The God Of Power

Chapter 84 - 84

Chapter 84: Chapter 84

The destruction of the Dungeon of the Seven Eternities and Noboru's display of unfathomable power left the audience in stunned silence. A mixture of awe, fear, and disbelief permeated the air as they grappled with what they had just witnessed.

Layla was the first to break the silence, her voice trembling with a cocktail of emotions. "Did you all see that? Noboru... he didn't just defeat the dungeon; he obliterated it. It's as if he's not even human."

Emiko, typically composed and serene, found herself at a loss for words, her fan fluttering nervously. "I knew Noboru was strong, but this... this surpasses strength. It's as if he's a force of nature itself. The way he absorbed the core and then... I can't even find the words."

Yumeko, usually calm and collected, had wide eyes reflecting the turbulent sea of her thoughts. "To think that the dungeon's infinite complexities and endless challenges were nothing more than a mere puzzle for him. What kind of power must one possess to achieve such a feat?"

Sky, whose analytical mind was always racing, struggled to make sense of the display. "This changes everything we thought we knew about power. Noboru's strength isn't just immense; it's incomprehensible. How do you even begin to strategize against such a being?"

Fire General Kai, no stranger to battles and displays of power, shook his head in disbelief. "In all my years, I've never seen anything like this. Noboru is not just a warrior; he's something else. The way he handled the dungeon's collapse with just a fraction of his power... it's unheard of."

Baron Akira, who had always taken pride in Noboru's achievements, now felt a deep sense of trepidation. "I've always known Noboru was destined for greatness, but this... This is beyond greatness. It's divine. What path has he set himself upon?"

The Duke of the North, a figure of immense power and authority, leaned forward, his eyes narrowing as he absorbed the implications of Noboru's actions. "To dismantle a structure of such complexity, to quell its collapse with but a mere gesture... Noboru has transcended the bounds of what we considered possible. He is rewriting the very laws of our world."

The audience, a diverse crowd from all corners of the realm, erupted into a cacophony of voices. Some spoke in hushed tones of reverence, others in loud exclamations of disbelief.

"Is he a god among men?" one spectator whispered, a sentiment echoed in the murmurs of those around him.

"Did you see how effortlessly he controlled the dungeon? It was as if he was bending the fabric of reality to his will," another exclaimed, struggling to grasp the magnitude of Noboru's power.

A young woman, her eyes alight with a mixture of fear and fascination, clutched at her companion's arm. "What does this mean for us? For our world? If Noboru decides to use that power..." Her voice trailed off, the unspoken question hanging in the air, leaving a sense of unease among the crowd.

The adventurers who had competed against him were too terrified to speak, falling to their knees. This was especially true for Hiroto, Noboru's self-proclaimed rival, and Kane, who was confident of victory due to being the strongest Platinum rank adventurer from his town.

Hiroto finally mustered the courage to speak after seeing the dungeon that had killed the hero and the dragon that had delivered the blow to him destroyed by Noboru. "Noboru is truly something else... To think that he could overcome the trial of the Dungeon of the Seven Eternities, an unbreakable challenge that has confounded the realm for centuries, and then, to add insult to injury, he reduced the dungeon itself to nothing but memories in less than a minute," he said to himself. Hiroto began to question if he should face him in the tournament for a noble title and was relieved Noboru had retired to his room.

Kane stood up, fear momentarily giving way to a resurgence of confidence, spurred by Noboru's departure after destroying the dungeon. 'I can't let a power display scare me,' he thought and turned to Hiroto with an idea. He had some influence in the Duke of the North's court. If he could convince five other adventurers to team up, they might have a chance. Especially since, after that power display, the Duke of the North and the audience would prefer entertainment over a one-sided massacre. He needed to get the adventurers on his side and convince them to vote for a special event to stand a chance against Noboru and gain noble titles.

Hiroto, on his way to his room, was stopped by a man. "Are you Hiroto Tsuchi?" the man asked. Hiroto nodded, not trusting his

voice yet. "Kane requests to meet with you to discuss Noboru Chikara's power display and the tournament. Before you decide, please know that other adventurers, Haruka Satou, Daichi Tanaka, and Renji Mori, have already agreed to it." Kane's messenger said. Hiroto knew his sister and father would be hurt if he accepted, as they had chosen to support Noboru, giving most of their support to Noboru over him in the tournament. He remembered the day Baron Akira had spent bragging about Noboru instead of him. Long-awaited resentment filled Hiroto as he agreed, wanting to know how Kane Kuroiwa could help him bring Noboru down a peg.

