The Four Swords

Chapter 101: Stag Night

Chapter 101: Stag Night

Carrion stared daggers at me. I finally composed myself but not without drawing some attention from those around us. I waved off their concerned looks indicating I was perfectly fine.

Alina took a moment while I was collecting myself to do the same, but in a much different manner. I could see emotion flash across her face. Confusion. Anger. Frustration. She took a deep breath and a neutral mask remained.

"I am sorry, Sir Carrion. I am not sure I understand your meaning," Princess Alina said before taking her own sip of punch.

I laughed internally. That little action was such a power play. She was either challenging him to keep his remarks less shocking so as to not repeat my mistake, or was telling him that he could not startle her as easily. I applauded the boldness in my own way, by joining her in a sip. Maybe court politics were amusing, as long as I didn't have to be involved.

Carrion's thin lips pressed into a tight line. He obviously had not expected this conversation to go this way.

"Someone," Carrion stretched out the word as if implying Princess Alina might know who he was speaking about. "Led me to believe that your previous engagement was set in place to strengthen Ensis before the Norads attacked."

Alina's cheeks flushed. "Sir Carrion, I'm not sure what you've heard..."

Carrion cut in, "It's perfectly alright if you do not want to discuss the past, Princess. Let us focus on the future. I do think it would be prudent for our kingdom to have someone supporting you by your side."

"Thank you for your opinion, however," Alina stumbled over her words as she was not used to being interrupted.

Carrion continued as if he had not heard the Royal. "I think I could make an excellent companion and would defend Ensis with all of my power."

This kid had some guts. Not only was he attempting to convince a Princess he is her best option, but he was also ignoring her whilst doing so. No one in their right mind would consider this the best course of action.

It must be a requirement to pursue a mate at court. It is the only reasonable explanation for the girls trying to play matchmaker with me and Carrion making a fool of himself.

Alina stood there, unwilling to be interrupted again by this insolent boy masquerading as a man. Carrion took a moment to finally assess how his words were being received. I have no idea what he saw that made him proceed.

"Of course, I know you need time to think on this important matter. If I do not hear from you before the next petitioner's court, I shall know my answer," Carrion smiled, fully relieved of all that was on his mind when he started the conversation. The strange part was, he did not say what he would assume the answer was if he did not hear from the Princess.

"Sir Carrion, I must let you know that I do not need until the next petitioner's court to let you know my answer," Princess Alina said through gritted teeth, unwilling to let her emotions run free in the middle of a crowded room.

Just as Alina was finally getting to have her say, she was interrupted yet again. This time by a higher authority.

"There you are, my dear daughter!" Queen Valerie interjected herself into the tense conversation unknowingly. "I will be ending the reception soon and will be conducting Lord Jacobson's first Swordsman meeting. Please join me." The Queen offered her arm to her daughter.

Lord Garrison flanked the Queen's other side. I took a moment to mirror him on Alina's. As I did so, it was almost as if Queen Valerie noticed Sir Carrion for the first time.

"Oh, Sir Carrion. Could you do me a favor and let your father know a meeting is about to begin? I would also appreciate it if you and your sister might accompany him." The Queen's voice took a dip at the last phrase. She must have made the same assessment I had. Lord Bleddyn needed some support.

"Certainly, Your Majesty," Carrion bowed with a hopeful smile.

"Oh and Sir John, too." The Queen amended before turning toward her exit.

"No need to find me," Sir John told Carrion, before falling in step with me. I have no idea where that man came from. He must know the palace better than anyone.

The royal trumpeters played the fanfare associated with dismissal. The crowds started to clear. I took one last glance back toward Carrion. The smug look on his face told me he did not understand the Princess's feelings towards his proposal. Someone would have to straighten him out later.

The Queen took her place at the head of the council table, allowing the rest of us to be seated as well. I took my seat. It still felt strange to be here. It was nowhere near the first time I sat in the seat, but typically I was still sweaty from a hard ride into the city. I would stay for the meeting then leave to fulfill my orders. Knowing I would be stuck in the city for as long as the Queen desired, made my skin itch for action.

The entirety of the council looked toward the Queen, awaiting her first order of business. She took a moment to survey the group before her before clearing her throat.

"First things first, congratulations are in order. Thank you, Lord Jacobson, for your service to Ensis as the newest Swordsman from the clan of Stag." The Queen smiled in Jacobson's direction. The lanky teen smiled and his uncle patted his shoulder with pride.

"That being said, I am sorry I do not have time to better ease you into this position. Your first task as a Swordsman will start after this meeting. Don't worry, Lord Holden, Sir John, Lady Calista, Sir Carrion and Princess Alina will join you."

No one said anything but I met several pairs of eyes around the room asking the same questions internally as I was. The Queen had a way of keeping everyone on their toes.

"We need to know if the gnomes can tell us anything more than they already have. King Berlio has forbidden the Gnomes from visiting our kingdom until the situation with the Norads is resolved. As such, I need that group to transport Alina to the gnomish border. Tonight."

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