The God Virus

Volume 4 - 238 A Fissure On Glass

From the moment the creation of ’Ai Virus 001: The Savior’ had been announced to the entire world, almost everyone had been in deep admiration of the Virus Industries who now others called the savior of mankind.

However, at the moment the creation of this cure was published to the world by the President of the United States of America himself, many smart people immediately had doubted that maybe it was the Virus Industries itself that had created the Mutated HIV in the first place, since it seemed rather unlikely that in less than a year after the Mutated HIV had spread to the whole world, the cure was already developed. And according to the President, they even had long since created this cure. They’ve been just hiding it from everyone else.

Of course, hearing the fact that their cure was only permanently effective on the normal type of HIV, many of those doubtful eyes had been instantly withdrawn. Nevertheless, even though almost 99 percent of them no longer believed it was the Virus Industries who had spread the Mutated HIV, one percent still did continue believing they had been the culprit behind all this... or at least, they were highly suspicious of them.

However, at the end of the day, when everything was said and done, they still couldn’t do anything about it since they neither had any evidence to back their claims nor would they bother trying to unravel this cloud of mystery which was covering this so-called Virus Company.

Of course, a few exceptions existed among those people, and one of these anomalies was... detective Lock. John Lock!

He was one of the few exceptions in the world who believed that Virus Company was most likely the culprit and the mastermind behind the so-called Mutated HIV.

Right now, detective Lock was in New York as he continued to walk on its streets to a certain direction while contemplating to himself, ’First, they started producing these highly advanced mobile phones which were so technologically advanced that they literally overthrew the other mobile companies at the same time. Now, for everyone else in the world, the mobile business is stagnant. Of course, it’s the opposite case when it actually comes to Virus Industries itself since they are flourishing higher than ever, especially when it comes to the business of mobile phones... as they can be considered the sole leading phone company in the world.’

Pausing for a very short moment when he reached this point of his contemplation, he considered some vital factors before proceeding with his special way of thinking, ’Moreover, afterward, they also entered the Automotive Industry too and according to the data I gathered, their cars could be said to be the most advanced ones in the world. Though they still fall short compared to the other luxurious car companies who had been building their brands for decades, it doesn’t change the fact that their cars are better... so this means they are the best one in this field too.’

Ultimately, he arrived at the most vital one among everything that had to do with the Virus Company, ’And then comes the matter of Mutated HIV... where did it come from? Why did it’s appearance coincide so much with the appearance of the Virus Industries? And how could it still be the Virus Industries that had the cure to it? So does that mean they are far more advanced than the rest of the world when it comes to the pharmaceutical field too?’ He proceeded with his line of thinking as he pushed his way through the throng.

’Hmm, also, I heard they are trying to enter the Mining Industry too... but the mining industry needs mines and I don’t believe they have mines... it has nothing to do with technology. Um... could it be they’re trying to buy some mines? No, no, no... that wouldn’t be as profitable as their technologies and other products... hmm... what’s going on here?’ Placing one hand under his chin, he stopped moving completely.

Soon, he went on motion once again as his casual walk restarted, ’It seems... I gotta wait further in order to make sure about that and many other facts... well, I got nothing but time... I could also visit Amara while I’m at it.’ Thinking about Amara, a kind smile filled with love showed up on his face.

However, thinking further on the matter and remembering how she had fallen head over heels for Aizen, his mood promptly turned very sour and downcast as an even stronger determination showed up inside his eyes, the determination to get to the bottom of the matter of Virus Industries and its chairman Aizen Vee. Of course, he also believed that he had to do everything in absolute secrecy especially hidden from the eyes of Amara.

So, while gritting his teeth, he once again picked up his thoughts where he had left it previously, except this time, there was a hint of jealousy apparent in his eyes too, ’But, putting all of these matters together... first comes the technologically advanced phones which shocked the whole world. Then, the advanced cars also popped up which happened to startle the world once again. And at last, comes the Mutated HIV, which is the biggest one among them, and they just happened to have the cure to it. Three of the most shocking incidents of the entire world that happened one after another were all connected to them one way or another. It’s as if... it’s as if the whole world is moving in the direction that would benefit them the most!’

At this point, his eyes became wide open as a terrifying notion popped into his head, ’Could it be... the world’s strange events are totally being controlled by them? Everything comes back to them? They are changing the world... who are they? Who is behind the Virus Industries? Who is behind Aizen Vee? What’s their true goal?’ By now, the further he deliberated on the topic, the more alarmed and lost he became.





Currently, a variety of people were commuting among the noisy streets of this city of love. At present, they were walking on these jammed streets for many different reasons. Some of them were tourists, some were the native citizens of this city, while many others had their own personal reason to be in this great city.

Right now, in one of the packed streets of this crowded city which happened to be extremely close to the popular Tower of Eiffel, people were having one of those extremely normal days of their life when abruptly...


In an absolutely quiet manner, a small crack started to expand on the very space itself as the next moment, it began to expand exactly the same way how fissures grew on a cracking transparent glass, only in this case, it was on the fabric of space itself.

In a matter of a few seconds, this crack’s height grew to more than one and a half meters.

Many people were still unaware of the abrupt appearance of this fracture on space. That was especially true when it came to the person closest to the crack whose head was currently lowered toward his phone while he continued on his path toward the crack.

Soon, he finally came into direct contact with the crack... as he disappeared into it!

By now, almost everyone had noticed the appearance of this unbelievable scene in front of them as they looked at the gap in space both in a startled and stunned manner.

For a few seconds, it seemed as if everyone had stopped moving altogether while they stared at the rift in front of them quietly as their eyes snapped wide open to a horrifying degree.

"Ahhhhh..." However, finally, a woman started screaming as she began running in a random direction before disappearing into the distant horizon.

This scream instantly brought everyone back to their senses and then... the silence was no more!


"Oh my god! What is that!"


"Fuuuuuuuuuuck! Fuck fuck fuck fuck..."

"Mommy~ Waaah..."

Now, all around the rift, it was complete chaos as everyone was running in a random direction like scared ants.

They were so terrified that many of them even had lost their balance as they fell on the ground and were crushed under their feet the very next moment.

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