Meanwhile, with Noboru

Noboru made his way toward Yumeko, Sky, Layla, Emiko, and Fire General Kai, and to his surprise, Baron Akira was there instead of with his son, which was something Noboru had not expected from Emiko or Baron Akira. He thought Baron Akira would be with Hiroto. Noboru's demeanor was confident yet tempered with the gravity of what had just transpired. People made way as he walked, as if he were some sort of god. Noboru couldn't disagree that it felt good; all his life he had been looked down upon, but now... now he felt acknowledged.

Layla, Emiko, Yumeko, Sky, Fire General Kai, and even Baron Akira had gathered, each wearing expressions that mirrored the tumultuous sea of emotions that the audience had just experienced.

Layla was the first to approach, her steps hesitant, as if unsure how to address the colossus that Noboru had revealed himself to be. "Noboru-kun," she began, her voice a delicate balance of admiration and concern, yet still tinged with the love she held for him, "what you did back there... it was beyond anything I could have imagined. Are you... are you really okay?"

Noboru offered her a reassuring smile, one that spoke volumes of his unchanged nature despite the immense power he had absorbed and wielded. "I'm still me, Layla. Don't worry. I just decided to show a bit of my power, I suppose. It's a lot to take in, for everyone."

Emiko, however, noticed that her usual grace was eclipsed by sheer admiration for what Noboru had done. "Noboru-kun, the way you dissolved the dungeon, it was like witnessing a legend come to life. But it's also frightening. The power you hold, it's... it's unprecedented."

Noboru nodded and acknowledged her concern. "I understand the fear, Emiko. It's not something I take lightly. But know this, my intentions have never changed. I'm here to protect. I did, however, decide to let go a little. I didn't mean to make a scene." Noboru said. It was the truth; he just hated having to do what others wanted him to do. Ever since he found out about the prophecy, he hated being controlled, and the fact that the dungeon wanted him to do something it wanted had angered him, so he let out some of his power in anger, which, even as a lower branch of omni energy Aura, which the people of this place used, was enough to destroy the structure that dwarfed and surpassed the kingdoms.

Yumeko, who was always calm, then stepped up and added, "Noboru, what we saw today was a testament to your strength. It's amazing that you hold such power. I am happy you're on our side. You could have used that power in so many ways, yet you chose to protect, to preserve. That speaks more of your character than any display of force."

Sky also chimed in. "Your control over such power, Noboru, it's something I've never seen before. But it also opens up so many questions. How do you see this affecting your path, our journey together?"

Fire General Kai, a warrior of many battles, expressed his awe and slight unease. "Noboru, your strength is the stuff of legends. But with great power comes great responsibility. How do you plan to wield this... this godlike ability?"

Baron Akira, a man of stature and influence, regarded Noboru with a complex mix of pride and worry. "Noboru, you've brought honor to QuakeTown, to all of us. But this power, it's something that could change the very fabric of our world. We must tread carefully, for the sake of all."

Noboru absorbed their words, their concerns and admiration mingling in the air between them. He knew the display in the dungeon had shifted something fundamental in their perceptions, both of him and of the power dynamics of the world.

"I understand your concerns, all of them," Noboru began, his voice steady and sure.

"What happened in the dungeon... it was a revelation for me as well. But know this—I don't seek to rule or to intimidate. This power, it's a tool, one I intend to use to protect those I care about, to protect our world from threats that lurk in the shadows." He paused, letting his words sink in, his gaze meeting each of theirs in turn. "I'm still the same Noboru you've journeyed with, laughed with, and faced challenges with. This power doesn't change who I am at my core. And I'll need your guidance, your support, to ensure I stay true to that." Noboru said, but he knew the truth; it was mainly so he could return to his home, his world, and reunite with Ayame, and in order to do that, he had to clear the story of this world.

A silence fell over the group, but soon Layla broke it, as she always did when things were tough. "You have our support, Noboru, always." The others nodded, their expressions reflecting the depth of their resolve to stand by him.

"Yeah, after Noboru-kun, you still need to take me out and spend time alone with me if you win," Emiko purred, latching onto Noboru's arm to the dismay of her father Baron Akira, who was cursing Noboru for making his daughter love him, while Layla had tick marks appearing on her forehead at Emiko's action as Yumeko and Sky tried not to laugh.

"Alright, enough. Let's celebrate our champion who beat the dungeon," Fire General Kai said loudly as he drank some alcohol. The festivities started as they drank, unaware of what Kane had planned with the other adventurers and Hiroto.

The celebrations continued throughout the night, an air of jubilation mixed with a touch of apprehension permeating the crowd. Noboru and his companions were at the center of it all. Their joy, however, was bittersweet. For in the midst of their revelry, they knew that their journey was only just beginning.

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