The Healing Solaris Cleric

Chapter 101: Lynel’s Dungeon (4)

Chapter 101: Lynel’s Dungeon (4)

Heal Reduction was a debuff that significantly decreased the healing effects on the target. For tanks, who had to continuously endure enemy attacks at the front lines, it was nothing short of a nightmare!

Of course, there were ways to counteract the Heal Reduction debuff.

Cure and Heal.

Cure purified debuffs on allies and Heal restored an ally's health. Both skills were basic ones that a Cleric could use immediately upon their class change.

However, when these skills burst out simultaneously from Kai's hands, the party members' expressions changed drastically.

Even Balter, who was receiving the healing, turned around and forgot his role as a tank for a moment.

W-what is this guy...?

Was that... double casting?

A Cleric using double casting? Not even a Wizard, but a Cleric?!

The party members were left speechless.

Above them, Kai's voice rang out, "What are you all doing? The line is breaking!"

"Oh, right!"

"Tanks, get the line back in order! Balter's side is collapsing!"

"I'll focus healing on that side!"

The chaotic battlefield was quickly brought under control, but the Rush guild members were no longer concerned with the living armors.

All their attention was focused on the Cleric at the back of the party.

A Cleric who uses double casting!

That's a waste of talent!

Why did he train as a Cleric instead of a Wizard?

Drawing a star with one hand and an octagon with the other was something anyone could do. However, few could manage to do that simultaneously.

Double casting was a skill of that nature. It relied more on the player's talent and brain function than on effort, making it an unfair skill.

Casting Cure with the left hand and Heal with the right hand at the same time.

The left and right hemispheres of the brain issued commands, and the hands performed different tasks.

This unfair skill had been used by a few Clerics before Kai. However, once they realized their talent, they often deleted their character to restart as a Wizard because the significance and recognition of double casting differed vastly between Clerics and Wizards.

If I had realized I could double cast earlier, I might have switched to a Wizard myself.

Unfortunately, Kai had only discovered his ability to double cast a few days prior.

The primary reason was learning moving casting from the white-bearded master, which operated on the same principle as double casting.

Multitasking requires performing two tasks simultaneously. It’s equally annoying for me.

The result of honing his skills while soloing in Melbarun's Graveyard for two weeks was acquiring many skills, including double casting.



"That hurts!"


The living armor's attacks were reminiscent of NPC knights. They were fast, powerful, and even had that annoying Heal Reduction effect attached!

Naturally, the tanks' gazes were practically glittering with rage.

Ugh! If it weren't for this stupid Heal Reduction...

Look at these guys charging in, relying on their Heal Reduction!

I swear, I'd bash their heads in with my shield...

Of course, the tanks only had fierce looks in their eyes, but in reality, they could barely manage parrying the living armors’ attacks with their shields. The Clerics were doing their best to heal, but the Heal Reduction made it seem like the healing wasn't effective at all.

However, Kai's intervention turned the situation around.

"I'll focus Cure and Heal on those with the Heal Reduction debuff. Other Clerics, please support with additional healing!"


"But can you manage it with twenty people affected?"

"I can. I'm the sub-healer." Kai's eyes gleamed as he spoke.

As he said, his role in the party was that of a sub-healer. The main healing was handled by the three Rush Clerics, each over level 140.

And the sub-healer's job is to set the stage so the main healers can heal freely!

Currently, the main healers were responsible for seven party members each. They knew that the Cure skill could remove the Heal Reduction debuff, but they couldn't find the time to use it.

Because they can't double cast.

Moreover, they had to keep their buffs up while managing their dwindling Holy Power. It was no wonder Clerics were called an extreme job!

However, Kai was free from these headaches.

I'm just a sub-healer, after all.

In other words, he was in a position free from responsibility and pain!

"Cure, Heal! Cure, Heal!"

As Kai joined the battle and immediately removed the Heal Reduction effect, the tanks' health quickly stabilized.

Screech, screeech!


Riding this momentum, the dealers poured on the attacks, and the living armors turned into polygons and scattered.

Exhausted from the fierce battle, the party members slumped to the ground, letting their weapons drop.

"Hah... the fifth floor is really tough."

"Man, if I knew it would be this hard, I would have brought more of the guild's elite."

"Right now, we can only rely on Black Bear."

"It's a shame Black Bear is a tank. If he were a damage dealer, he would've wiped out all the dungeon monsters by himself."

"But it was only tough at the beginning. It got easier toward the end."

"That's because of..."

The people chatting turned their gazes in one direction.

At the end of their line of sight was Kai, sitting and drinking a Holy Power potion.

With his face flushed, Balter blinked his big eyes at Kai and asked, "Hey! What are you?"

Kai immediately furrowed his brows as he complained. "Ugh, it's hot. Don't come so close. It feels like the temperature around me went up by two degrees."

"Is that important right now? What was that earlier? Wasn't that double casting?"

"It was."

"I-it was...?" Balter swallowed his questions that were about to come out of his mouth.

Why are you a Cleric with that talent!

"Why are you being a Cleric with that talent! Ah... I didn't..." In the end, Balter couldn't hold back and blurted out his question!

To this, Kai let out a chuckle.

"I didn't even know I could do this until recently. I've only been able to use it for a few days."

If he hadn't learned about moving casting from the white-bearded master, he wouldn't have been able to double cast either.

