The Four Swords

Chapter 79: Laps and Lapse

Chapter 79: Laps and Lapse

Lord Holden must have exchanged notes with my father on training schedules. Even though the night watch was now split into four shifts, with Holden taking the new place, I felt as though I got less sleep than the night before.

There was not even a hint of a sunrise on the horizon when the Swordsman awoke the entire house. In a stroke of cruel genius, Holden decided the best way to get us fully awake was to make us all run laps around the barn.

It woke us up, but also let him see how we carried ourselves. If we were going to attempt to learn his methods of movement, it seemed only logical that he knew how we naturally maneuvered.

About the fourth lap around the barn, I noticed that Lord Holden abandoned his post near the front doors. Where was he?

I caught Carrion's eye to try and ask his thoughts. I guess he took the motion as a challenge. Carrion took off at a brisk sprint, leaving me behind.

Cali took his spot running next to me at a more manageable pace. She contorted her face in an apologetic manner. I guess she noticed her brother's treatment of me. I wonder if she knew it was in part because of his opinions of our relationship.

My face flushed. I guess this run was beginning to wear on me. My toe caught a stray root of a nearby tree, making me stutter step forward a few paces before rejoining Cali. I have to pay better attention.

"Do you know where Holden went?" I managed to Cali on our fifth trip around the barn.

Cali looked over her shoulder. Seeing no taskmaster, she stopped. "No. If he's not here, why are we running?"

I slowed my pace and turned back toward Cali. Alina rounded the corner. Seeing Cali, she stopped as well. The Princess's face was red and blotchy. Although she could dance circles around the room with an instructor without any effort, she was not used to just running.

"What's wrong?" Alina inquired between breaths.

"Where's Holden?" Cali countered.

Alina's face furrowed quizzically, looking back toward the place we started our run. Returning to the very spot he was last seen, the three of us looked around.

My uncle had taken it upon himself to clear the kitchen after our morning meal. He must've finished cleaning because he opened the front door of the house and joined us. The sun slowly started to illuminate the outdoors, even though it had not peaked over the horizon.

"What kind of training is this?" John looked as confused as we were.

Carrion finished his fifth lap as John asked his question. He joined the group as well, hearing my reply.

"Lord Holden told us to run laps, but then disappeared," I explained.

"Did he?" A voice called out nearby. Holden heard my response. I still couldn't place where he was.

"Clever!" John responded. I looked at my uncle. His gaze happened to be facing the tree that my toe just met. I definitely need to pay more attention.

Between two particularly sturdy branches, Holden sat in the crook where they met the main trunk. He was almost invisible from the ground.

"I thought you wanted to teach us survival skills, Lord Holden. Not children's games," Carrion remarked with a loftiness about him. It was funny that I almost enjoyed Carrion's condensation when it was not focused on me.

"I guess my lesson is lost on one of my pupils. Did any of the rest of you learn anything just now?" Lord Holden replied in good humor as he jumped to the ground in a fairly graceful movement.

I thought for a moment. What just happened that was important? We ran. He hid. Maybe I should have asked for a book on the subject instead of asking Holden to train me.

"Distractions can look like mundane tasks. Always have a plan, like where to hide or move. Don't do everything that Swordsmen tell you to do. Does that cover it?" Cali offered with a more playful bite in her tone.

Alina looked mortified. "Cali!" She reprimanded.

Holden's face grew into a wide grin. He threw back his head in laughter. His perfect hair tossed with the movement. Why did it bug me that he found Cali so amusing?

"That's about right! Although I have to say I think the last lesson might not be applicable all the time. I mean your father is a Swordsman too." Holden chuckled.

Cali let a glimmer of a smirk tinge the corner of her mouth. Alina's frustration dissipated easily and she seemed to rethink Cali's lessons. Carrion looked as thrilled as ever to be in our company.

"Knowing how to take advantage of a situation is the core of survival. Although I think there was some personal commentary mixed in with Lady Calista's assessment, I think she made some valid points," Holden continued.

"Call me Cali."

"Okay. Cali said that..." I could no longer heard what Lord Holden said.

Why did Cali have to drop the formality with Lord Holden? Was he really that close to her? He has only been around her a few times. They have not even spoken that much. Was her nickname really necessary?

I looked over at Cali. She seemed to be focused on whatever point Lord Holden was trying to make. Her playful smirk seemed to have faded and analytical thinking made her face a blank slate.

I took a deep breath. Only after I released the tension in my jaw did I realize how tightly my teeth had been clenched. Why was I being so protective lately? Maybe Carrion was rubbing off on me.

"... so that's our training plan. Any questions?" Lord Holden finished his lesson.

The group all exchanged glances, seeing if anyone had anything to add. I was not about to admit that I missed everything. Remaining quiet, I hoped to get through this without embarrassment.

"If there are no questions, let's get started!"

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