The God Of Power

Chapter 82 - 82

Chapter 82: Chapter 82

Noboru stepped from the water-based previous floor into the next floor where the very earth they walked upon reigned supreme, but don't get him wrong; this was no ordinary dominion of soil and stone. Here, the concept of vastness was redefined, transcending the mere expanse of physical space to touch upon something far more profound, something that whispered of realms beyond the outermost reaches of thought and imagination. Noboru stood, taking in the sight.

Before him lay an expanse so vast that the term 'infinite' seemed a meager descriptor, a landscape that unfolded in layers and dimensions beyond the grasp of mortal comprehension. It was as if he had entered a living tapestry of earth, woven from the dreams and essences of countless worlds, each thread a narrative of geological epochs that danced and intertwined in an eternal ballet of creation.

"It seems like the dungeon is trying to make it hard on us with these floors being different sizes of infinities and now an unattainable infinity," Noboru noted to himself as he continued to look around.

The terrain stretched into what felt like an eternity in every direction, yet it was not merely a matter of distance. Each step Noboru took seemed to traverse layers of reality, moving through strata of existence that defied the linear progression of space. Mountains rose like colossal monuments, their bases rooted in dimensions unseen, their peaks piercing the veils of countless realities, touching the very essence of the earth's boundless spirit.

"This. This is unprecedented," Noboru heard an adventurer who arrived say, which surprised Noboru since he thought that like the others, this adventurer would take a rush in not caring about his body, trying to get a one-up on the others by sacrificing their body's health. "Noboru said as he looked at the adventurer, his eyes widened.

'Hiroto?' Noboru thought before he smiled. 'It seems he's using his intelligence,' Noboru added his thoughts about Emiko's brother and Baron Akira's son.

Forests of unimaginable biodiversity sprawled across this landscape, each tree a nexus of life that branched across dimensions, their roots delving into the deep, hidden layers of existence. Here, the flora was not bound by the simple need for sunlight and soil; instead, they thrived on the confluence of energies that flowed through the fabric of this realm, drawing sustenance from the conjoined streams of countless earths.

The molten areas of this domain were a spectacle unto themselves, not merely patches of magma, but vast, churning seas of liquid earth that ebbed and flowed with the pulse of creation. These were the crucibles of worlds, places where the raw essence of planetary genesis was laid bare, a chaotic dance of fire and stone that birthed new realities in its fiery embrace.

In this realm, the very concept of size was unmoored from its usual anchors. What might appear as a mere pebble underfoot could, upon closer inspection, reveal itself to be a mountain range compressed into a space that defied ordinary dimensions. Conversely, vast canyons might suddenly fold into themselves, becoming no more than the lines upon a leaf, an intricate pattern that held within it the echoes of ancient chasms.

Noboru's journey through this domain was a passage through the heart of earth's eternal mystery, a voyage across the threshold of the conceivable, where each moment held within it the depth of eons. The air was thick with the power of primordial forces, the breath of the earth in its most unbridled form, whispering secrets that spanned the breadth of creation.

As he ventured deeper into this boundless domain, Noboru became acutely aware of his own place within the tapestry of existence. He was a wanderer not just across space, but through the very layers of reality itself, each step a journey through the heart of earth's infinite manifestations. He looked around to see some more dead bodies, effectively putting an end to the mystery of who will be in the top 6. Now it's time to get out of the dungeon to gain a place.

The challenges he faced here were not merely physical but existential, a test of his ability to navigate the unfathomable, to find his path through a realm where the markers of distance and direction lost all meaning. As Noboru thought this, he was suddenly snapped out of his thoughts as the earth beneath him began to rumble, a deep, resonant sound that echoed through the very bones of the world. It was a prelude to the arrival of the guardians of this realm, creatures born from the earth itself, embodiments of its might and majesty.

First to emerge from the undulating ground were the Terracotta Titans, towering beings sculpted from hardened clay and stone, their forms ancient and imposing. They rose from the earth, shaking off centuries of dormancy, their eyes alight with a fire kindled from the world's core. Each step they took was a testament to their timeless vigil, guardians of a realm that stretched beyond the ken of mortals.

Following in their wake were the Granite Wyverns, their wings hewn from slabs of solid rock, each beat stirring the air into whirlwinds of dust and stone. They soared above Noboru, their cries reverberating like the clash of boulders, a sound that spoke of the untamed wilderness of the skies.

From the molten rivers, Lava Serpents slithered forth, their bodies a flowing amalgam of liquid stone and flame. They moved with a sinuous grace, leaving trails of cooled obsidian in their wake, a testament to the ever-changing landscape of this boundless domain.

Amidst this legion of earthen beasts, swarms of Basalt Beetles scuttled across the ground, their carapaces as hard as the rock from which they were born. They moved in unison, a living carpet of stone and chitin, their mandibles clicking in a rhythm that mirrored the heartbeat of the earth.

Noboru, standing amidst this gathering storm of earth and stone, knew that the battle ahead would be unlike any he had faced. This was not a contest of strength against strength, but a dance with the very essence of the earth, a challenge to harmonize with the infinite expanse and its indomitable guardians.

With a deep breath, Noboru called forth his Earth Aura, feeling it resonate with the world around him. "Molten Rock Armor," he intoned, and his body was encased in a flowing shell of liquid stone, a protective barrier that melded with his movements, granting him both defense and an elemental affinity with the realm.