Just like how even a top-tier sports car's performance varied greatly depending on the driver's skill, the brain's capabilities also improved significantly when one learned how to manage them more efficiently.

"That doesn't make any sense..."

"Balter, can I have a word with Kai for a moment?"

"Oh, yes. Go ahead."

With a serious expression, Black Bear sought Balter's permission and then said to Kai, "If you don't mind, I'd like to have a word with you."

Kai, getting up, nodded. "Yes, please go ahead."

"...Have you ever considered becoming a Wizard?"

Kai tilted his head at Black Bear's question. Everyone here, including Black Bear, knew he was a Cleric, so asking such a question only indicated one thing.

He must be asking if I'd consider leveling up a new character, right?

Though he was beating around the bush, it was essentially a recruitment offer.

As if to confirm this, Black Bear continued, "If you create a new character and join our guild, we will get you to level 130 within three... no, two months and a half in real-time. We'll also equip you with top-tier gear from head to toe."

It was an offer so enticing that it left Kai speechless!

Even if the Rush guild struggled with this dungeon, it was just a small part of their entire force.

This was a golden opportunity to join one of the country's top four guilds!

Comet also seemed amazed and shot him a look, urging him to sesize the opportunity.

If I were an ordinary Cleric, I might have spent about thirty minutes contemplating this, but...

Kai didn't even ponder for a moment and shook his head.

"I'm sorry. I think I prefer being a Cleric over a Wizard."

"Hmm... But double casting is much more powerful for a Wizard. It can nearly double your DPS."

"I am aware. But still, I like this class."

"Well, if you're that set on it, there's nothing I can do."

Black Bear genuinely looked regretful.

I thought he just lacked talent for the game... but that wasn't it.

He had plenty of talent but simply lacked ambition. That was how Black Bear judged Kai, but of course, that judgment was slightly off the mark.

Wow, did he just ask a Mythic-rank player to delete their character and become a regular Wizard?

Just imagining it made his heart sink!

Kai, who had shown more ambition about his class than ever, barely managed to calm his trembling body.

"Then, please rest up. We plan to set off again in ten minutes."

When both Black Bear and Comet returned to their previous spot, Black Bear sighed regretfully.

Comet also said in frustration, "Haaa. It's really a shame. Why does God give such talent to people who waste it... If I had that talent, I would've used it so well."

"Just as some people think of gaming as a profession like us, there are others like Kai who simply enjoy the game for what it is. It's not about one side being right and the other being wrong. It's just different values."

"But still... with that talent..."

"That's enough of that."

Black Bear slightly turned his head and looked at Kai, who was chatting with Balter.

Still, this is a bit exciting. As far as I know, Kai is the only Cleric who can use double casting.

All other Clerics who discovered they could double cast switched to being Wizards before reaching level 30.

A Wizard using double casting is naturally powerful. But what about a Cleric?

Whether it turned out good or bad, one thing was certain. Kai would become something unprecedented.

Interesting guy. I guess there would be no harm in getting to know him better.

Turning his head back, Black Bear focused on getting out of the dungeon.


"Make sure to learn Haste. It unlocks at level 70 at the church, so you can get it now."

"That earlier skill? It's called Healing Wave. It's a non-target skill, so it's a bit tricky to use... but it gets better with practice."

"Oh, and you haven't upgraded Sacred Barrier yet, right? Complete the quest at Milta Mountain to upgrade it to Veil of Light. You definitely need to do this one."

To Kai, the Lynel Dungeon was a land flowing with milk, honey, and tips!

The three main healers didn't hesitate to share all the tips they knew with Kai.

I’m picking up a lot of great tips.

Having absorbed their teachings like a sponge, Kai was now at level 98. This was possible thanks to thoroughly clearing the fifth basement level and its dullahan in one day!

At the same time, an inexplicable tension lingered on the faces of the Rush party members.

It seems like the next floor...

...will be our grave.

Whether it becomes Lynel’s grave or ours remains to be seen.

Kai recalled the message that appeared after defeating the dullahan on the sixth basement level.

[The sixth knight has fallen. Lynel, the seventh knight, now awaits the challengers.]

The seventh knight was named Lynel. Unlike the previous floor guardians, this one had a name, and it was the boss monster of this dungeon.

"Let's go."

Standing at the forefront of the twenty-four-member group, Black Bear confidently touched the stone door leading to the stairs.

A window asking for the party members' consent appeared, and everyone resolutely accepted.

Rumble, rumble.

The stone door blocking the stairs to the lower floor opened, and the raid party headed down.


"This is...?"

The moment they arrived on the lower floor, everyone became vigilant for one reason.

The floor structure is different from the upper levels.

No living armors or dullahans in sight.

The room is filled with pillars.

And what's with the floor?

The square tiles on the floor intermittently glowed blue. Standing on them made everyone feel like pieces on a chessboard or a go board.

Surveying the surroundings, Black Bear asked, "Where's Lynel?"

"We haven't pinpointed its location y—Oh! Spotted Lynel ahead!"

At the ranger's shout, everyone's gaze turned forward.

A tattered, yellow cleric's robe dragged along on the floor. Underneath was rusted and battered armor, and lastly, it stepped forward holding an empty helmet at its side.

[Dungeon boss. You have encountered Lynel, the seventh knight.]

Lynel didn’t utter any warning like typical bosses did, and with that, the battle began.

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