain, not to mention how his father died because of heartache.

When he turned twenty-one, he decided to leave Cordon to wander around the world and find a person with the gift of clairvoyance that could possibly help in giving justice to his uncle Lucian's suspicious death. And now, he had come back, and so many things had happened in his life since then. He never once thought that this time would actually come… For him to meet his mother again face to face like this...

There were so many words that needed to be said, but he didn't even know where to begin or if he would even be able to say a thing at all. He couldn't help but glance at Calum who was said to be his half-brother. Envy and anger filled his heart at the same time just looking at the boy.

"You could've at least kept in contact with me, but you didn't…" he found the courage to weakly murmur. 

"I'm so ashamed… I'm a-also confused at the t-time, my son," Anna stuttered out. "S-something between me and H-huig happened, a-and I g-got pp-regnant…"

She looked like she was struggling to speak as she gasp for breath. There was a moment of silence on Calypso's side as he simply watched Calum hold his mother's hand. 

"Mother… Are you in pain?"

Ah, it was a perfect picture of a mother and son.

[Where is that family wrecker?] Axel growled. [Where's this Huig who snatched Mother away from us?]

[It's not his fault…] Calypso replied with a dark expression. [It was still on her to decide to run away with him.]

"I've been preparing myself for this day... I already thought up of various reasons to explain, but in the end, I know nothing will be enough to justify what I did," Anna weakly sobbed, clearly trying her best to deliver her words. 

"I… I've been selfish, but I couldn't stay with you and your father while having this strong a connection towards my mate. I know it's too late already, but I… I'm glad to see how much you've grown to be a fine man without me. I can only hope that you forgive me, Son. Even if it isn't now… No matter how long it might take even after I'm gone, I hope you can let go of the anger I instilled inside your heart for your own good, Son…" 

"I am truly sorry for what I d-did…" she lastly uttered, her tears continuing to fall down her cheeks as she stared at him with begging eyes.

Calypso didn't say a word. He simply gritted his teeth, with his tense body only loosening up when he felt Aurelia's hand holding onto his. He had mixed emotions, and he did not know what to say. He pitied how his mother looked at that moment. Gone was the beauty she once possessed the last time he saw her. The disease clearly took a huge toll on both her appearance and body. 

He recalled his father's last dying moments then, of how he also begged him to forgive him for leaving him so soon. He held a lot of heartache for it for so many years… He lived in fear because of his childhood trauma, but at that point, feeling Aurelia's comforting warmth through their Bond and how she tightly held onto his hand as if she wouldn't let him go… gave him the courage to let go of all those fears.

He turned to his side and saw Aurelia's beautiful face giving him the warmest smile she could possibly muster. It wasn't much on the outside, but he could feel how much she was supporting him as she nodded and whispered, "You can do this…" 

With newfound confidence, Calypso turned his gaze back to his mother. "I… forgive you," he unknowingly uttered as he stared closely at his mother. Tears started pooling in his eyes before they fell like silent rivers that continued to flow quietly.


Calypso held his breath as his mother failed to continue her line of thought. At that very moment, she struggled as she choked on her own breath, her eyes still regretful as she finally breathed her last. He could tell she was gone, and he remained unmoving from where he stood.

"Mother!!!!" Calum wailed as he rushed to his mother's side.

Likewise, Aurelia rushed to his mother's side as well to check on her pulse. His mate looked at him and then slowly shook her head as she said, "She's gone…"

Calypso could only stare at his mother. Things happened so fast that he didn't know how to respond. It was also then that he also saw Huig rush inside the room and hugged his mother lovingly. He and Calum continued sobbing while they called out his mother's name, hoping as if it would bring her back to life.

"Calypso," Aurelia breathed out beside him.


He was speechless. He felt like he was zoning out, and he didn't even notice how Aurelia had already dragged him out of the room and pulled him somewhere around the corner where there was no one around.

The next thing he knew, she was hugging him tightly, pulling his head against her shoulders.

"Hmm… Just be yourself around me. Let it out," she whispered as she comforted him, her hands gently stroking his hair and back.

"I…" he murmured, his sobs only now beginning to come out.

"It's alright. What's important is that the two of you met, even if it's going to be the last time…" Aurelia soothingly comforted, her words sounding both calm and serene despite her usual tone. "I'm always here, Calypso, and I will always be here for you."

Right then and there, he hugged her tightly and murmured, "I love you so much, Aurelia…"

As he said those words, he felt his body weaken, and it took him his all before he inevitably fell with all of his weight onto her.

"C-Calypso? What's happening? Are you alright?" 

He heard Aurelia call out to him, her tone sounding more panicked with each repetition. His eyes stared at her as he gave her his sweetest smile before everything else turned black.

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