As the Terracotta Titans approached, their massive forms casting long shadows across the landscape, Noboru readied himself. "Obsidian Edge," he called out, and from his hands sprang blades of pure obsidian, sharp enough to cleave through stone and clay. With swift, precise strikes, he engaged the Titans, each blow a calculated dance that found the fragile seams in their ancient armor, turning their own earthen composition against them.

The Granite Wyverns descended from above, their rocky wings stirring up tempests of stone and debris. Noboru, his gaze skyward, summoned "Stone Spire Cyclones," creating towering vortexes of jagged rock that spiraled upwards, ensnaring the Wyverns and grinding their stony wings to dust.

As the Lava Stone Serpents advanced, their bodies

aglow with the heat of the earth's blood, Noboru planted his feet firmly on the ground. "Craggy Earth Barrier," he declared, and the ground before him rose up in a formidable wall of interlocking stones, its surface cool and impervious to the Serpents' molten touch.

The Basalt Beetles, a seemingly insurmountable swarm, surged towards Noboru in a tide of chitin and stone. With calm focus, Noboru unleashed "Quaking Earth Pulse," sending waves of vibratory force through the ground. The waves resonated with the natural frequency of basalt, shattering the Beetles' armor from within and turning their numbers into a disadvantage.

As the battle raged on, Noboru moved through the beyond infinite expanse with a grace that belied the enormity of his task. Each guardian he faced, each challenge he overcame, was a step closer to mastering the realm of unreachable infinity, a testament to his indomitable will and his deep bond with the earth.

The earth itself seemed to respond to Noboru's presence, its infinite expanse resonating with his every step, his every breath. Mountains shifted, forming natural arenas for his battles; chasms bridged themselves, providing him passage; the very landscape molded itself to aid him, recognizing in Noboru a kindred spirit, a warrior who embodied the boundless essence of the earth.

And so, Noboru continued, his path unwavering, his determination unshaken. With each guardian felled, with each mile traversed, he wove his legend into the fabric of this infinite realm, his story a saga of endurance, strength, and an unbreakable bond with the earth that bore him.

As Noboru vanquished the final beast of the earth floor by destroying the source of earth, a hushed silence fell over the crowd outside the Dungeon of the Seven Eternities. The magical displays that relayed Noboru's epic battle flickered with the last vestiges of the clash, the awe-inspiring spectacle leaving spectators spellbound and wide-eyed.

Within the stands, Layla's hands were clasped over her mouth, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears of relief and pride. "He did it," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the collective murmur of the crowd. "Noboru really did it."

Emiko, standing beside her, had her fan pressed to her lips, a gesture to mask the quiver of her emotions. "Such strength... such grace," she mused aloud. "He's not just fighting; he's... he's dancing with the earth itself."

Yumeko,'s own connection to the wind making her particularly sensitive to the elemental display they had just witnessed, felt a surge of admiration for Noboru. "To think he could attune himself so deeply with the earth, even in a place designed to be a trial... Noboru is truly exceptional," she said, her voice tinged with wonder and a hint of something deeper, a resonance with Noboru's elemental harmony.

Sky, ever the observer, nodded in agreement, his analytical mind already parsing the strategies Noboru employed. "He didn't just overpower his opponents; he used the very nature of the earth to his advantage, turning potential threats into opportunities. It's... it's brilliant," he conceded, a newfound respect for Noboru's tactical acumen evident in his tone.

Fire General Kai, who had seen countless battles and strategies unfold, couldn't help but let out a low whistle of admiration. "To witness such a symphony of power and precision... Noboru isn't just surviving this trial; he's mastering it, bending the very rules to his will," he remarked, his voice carrying a blend of awe and a seasoned warrior's appreciation for a well-fought battle.

Even the proctor, tasked with overseeing the trials of the Dungeon of the Seven Eternities, found himself at a loss for words. His usual stern demeanor was replaced by a look of incredulity as he muttered to himself, "In all my years... I've never seen anything like this. He's not just a participant; he's redefining the very nature of this trial."

Among the spectators, a buzz of excited conversation began to swell, a wave of speculation and admiration that rippled through the crowd. "Did you see how he moved? Like the earth itself was an extension of his body!" one voice exclaimed, capturing the collective sentiment of awe.

Another spectator, older and clad in the robes of a scholar, stroked his beard thoughtfully. "We may be witnessing the rise of a legend, my friends. To command the earth with such finesse, to turn a trial of endurance into a showcase of harmony... Noboru is a force of nature unto himself."

Back With Noboru.

Noboru watched as 4 other adventurers that remained ran through the gate as soon as he Noboru solo'd the floor. Noboru smiled as Hiroto came up to him. "How are you that strong you defeated all 4 floors while we struggled?" Hiroto said in jealousy as Noboru sighed.

"I'm just good at observing and strong, Hiroto. You can easily solo the floor if you find out what makes this dungeon able to do what it does," Noboru said in riddles, hinting at the elemental cores on each floor.

"If you won't tell me, don't! But don't riddle me," he yelled, running as Noboru sighed. Noboru then sat down, pulled out some apples, and ate and rested. Noboru had an idea; technically, the trial was done. If he destroyed the dungeon, they would have to waste time getting to the top, but he would do that after the next floor.

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