The Four Swords

Chapter 42: Tea

Chapter 42: Tea

I made one last sweep through the training field with my shadows both in tow. I hope those in attendance at tea did not mind that all three of us had worked up a sweat while training.

I was not sure exactly what I should look for as I walked the field. Surely the Swordsmen knew their clans better than I did. Was this some type of test? If it was, I would fail.

Or would I? Why would the Swordmen value my opinion? They were not allowed to match their own clansmen in sparring. It was a rule meant to protect them from rogue power hungry clansmen that might do them harm on purpose. I remembered that I had not picked a single of my sparring partners today and they were from various clans.

I think I figured out part of the puzzle I was given, but I still did not know who would work best for this assignment. I looked over the men I sparred with one last time to at least have a description ready if I was asked directly about them. I finally reached Cali at the edge of the field.

Today Alina must not have won the argument with Cali over clothes. Her breeches were on full display. The only compromise I think Cali made was her blouse was somewhat elegant with some draping. It would not be the most conducive for a sword match, but drew the eye away from her other unorthodox fashions.

"Hello Cali!" I tried to catch her attention as she looked past me onto the field.

"Hello Jack," Cali responded without so much as a glance my way.

"Did you ask for this assignment? Or was Alina just tired of trying to get you to dress in ruffles and fluff and needed a break from the argument?" I laughed at my own joke. I think I might have hit too close to the truth because my humor was met with stone cold eyes.

"I wanted some air," Cali replied while her gaze softened. "And it did not hurt to overhear some of the techniques for blocking that were being taught."

I never thought Cali would be one for learning defense, but she was an expert in her craft. I could not fault her for wanting to know more.

Cali led the way back to the castle. Her strides were long and quick. It was almost as if she did not want to be alone with me. Well as alone as I seemed to be nowadays with Alejo and Finley on my heels.

"Can we slow down?" I almost had to jog to keep with her swift movements.

Cali mumbled something I did not understand. "... not the one rushing..." was all I could make out before her strides slowed into a more comfortable pace.

"Did I do something wrong?" Why was she acting this way? I know I had not spent much time with her alone since Alina's ball. I wonder if I offended her then. Thinking back on it, I think my dancing could be that awful.

Cali stopped. She seemed to collect herself with a sigh. "No, Jack. You always do what you think is right. I can't fault you for that."

"So I have done something though? Something I think is right and you don't?" I probed. I can't fix what I don't understand. I much prefer to be on the same side as Cali, rather than at odds.

"We will have to talk about this another time. You have an audience awaiting your arrival." Cali pulled out a sing-song voice with a pained smile. I was not going to find out anything today. Something inside me was unsettled by that.

We mounted the stairs into the castle in silence. I wonder if she will ever actually tell me what's bugging her? Maybe I should ask Finley when I get a chance.

As the castle doors opened, laughter could be heard echoing through the halls. My heart melted as I recognized the sweet voices of my mother and siblings. Following the sounds, we made our way into a parlor that was off the main ballroom.

I turned the corner to see my sister, brother and Alina skipping in a circle. The situation must have been my sister's doing, but how she managed it, I might never know.

"Jack!" Liliana announced, whilst missing a step. The three frockliers ended up jumbled together on the floor in a heap of laughter.

"Your Highness, are you alright?" Alina's overly protective guard cut the laughter short with his stern expression.

"Quite alright. Thank you." Alina's tone was pleasant enough not to scare off my siblings, but there was definitely a warning in it to the guard. I hope I remember to thank Alejo and Finley for not being that overbearing.

My mother took the opportunity to reign in my siblings. "Liliana. Abrin. Let's calm down a little before our tea. Do you not have something you want to tell Her Majesty?"

Queen Valerie sat in the middle of the room next to my mother. She looked like she was drinking in the scene around her as blissfully as could be.

"Thank you for inviting us, Your Majesty!" My siblings said in tandem with, in my biased opinion, the cutest curtsy and bow that world has ever known.

"You are quite welcome! With the way you spread joy, you are always welcome." Glad we felt the same way.

With that the queen rang a small silver handbell. She stood and motioned for our group to join her around a table that was set in the corner. My shadows stationed themselves close by, yet again blocking the space that Alina's guards wanted to occupy. They were good men.

Finger sandwiches, biscuits and tarts were brought in on trays. Tea was served. The warm liquid soothed my body. I nibbled on a blueberry tart that melted deliciously in my mouth.

I don't think I would ever fully enjoy Swordsmen council meetings, but this was a perk for being part of the royal family that I did not mind one bit

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