The God Of Power

Chapter 87:

Chapter 87: Chapter 87:

The coliseum remained silent, the tension palpable as the Duke of the North prepared to announce the title that would forever change the course of Noboru Chikara's destiny. The audience, still reeling from the display of unparalleled power, watched with bated breath as Noboru stood in the center of the arena, his demeanor calm yet commanding.

"It is with great honor and recognition of his extraordinary abilities, his demonstration of unparalleled strength, and his profound impact on the Dungeon of the Seven Eternities, that I, Duke Alistair of the North, bestow upon Noboru Chikara the title of Viscount," announced the Duke, his voice echoing majestically through the coliseum.

A murmur of surprise and admiration swept through the crowd. The title of Viscount was a distinction of high honor, signifying not just nobility but a level of power and responsibility that few could aspire to.

The Duke continued, seizing the moment to educate the audience and the realm about the significance of this moment. "In Terravale, the hierarchy of noble titles is a reflection of one's service, strength, and contribution to our lands. From the rank of Esquire, the first recognition of one's service, to the exalted status of Earth God, each title carries with it duties and privileges. The last two Duke and Earth God being reserved for the Royal Family"

He listed the ranks for the audience's benefit, "Starting with Esquire, Knight, Baron, and then Viscount, which Noboru has now achieved. Beyond Viscount lie the ranks of Earl or Count, Margrave, Marquess, and Duke, each with increasing responsibility and honor. And at the pinnacle, the Earth God, the guardian of our realm and its highest authority."

The Duke turned his gaze towards Noboru, his expression one of deep respect. "As a Viscount, Noboru will be granted dominion over a city, a city that will prosper under his guidance. His city will be larger than the size of Quaketown, almost the size of the Third floor of The Dungeon Of Seven Eternities or Aquora, a testament to his rank and to the faith we place in his leadership."

He further elaborated on the intricacies of the noble hierarchy. "With this title, Noboru has authority over all nobles of ranks below his, while he himself will answer to those of ranks above him—Earls, Margraves, Marquesses, Dukes, and, of course, the Earth God. However, his path does not end here. Through competing in tournaments, performing heroic deeds, and making a good impression on the realm and its rulers, Noboru can ascend even higher."

The Duke revealed, "Originally, the reward for this tournament was to be the title of Baron. Yet, Noboru's feats have so far exceeded our expectations that I found it only fitting to grant him the title of Viscount. It is a rare occurrence, for titles are bestowed by the four Dukes or the Earth God themselves, based on deeds that significantly impact our world."

The coliseum erupted into applause, a standing ovation for Noboru Chikara, the new Viscount, whose power and potential had united the realm in a moment of collective awe and respect.

Noboru bowed slightly in acknowledgment, a gesture of gratitude towards the Duke and the people of Terravale. As he looked around, he saw the faces of his friends—Layla, Yumeko, Sky, Emiko, and Fire General Kai—beaming with pride. He knew that this was not just his victory, but theirs as well.

"This title, this responsibility, I accept it not for power but for the opportunity to protect, to lead, and to make a difference in our world," Noboru spoke, his voice resonant and full of conviction. "And I vow to rise to the challenges ahead, to honor the trust placed in me, and to strive for the betterment of Terravale and its people."

The Duke nodded in approval, his eyes reflecting the hope and expectation of the entire realm. "Viscount Noboru Chikara, may your reign be long and prosperous, and may your deeds continue to inspire us all."

As the ceremony concluded and the crowd began to disperse, Noboru's thoughts turned to the future. With the title of Viscount, he was one step closer to meeting the Earth God and completing his mission of creating an alliance to fight against the Disciples Of Darkness.


Noboru turned to see Layla and his companions approaching. Her expression was one of pride and joy, the depth of emotion mirrored in her friends' faces.

"Congratulations," she said warmly.

Noboru smiled back, his heart filled with gratitude for their support. "Thank you, Layla. Without your encouragement, I wouldn't be here."

Layla shook her head gently. "You won because of your hard work and dedication. Don't sell yourself short."

Noboru nodded in acknowledgment, appreciating her words. "I couldn't have done it without your friendship and faith in me," he replied. He could have, but knowing him, if he were alone, he would have just stormed the palace and forced the Earth God to accept the alliance like he tried with Suijin, which would mean a fragile alliance, not one made with trust but fear. Noboru knew that could not happen as it could break at any second.

Yumeko spoke up, her eyes gleaming with admiration. "Viscount Noboru Chikara does have a nice ring to it."

Sky nodded in agreement. "I'm glad we made it this far. Now all we have to do is meet the Earth God and forge an alliance."

"What do you mean? What alliance?" Emiko, the daughter of Baron Akira, asked.

