The Exiled Life of the Noble Girl

Chapter 193

Chapter 193

Tang Jue's whole life, besides his mother, he only cared about two things: drinking alcohol and drinking flower wine. He loved his mother because of his father, and also because of the second, and the third.

When Tang Shan passed the imperial examination, he studied in the Capital City for several years, took the exam three times before becoming a successful candidate, a total of nine years, the bitterness of which only he knew, so he was determined not to let his son follow in his footsteps.

At the age of three, Tang Jue had the best teacher in the county come to enlighten him, teaching him one-on-one every day, almost without a break throughout the year, which was too much for a child of his age.

When Li Mingwei was tired, she would go to her grandfather, while Tang Jue would go to his mother when he was tired. Lady Tang was always gentle and kind, and with only one child, she naturally indulged him.

Tang Shan was displeased: "If you don't work hard when you're young, you'll regret it when you're old. I'm doing this for his own good."

"But Jue is just a child now. Look around, how many children his age spend all day studying like him?"

Lady Tang sighed, "Husband, too much of anything is not good. You'll only make him resentful of studying."

Tang Shan looked at his son, who was hiding behind Lady Tang, his little face tense and nodding like a garlic crusher. In the end, he relented, allowing him to go out and play for a while as long as he completed his homework properly. If not, they would discuss it later.

In any case, Tang Jue had never lacked the teacher's cane or his father's discipline from childhood to adulthood.

As the son of the county magistrate, Tang Jue often attended banquets and feasts. Prompted by others, he tasted alcohol early on and initially found the taste tolerable.

But when he discovered that after getting drunk and coming home, he wouldn't have to study or face punishment, but could happily collapse into bed and sleep soundly, he fell in love with drinking completely.

Whenever he felt tired or bored and needed to rest, he would invite three or five good friends to drink, or go to the Heavenly Fragrance Pavilion and share a cup with a confidant, pouring out his heart.

On the way to the Capital City, Tang Jue began to worry. He wondered if he would find like-minded drinking companions in the city.

He was frustrated: "Why can't Yang Jingyuan just give in a little!"

Zhong Liangyu knew exactly what he was thinking and looked at him disdainfully, "You worry more than his own parents."

"Do you think I want to? If you two are willing to drink with me, I wouldn't think about him."

He looked hopefully at the two of them, but received no response, and his head drooped instantly.

After they arrived in the Capital City, Tang Jue continued his previous habits. Liu Yizhu and Zhong Liangyu ignored him, so most of the time he went to the Heavenly Fragrance Pavilion.

The Pavilion was filled with music and dancers, among whom was a talented musician who played the zither exceptionally well, capturing Tang Jue's heart. In fact, more than her skill, Tang Jue enjoyed the soft, gentle sound of her voice, like fluffy white clouds in the sky, soothing him inside out.

As he frequented the place, there was no need for words. The attendants at the Heavenly Fragrance Pavilion welcomed him into the room, and he went to find Qiu Rou.

Qiu Rou entered the room and greeted him. Seeing him sitting by the window in silence, she knew his mood was not very good. She quietly walked to his side and gently massaged his shoulders.

"Are you tired from studying, Sir Tang?"

Tang Jue shook his head.

She continued softly, "Then, what kind of music would Sir like to listen to today?"

"I don't want to listen to anything." Tang Jue held her hand, making her sit beside him. "Just accompany me and talk to me."

Qiu Rou agreed and gently stroked Tang Jue's slightly furrowed brow, her eyes full of tenderness as she asked, "What's wrong with you today, Sir? You look so gloomy. Did something troubling happen?"


She lowered her eyes, blaming herself, "It's Qiu Niang's incompetence. I can't help Sir, so Sir doesn't want to tell Qiu Niang anything."

Seeing her despondent look, Tang Jue couldn't help but soften a bit and explained, "That's not what I meant."

Qiu Rou threw herself into his arms, tugging at his clothes, lightly biting her thin lips, "Then what do you mean, Sir?"

Tang Jue embraced her, her soft voice in his ear, her delicate and fragile body in his arms. He felt a stir in his heart, but he restrained himself.

He leaned back a bit, whispering, "It's nothing, just some worries about the imperial examination."

According to his father's habit, if he doesn't pass next year, he will have to stay in the capital for another three years. In these past two years, he has been very tired every day. If he really has to endure another three years, he might as well die.

Qiu Rou held his hand, leaning against his chest, gently smiling, "It won't happen."

"What won't happen?"

"You won't have to endure another three years." She sat up, looking into Tang Jue's eyes, her tone gentle yet firm. "Sir will definitely make a name for himself. Qiu Niang has seen your hard work in these past two years, Qiu Niang believes in Sir, you can do it."

Although he knew she was saying good things, Tang Jue felt a bit better. He also felt that he had really worked hard in these past two years.

He tugged at the corner of his mouth, "I hope so."

Li Mingwei and Liu Yizhu had dinner and were digesting in the garden. Seeing him coming back late again, with a hint of blush on his face, Li Mingwei shook her head, "Went to see Qiu Rou again?"

Tang Jue nodded, leaning against the rockery, laughing, "You two can be lovey-dovey all day, but I can't go see a girl to vent my feelings?"

"I can't control you, go if you want." Li Mingwei crossed her arms, looking at him suspiciously, "Do you really like that Qiu Rou?"

She looked a bit worried, "It would be difficult to convince Brother and Sister-in-law to let her in."

"Sister-in-law, what are you thinking!"

"Am I going to marry her?" Tang Jue pointed to himself, laughing helplessly, "Why would I marry her? When I go to the Heavenly Fragrance Pavilion, it's just to pay her to play a tune for me, to accompany me in conversation."

So, marrying her would mean that those who have been her clients in bed should marry her even more.

"Her voice just suits my taste, everything she says sounds good."

Tang Housekeeper stood behind him, scratching his head, cautiously asking, "Does young master like a pleasant voice?"

Tang Jue turned his head to look at him, "What's the matter?"

"Nothing..." Tang Housekeeper bowed, "Today, the old master sent a letter, saying that the family has arranged a marriage for you, asking you to prepare, and get married after next year's spring exams."

He didn't know what the future Mrs. Tang's voice would be like.

"Do I have to wait until the exam results are out to decide?" Tang Jue frowned, there's a big difference between being on the list and not being on it.

"I don't know, the letter only mentioned that it's the daughter of the chief advisor of Chengzhou. This chief advisor and the old master were classmates, and now he is highly valued by the Governor."

Tang Jue waved his hand, "Okay, I got it."

Li Mingwei clicked her tongue twice, "You're agreeing just like that, without even asking if she's pretty or if her voice sounds nice?"

"Tsk!" Tang Jue shrugged, "As long as my dad thinks she's useful, it's fine. Who cares what she's like."

"You're quite sensible, aren't you?"

"I've always been sensible."

He's now a scholar, being able to marry the chief advisor's daughter is already good enough. Her official position is even higher than his father's, although he might not necessarily work in Chengzhou in the future, and may not need this connection. But his father will definitely have a better time in Anhuai.

If there's something to gain, why not go for it?

Of course, if the girl from his family is pretty, that would be the best, and if she can handle a little bit of alcohol, even better!

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