The Exiled Life of the Noble Girl

Chapter 109

Chapter 109

Seeing the servant leave, Tang Shan narrowed his eyes slightly. Who was targeting the Li family? Or was it targeting the Prince's manor? Li Mingwei was just a sacrificial piece.

He had been away from the capital for many years and usually only relied on letters from friends to get some news. He didn't know the current situation in the capital city very well. Besides, people coming and going in the court were all for their own interests and changed too quickly to grasp. After thinking for a while, he gained nothing and could only go back to the rear hall.

He nodded lightly to Li Mingwei, indicating that he had made proper arrangements, and his gaze swept over her belly, "Since your pregnancy is unstable, why don't you stay in the city to recuperate? I have another residence that can be used for your rest."

"Thank you for your kind offer, schoolmate Tang, but I prefer more tranquility. The city is too noisy. It's better for me to go home. My mother-in-law is at home to take good care of me, so schoolmate doesn't need to worry."

Since she was unwilling, Tang Shan did not force her. He suddenly remembered his first meeting with Liu Yizhu, and he smiled, "I met your husband once a few days ago. He looked quite talented."

Li Mingwei was surprised and raised her eyebrows. Tang Shan had specially gone to the academy to see him. I hope he didn't expose her.

"Don't overthink," Tang Shan explained, "That day he came to my manor to look for Tang Jue and asked me about the school. So I took the chance to examine him. I think he has a solid foundation and shouldn't have any problem passing the imperial examination next autumn."

He calculated the months in his mind, "By then, the child in your belly would have been born, and you can return to the capital with him."

Li Mingwei just smiled without answering. She didn't plan it that way. She wanted to wait until he passed the spring imperial examination before considering it. Next year in August or September, the child would only be three or four months old. It wouldn't be good to travel such a long distance even with carriages and horses.

Although she knew her sister and brother-in-law were probably waiting for her, she still chatted with Tang Shan for a few more sentences. She had just asked him for help and shouldn't pretend not to know him.

Since Tang Shan praised Liu Yizhu, she talked about Tang Jue, "I've also met your son a few times. He is graceful and resembles you, schoolmate Tang."

Except a bit flashy.

" way. My son..." Tang Shan was at a loss for words and sighed. Being graceful and handsome didn't attract you. What's the use?

"Why? I heard he is quite outstanding in the academy. Schoolmate, don't be too modest."

"Just average."

Tang Shan waved his hand, unwilling to mention his unfortunate son further.

While the two were chatting leisurely, Wang Chunhua and Dong Shan had been waiting at the door of the restaurant for a long time. Wang Chunhua was worried and walked around the restaurant twice, but didn't see anyone. She was getting quite anxious.

When she finally saw Li Mingwei in the crowd, she let out a sigh of relief and hurried up to her, “Where have you been?”

Li Mingwei shook the paper bag in her hand, “I went to buy desserts and sour plums. The dessert shop was a bit far away. I didn't dare walk too fast either, so it took a little longer. Did I keep sister and brother-in-law waiting for long?”

“Not too long.” Wang Chunhua looked her up and down and saw she was fine. She supported Li Mingwei to the carriage, “Shall we go straight home or stop by the academy to let Student Liu know?”

Li Mingwei looked towards the academy. It was quite far away. She said, “Let’s go home first. Don't tell him yet. Wait until the pregnancy has stabilized before informing him.”


It was just early September now. He wouldn’t be back for over twenty days. By then, the medicine sister-in-law had been taking would be finished. They could come to the county town together again.

Wang Chunhua helped Li Mingwei onto the carriage. The three of them set off for home.

Old Lady Wang heard the rolling sound of the wheels outside. She hurriedly got up from the ground, dusted off the booklet in her arms and put it inside her clothes. Then she nimbly opened the door.

“You’re back?”

“Yes.” Li Mingwei’s gaze fell on the dust on her pant legs. She laughed, “Mother, you’re studying etiquette at home again?”

Old Lady Wang looked down and quickly dusted off her legs, “Oh, I had nothing else to do anyway, so I was just studying a bit.”

She looked up at Wang Chunhua and pointed inside, “Little Yan is sleeping inside.”

Wang Chunhua handed the desserts and medicines to Li Mingwei, intending to go inside with Old Lady Wang to carry the child. But Old Lady Wang was surprised to see the medicine pack in Li Mingwei's hand. She had thought it was Wang Chunhua's medicine. How come it was hers?

“What’s the matter?” She looked Li Mingwei up and down but didn't see anything missing from her. She hadn't heard her complain of pain before either. Since when did she start taking medicine?

Wang Chunhua came over and pulled her hand anxiously, “Don’t examine her. She is precious now and shouldn’t be touched or bumped into.”

“If you keep examining her, do you still want to be a grandmother?!”



Old Lady Wang narrowed her cloudy old eyes, looking completely confused. What had she just heard?!

Wang Chunhua laughed heartily. Wasn’t she also shocked yesterday? She grabbed Old Lady Wang's hand and said loudly, "Your daughter-in-law is pregnant. You're going to be a grandmother!"

Old Lady Wang turned and grabbed Li Mingwei's arm with her shaky hands, "You're pregnant! Weren't you unable to conceive? How did you get pregnant?"

She had been prepared to redeem her son's disappointment in her even after her death. What was going on now? Did her Liu family have an heir again?

"Yes, mother. I’m pregnant."

Wang Chunhua pulled her over and explained, "Her pregnancy is a little unstable. The doctor let her rest more and prescribed her medicine. Remember to cook it for her."

"Alright, alright. I'll cook it right away." Old Lady Wang grabbed the medicine pack and headed to the backyard. Halfway there, she came back again, "Why don't you all stay and eat here today? I’ll go cook the medicine. Brother-in-law, please help kill a chicken for me."

Dong Shan looked at Wang Chunhua and pushed the carriage into the yard to catch a chicken.

Wang Chunhua supported Li Mingwei back to the room to lie down. After checking on little Yan who was still sleeping, she also wanted to help in the kitchen. But Li Mingwei held her back, “Where is Xiao Lei? Why don’t you go get him?”

“No need. I already told him this morning that if the door is closed when he gets home, he should go to the Liu family’s place to find Xiao Yan. He must still be doing homework at the academy now. If he doesn’t show up later, I’ll go check.”

Hearing this, Li Mingwei felt at ease. She took a pillow from the cabinet to prop herself up in bed. After watching little Yan for a while, she felt bored and took out one of Liu Yizhu’s old books from the desk to casually flip through.

Unfortunately she really couldn't focus on reading it. Hearing the clucking of chickens outside and some bustling sounds, she felt restless and had an urge to go out and watch the lively scene, but didn't dare take the risk.

She heaved a long sigh. She still had a month of such days to endure. How was she going to get through it?

Old Lady Wang sat on the stove watching over the medicine pot. The small fan in her hand kept fanning the fire. She fell into deep thoughts. What had she argued fiercely about with her son all those years for? She had offended him for so long over nothing.

Wang Chunhua glanced at her a few times and went over, “Stop fanning, it’s cooked. Let’s start cooking. Where’s the rice?”

“Oh, oh, let me do it.” Old Lady Wang hurriedly collected herself to go cook.

That night, she still couldn’t fall asleep. She couldn't help but take out her late husband's memorial tablet to wipe it clean, hugged it and shed some tears. She had thought she would fail her son even after death. But now everything was fine.

Her hand brushed over the carved name, "If you have any spiritual powers in heaven, you must bless our daughter-in-law to safely give birth to the child!"

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