The Four Swords

Chapter 91: Tricks and Magic

Chapter 91: Tricks and Magic

I froze for a moment, letting the shiver that ran down my back settle. This woman had such a chilling presence that even behind a wall I quaked.

"Allow me, Your Majesty! For Ensis!" I heard Casimir yell.

I do not know what the foolish, albeit loyal, king's guard did next. What I do know is that I heard a painful cry. Followed by a yelp akin to the sound a dog makes when accidentally injured. The second sound was weak and faded slowly. It ended in a dry thud of flesh against the marble floor.

Did I just hear someone's demise? I did not enjoy the man's company the few times I had the pleasure of it, but that did not mean I wished him this. It sounded like a torturous end at the hands of the enemy. He fought for our country and for that I give him thanks.

"Are you quite done sending your pets after me? Can we now have a dignified discussion?" The Autarch taunted loud enough for us to hear.

Lord Bleddyn shouted a name not generally heard in the halls of the palace among the nobility. His roots as a traveling merchant surfaced through his noble facade along with his past feelings toward the Norads.

"Forgive my colleague, Autarch," my father's voice rang out. "What would someone as powerful as yourself want to discuss with our sovereign?"

Carrion and I shared a look during my father's groveling. Both of our fathers were now in the line of fire alongside King Caderyn. We needed to see what was going on in the gallery below.

I pushed on the painting, slowly opening the secret entrance into our passageway. Stepping out into the hall, I felt a hand clamp down on my shoulder. I turned to see Cali's slender form attached to me. Her eyes pleaded for me to stay, but seeing my resolve, she too stepped out of the passageway.

Carrion fumed at this development. I could almost hear his retort in my head. How dare I trick his sister into following me? Begrudgingly, he stepped into the hallway as well.

Slowly closing the painting, my eyes met Holden's for a split second. He nodded, as if understanding the plea for forgiveness my eyes tried to express.

Alina looked frightened. I couldn't blame her. Her closest friends were trying to spy on a situation that could very well get them killed and she was powerless to save them. The thought of Alina seeming powerless would have been laughable to me only a few short weeks ago.

The twins and I snuck to the edge of the gallery's railing. Barely peeking over the edge, we could see our fathers shoulder to shoulder in front of a pale King Caderyn.

Near the bottom of the staircase next to us was the twisted form of Casimir. Although his body seemed broken, I could still see the shallow heaving of labored breathing. There was life in him yet!

From where we spied, we could see the back of the Autarch. There must have been more of her forces nearby, but they were out of our sight.

"Flattery will get you nowhere! How dare you address me? Who are you to speak for your King?" the Autarch spat back at my father.

"A thousand apologies," my father started.

"Lord Jacob, do not waste your breath on this murderous creature," Lord Bleddyn seethed.

"Lord Bleddyn, hold your tongue! If the Autarch wants to speak with King Caderyn, maybe we can avoid further bloodshed," my father tried to reason.

The shoulders of the powerful Norad relaxed, as if she was viewing something that pleased her. I hope she does not find pleasure in harming the men before her.

"Maybe this plebeian is not completely useless.That is if he is to take my side against someone who if I understand correctly once housed a Norad in his own home," the Autarch's voice twinkled with delight. She seemed to thrive at sowing discord.

"Enough. Why are you here?" King Caderyn finally peeled his eyes away from his guard's body. With pink returning to his cheeks, he finally got a hold of his senses enough to challenge the intruder.

"Is this how you speak to all visiting dignitaries? This commoner showed more respect than that. Jacob, was it? No matter. You might not be alive long enough for me to care," the Autarch taunted.

"State your business please, Autarch," King Caderyn muttered through clenched teeth. He seemed as angry as I was about this woman threatening my father.

"Surrender your lands and title to the rightful heirs to this place. Although generally these things are cleaner when the last Royal line dies," the Autarch trailed off, implying her murderous intent.

"I cannot do that," King Caderyn stood his ground. "What else might make you leave in peace?"

"You think you have the power here? How naive!" The Autarch laughed humorlessly.

Cali's disgust for the woman bubbled over and a snort of derision escaped her. Carrion and I both turned to stare at her. Had they heard down below?

"I see you have your own magic in this place. Making young people appear on the landing above is quite a feat. Come down, scoffers! Show yourselves fully!" The Autarch's power swept through us.

I felt myself grow cold as fear gripped me. I felt hope leave me and despair fill the void that it left behind. In that moment I better understood why it took so long for King Caderyn to question the Autarch. This magic was powerful, dark and chilling.

A glimmer of pride took hold of me, warming the small corner of my consciousness where it found ground. The Swordsmen stood up to the Autarch despite this magic. My father is a brave man and I'm proud to be his son.

We descended the stairs. Carrion and I stood in front of Cali. She ducked her head in embarrassment, hiding from the Autarch. Once we reached the bottom of the stairs, Cali collected herself enough to stand at my shoulder. She looked the Autarch in the eye.

The Autarch looked shocked. Was she not used to such defiance or disrespect from someone so young? The Autarch's lips curled into an expression somewhere between a smile and a grimace. A plan formed in her head and she was unsure of it.

"Since you showed your magicians, let me show you one of mine," the Autarch offered. "Nyx!" She yelled, shaking the hall.

A cloaked woman came forward from the shadows below the part of the gallery that held the painting that was the entrance to our passageway. Her hood covered her face fully as she stood next to her commander.

"It's rude to hide your face! Take down your hood, Nyx." The Autarch spat the words as though they were venom in her mouth.

The woman beside her dropped her hood revealing an almost mirror image of Cali

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