The God Of Power

Chapter 62 - 62

Chapter 62: Chapter 62

Sky, Layla, and Yumeko watched in shock and awe as the marines cowered before Noboru Chikara's overwhelming power. Noboru, satisfied with the display, reverted his eyes to their red color with a golden ring, causing the marines to sigh in relief.

Turning back to the group, Noboru's expression was one of triumph and victory. "So, Suijin, do you want to listen, or shall I continue?"

"We will listen," Suijin answered, his voice trembling.

"Good, I was hoping you would. Now, I assume you're familiar with the Disciples of Darkness."

"Yes. They took over the capital and forced us to flee here," Suijin explained.

"I'm afraid the situation is even more dire than you know. The Disciples of Darkness' goal is to free the Void Queen Yami. They have already obtained three of the Relics: the Braveheart Shield, and the first Wind God's Excalibur," Sky said, making Noboru regret taking the relics not to give to the Disciples, but to use as part of the story of this world.

"And they're planning to steal the second last one from your kingdom," Fire General Kai added.

"So, they are after the Trident," Suijin stated, shocked.

"Yes, that's why we are here, to warn you and ask for an alliance," Sky said.

"I see. So that's how my son got the powers of the void and took over the capital. These Disciples of Darkness, or the Void itself, gave him this power," Suijin said.

"Yes, and we also know the reason why your son took over. You pushed him to that path by denying him his birthright as the next Water God because he was born powerless without Aura," Sky said angrily, his fist clenched and shaking. He wasn't born powerless himself, but his parents were. He was lucky to be born with aura but still faced discrimination for being born from two powerless people, called an aberration and a disgrace.

"He was powerless, a disgrace to the kingdom and Aquorans. If I hadn't done that, Mizuki would have run this kingdom into the ground. Rebellions would have happened because the nobles are just waiting for one small reason to rebel. It was one boy or the kingdom; I chose the kingdom over the individual," Suijin explained.

"You talk about your people but yet look down on and belittle those from other kingdoms. You have no idea how wrong you are, how arrogant you sound. I have heard this speech before in my kingdom. The Kingdom of Aeritha has always been looked down upon because we were the kingdom that is the lowest and smallest realm out of the four elemental kingdoms in this world," Layla said, remembering her homeland.

"The Ignarock Kingdom is the same as Aeritha but not as bad. Don't forget, it was your ancestor who started the elemental war because Poseidon was power-hungry and wanted to rule over the entire world," Fire General Kai said, angering Water God Suijin and the Marines.

"Enough. I do not need to listen to the history lessons from lowlifes," Suijin said, infuriating Sky, Yumeko, Layla, and Fire General Kai.

"How dare you. We came here as potential allies, and you insult us," Yumeko said, making Suijin laugh.

"Allies. You expect me to ally myself when you bash my ancestor. You come here seeking an alliance; your friend beats me and forces me to listen, then you question my way of life, my ancestor..." Suijin was cut off.

"Enough. You are all at fault. Let's continue with the discussion, but I have one thing to say. I know what Mizuki must feel. I have been in the same position as him, losing everything – family, birthright, and even reputation – because of power-hungry people. What you don't understand is that fate is cruel to all, and karma strikes back harder. You kicked Mizuki out for being powerless; now he's returned with the power of the void, which can negate most Aura. Only the Red Winds and the Wind Spirit Green Wind have been shown to be able to fight. People trashed Sky for being born from two powerless parents; his mother died during a void invasion, being more of a hero than those with power, and his father left him. You have no idea how hard his life was. My life was also harsh, but that is none of your concern. So, next time you bash people whose lives have been ruined by those in power, I won't hold back and will show you the true power of the Blackstar Knight," Noboru said, leaving everyone speechless.

"You are not from the lower realms. Where did you come from?" Suijin asked, as the others, including the marines, Yumeko

, Sky, Layla, and Fire General Kai, looked at him curiously.

"That is quite personal. I'm sorry; I will keep that to myself, but you have more important matters to attend to, like forming an alliance with Aeritha and Ignarock," Noboru replied.

"If you aren't from the lower realms, then where are you from, and why are you here?" Suijin pressed.

"I will tell you this: I am here to help stop the Void. Everything else I do is to help as many as I can save," Noboru said, piquing everyone's curiosity about his origins.

"If you want to help, then help us kill the traitor Mizuki," Suijin stated.

"Killing him will solve nothing. Haven't you understood all this? The actions he took are your fault. You abandoned him, disowned him, and now expect what? That he just takes the treatment? No, he can't betray you or the kingdom if you both weren't on each other's side to begin with. He has been treated like trash, and now he's taking his anger out for revenge. That is the power of the void, from what I have learned. It grants power to the powerless once certain conditions are met. Maybe it's balancing the world; those with power have aura, while those without power can, with enough negative emotion, access the power of the void. Your people have seen and are suffering the consequences," Noboru explained.

"He's right. He's not just a traitor but a victim too. It's not all his fault, and it's not fair to place all the blame on him. You can't keep blaming him for his actions and not think about your own. This is as much your fault as it is his," Layla added.

"So, you are taking his side?" Suijin questioned.

"No, I'm not taking anyone's side. I'm just pointing out the truth. If you hadn't disowned him, he wouldn't have turned out the way he did. His actions are not his fault; they're yours. You should be the one apologizing to him, not the other way around. I have to admit, though, his methods are quite extreme, but he does have a point," Layla said.

"Yeah, I'm not saying I agree with his actions, but I do understand where he's coming from. The world can be a harsh place, and sometimes you have to fight fire with fire. Sometimes the only way to get what you want is to do what others consider immoral. In order to get what you want, you have to be willing to go to any lengths, even if that means hurting those closest to you," Yumeko said.

"Even if you disagree with him, you have to admit, he's smart. He's using the cult to get what he wants, and it's working. He's already gotten the cult to give him the void powers, and the cult is doing his bidding. I know he's the bad guy, but I can't help but admire his cunning. I'd hate to be his enemy," Sky commented.

"Well said," Noboru agreed with the group.

"Enough of this. I do not wish to listen to this nonsense. Either you agree to help me kill Mizuki or leave. I will not waste my time any longer," Suijin declared.

"No, that is not the solution," Sky said.

"What?" Suijin shouted.

"Sky's right. You're going to make it up to your son. That's your son you're talking about, not some monster that needs to be put down who suffered because of your actions," Noboru said.

"My son is a disgrace, a powerless. He needs to be stopped and punished for his crimes," Suijin shouted, as Noboru lost control and Omni Energy erupted around him while he glared at Suijin.

"Don't ever talk about your son like that. You're just like my parents. You are so lucky your son is on the Void's side; otherwise, I would have joined him. You're a monster, treating your child as if he's some weapon that you can discard if he's weak or has no power. You are the reason why your son is evil. Your actions made him so. You are the true monster," Noboru said, his voice cold and filled with hatred.

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