The Four Swords

Chapter 47: Realization

Chapter 47: Realization

I stood, readying myself for what might come next. Benate hulked over me waiting for our rematch. His smile stretched from ear to ear.

Did he enjoy beating me? I wonder what could make him so enthusiastic about a rematch. Maybe he was always this cheerful.

"Are you always this excited to spar, Mister Benate?" I asked, trying to give myself a few more moments of rest before getting thrown into a fight.

"Only when my opponent is enjoyable. Some men fight for honor, others for power but you fight for knowledge. That makes it fun. You can call me Ben if you like," The colossus offered. His smile never wavered.

Benate handed me a blunted practice sword. The metal was dented but the weight of the hilt felt about right. It was close to my real sword, making it perfect for practice.

I still craved a longer break from physical exertion. I tried to feed my curiosity instead. "Thank you, Ben. You are too kind. You said you know Lord Holden? How did you meet him?"

Benate spun his practice sword from hand to hand idly. The action reinforced his extraordinary skill with a blade.

" Holden? A distant family relation," Benate laughed at a joke I must have missed.

"Oh, cousin?" I inquired. I attempted the spin I just witnessed in Benate's hands. The sword landed between my feet.

Benate stifled a larger chuckle. "Something like that," he teased. "Half brother."

I dropped the sword I just picked up. I did not know Lord Holden had a sibling. "Half brother? How is that distant?" I questioned, aghast.

"Well it's quite a distance from my house to his," Benate let me in on the joke he laughed at earlier. This man was quite the character.

"Now if you're done questioning me, Sir Jacobson, may we spar?" The large man probed, emphasizing my title.

"Oh," I had stalled enough. It was time to get to work. "Certainly! And the name is Jack, if you don't mind."

I did not realize the man could smile bigger until he did. "Don't mind at all, Jack"

I thought for a moment as I raised my sword. King Caderyn would not tell people to call him a nickname. Was it improper to encourage such informality?

Clang! The first strike of our weapons rang through my ears. I blocked instinctively but my mind was not in the fight. Did I want to lead like Alina's father? He never trained with the men. I think being on the field with those who serve our kingdom has helped me know our strengths.

The whoosh of a blade nearly striking my arm caught my attention. I rolled my shoulder back just in time for the blunt weapon to ease by me.

I would not rule like the King. I do not think I even have the luxury to try. He has thus far only ruled in a time of peace. I don't think that is what our future holds.

I took a step forward, advancing my attack. I felt more confident in myself. My sword made contact with Benate's before sweeping towards his legs. He jumped, missing the blade. I spun into the movement. Ben was ready for me. I continued my onslaught, gaining ground.

I could only be myself. Face what the world had in my own way. I could not cower to my imaginings as I did last night. I could not pretend to be Sir Gavin or King Caderyn. Whatever my future held, I had to be Jack. I breathed deep, giving my full attention to the fight before me for the first time.

Our swords locked against each other. My eyes met Ben's. His wide smile was replaced with a crooked smirk. He seemed as shocked as I was that I hadn't given up any ground.

In an unexpected move, he took two quick steps backward. This released the tension between our swords and made me lurch forward. He anticipated this. Pushing my armed hand out of the way, he caught my shoulder. With his practice sword gently resting across my chest from almost my hip to just below his hand, he again declared victory.

Applause erupted. Although I had lost the match, Benate was halfway across the field from where he started. I gained more ground than I lost in our last fight. My father and Lord Garrison were among the men clapping. Was it a celebration of my failure, or just to encourage a good match?

"See? Wasn't that fun? Giving up ground can sometimes be strategic, but I must say that most of the time I was just trying to save my own rear!" Benate laughed deeply again. His good humor made me smile. He was easy to get along with.

"That was a great match!" I wiped the sweat from my brow. "Thank you for the lesson, Ben," I said, offering him my hand in thanks.

Benate took my hand, eagerly shaking it. I looked around to a sea of congratulations. Beating me was an easy feat, but someone lasting as long as I did with Benate apparently required more attention. That or more countrymen just wanted to schmooze a future member of the royal family.

I looked around the field. Lord Bleddyn took the opportunity while the majority of soldiers was distracted to walk toward the part of the field with the men destined for assignment yet again. That man was nothing if not determined.

In my glance, another familiar sight caught my eye. Cali donned in breeches and blouse was standing on the edge of the field closest to the gardens.

For once, she finally got to see the training without needing to come fetch me for a royal duty. Or so I thought. She motioned for me to come closer. I crossed the field with my shadows on my heel, aware that at any time I could get called to my next match.

"Jack, you need to go see Alina. She needs you." Cali's voice seems strained. I hope Alina is alright!

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