"The Disciples Of Darkness," Noboru said to Emiko before looking at his friends. Emiko looked confused not being out of Terravale, she hadn't experienced the Disciples Of Darkness so she would need an explanation to understand. Noboru sighed before speaking again. "I am not from Terravale, neither is Sky, Layla, Yumeko, and Fire General Kai. We are here from the other Kingdoms as representatives. We need to meet the Earth God."

"What! Noboru-Kun, how could you lie to me?" Emiko said to Noboru feeling hurt he hid this from her and infiltrated her kingdom.

Noboru felt guilty, but he had to do it to meet the Earth God. "I am sorry Emiko, I have to do this. If I don't, your kingdom, no, this entire world will die. Tell me, have you heard of the Void Queen Yami."

Emiko nodded although she hasn't experienced it. There hasn't been a Void Invasion in Terravale since forever she has heard of Void and the Void Queen Yami from Legends of the old Kingdoms that were devoured and turned to nothing. Kingdoms that were more powerful than the current kingdom they're in.

"She's real, Emiko, and there's a Group that wants to free her." Noboru said before continuing, "The Disciples Of Darkness are a group that wants to free her from her Prison and will kill everyone in their way if it means they can get it. They know freeing her will be the end of the world because the Void will consume everyone and everything as it opens to release her. That's why we need

to build an alliance in case the day comes where we need to fight them together." Noboru explained.

Emiko had a look of shock on her face as she processed this new information. "I understand now, Noboru-Kun, please don't hide anything from me again." Emiko said, forgiving Noboru for lying to her.

Noboru bowed. "I am sorry Emiko, please forgive me."

"Of course," Emiko replied before moving on to something else that was on her mind. "So, Noboru-Kun, what are you going to do now that you have this new title?"

"Me? Well, I am gonna try and rank up, earn the title of Marquess because that's when we can meet the Earth God through the Duke. It will be there I will get us an audience with him," Noboru replied as he smiled at Emiko.

"Well, if that's what you are gonna do then count me in. I will be cheering for you, Noboru-Kun," Emiko said with a smile as she supported him in his goal.

"Thanks, Emiko," Noboru says for the first time blushing at another woman other than Ayame although his heart is still of Ayame. Noboru turns and looks at his friends. "Thank you for sticking with me this far. It means a lot to me."

Layla smiles and says, "Of course, Noboru-Kun. We're in this together till the end."

"Indeed, your journey is ours too," Sky says with a serious look on his face as he was more tactical than emotional in expressing his gratitude towards Noboru.

Yumeko adds on with a wide grin on her face, "Let's keep on winning, Noboru-Kun!"

"Never been a dull moment with you around, kid," Fire General Kai says with a smirk as he can't wait to see Noboru get stronger so he can see the power of this god figure.

Emiko walks up to Noboru and puts her hand on his shoulder with a look of determination on her face. "Well, I still have one question: what's your dream?"

"My dream. Hmm... Never really thought about it... Maybe... To see my family again and My Grandpa the man who raised me... or maybe travel the world..." Noboru replied not wanting to tell them about the events that happened in his world. 'There's no point in putting more stress on them,' he thought.

Emiko smiled. "Well, there is a lot of world left for you to see, Noboru-Kun."

"Really... I have a question for you, Emiko. What is the best way to get a higher title as fast as possible?" Noboru asked curiously.

"Well, Noboru-Kun, the best way to get higher Noble status is to compete in Tournaments like you did but a single Duke can only promote you to Margrave at best. In order for you to reach the rank below the Royal Family, it's too, hmmm... oh yeah, participate in the 4 Domains Tournament, an entertainment event where the 4 Duke each controlling a quarter of Terravale, get together to host a tournament to see who has the best fighters. In order for you to do that, you must be recommended by Dukes themselves or in our case, the Duke Of The North; you have to be his fighter," Emiko explains the best way possible to Noboru to advance in the world.

"Hm, I see so I am stuck here then till I get a recommendation from the Duke," Noboru says feeling down at having to wait.

"Don't be down; the Tournament is happening soon in a few months. Until then, you could have a chance to get higher status by doing Heroics, completing a Dungeon like you did to qualify in this tournament or even just make your city indispensable to the point where the Duke Of The North or even the Earth God want to support you and give you titles to keep you loyal. In my opinion, you're on the right path, Noboru-Kun," Emiko continues on supporting Noboru in his endeavor.

"But we still need the Duke's support so that's the challenge..." Noboru said.

"Not really, you showed yourself as the strongest fighter. Trust me, he will reach out to you closer to the Tournament. In the meantime, let's head to your domain," Emiko replied back with a smile as she leads them all towards their carriage to ride to Noboru's domain.

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