The Last Adventurer

Chapter 8

Chapter 8

[Translator – Prøks]

[Proofreader – Prøks]

Chapter 8: Hero Killer (2)


The era of the Mystic Gate was a time of opportunity for adventurers.

Conversely, it was a time of chaos for those who were not adventurers.

Those who could not open the Circle could no longer survive in the old way.

The merchants were among them.

It was no longer possible to make money in the old way.

‘You can’t make a big fortune with common sense.’

Ebisu knew that too.

That’s why.

‘1 million mesos.’

When El Paume asked to borrow that huge sum of money, Ebisu couldn’t help but let out a furious roar.

Of course, it didn’t mean he was convinced.

‘This guy is crazy.’

El Paume’s request was so absurd that even a madman would curse, it was that ridiculous.

‘That’s why it’s valuable.’

Ebisu was drawn to him because he was such a madman.

Adventurers have always been like this.

‘Those adventurers who are good at using calculators can’t be asked to do anything difficult.’

The first adventurer said.

He said that the greatest romance of an adventurer is to explore the unknown.

However, there were very few adventurers who actually pursued that romance.

Most of them preferred to explore the known rather than the unknown.

They chose safety over recklessness.

And that was the norm.

After all, wealth and fame, those sweet things, can only be tasted if you are alive, right?

In particular, the Mystic Gate has enhanced the calculation skills of adventurers.

The fact that the difficulty can be estimated using the gate color, the number of entry restrictions, and the number of wounds.

In many ways, it has become easier for adventurers to risk their lives, and so it has become natural for them to risk their lives.

‘But there are some crazy guys.’

Of course, there were still some adventurers who acted like adventurers.

‘They either died or went up to the top.’

However, they were not in Ebisu’s hands.

That was one of the reasons why Ebisu was attracted to El Paume.

‘There is no madman in my hands who can venture into the Red Rank.’

The Mystic Gate is divided into grades according to the color of the gate.

And the number of circles that can be entered is determined according to that grade.

In the case of a Red Rank Mystic Gate, adventurers with more than 3 circles cannot enter at all.

Is there a madman who can enter the Red Rank Mystic Gate in such a situation?

It’s quite an attractive card.

‘He did get to 2 circles, but that’s thanks to luck. I don’t know what abilities he has yet. Above all, circle up and hunting ability are separate. There are many people who only have high circles but can’t hunt.’

Of course, El Paume’s ability has not yet been properly verified.

‘1 million mesos.’

So Ebisu hesitated and soon made a decision.


“It’s 1 million mesos.”

With those words, a check appeared in front of El Paume. It was a check for a huge sum of money that El Paume had never seen before in his life.

A contract was placed next to the check. It wasn’t the first time he had seen it. He had seen it once before.

“It’s a debt contract.”

Before returning to the past, El Paume saw the exact same contract at the Gafor’s Top.

And he had signed that contract, and that moment was still vividly in his mind, even in his long memory.

“Let me explain…….”

Every word of the long story that the Gafor’s Top employee had told him with this contract in front of him was clear.

That was why.

“No need.”


The moment El Paume confirmed that the contract was exactly the same as the one he had seen before, he signed it without hesitation.

After picking up the check, El Paume walked out of the Gafor’s Top building.

‘Ebisu, you bet on me.’

For now, El Paume thanked Ebisu at this moment.


El Paume himself also knew very well how absurd his words were.

It was something he would never have said if he didn’t know Ebisu’s situation.

In other words, El Paume knew that Ebisu now needed a madman like him, even if he was only 2 circles or lower.

‘Because the 100-man gate has appeared.’

The 100-man gate, as the name suggests, was a Mystic Gate with a capacity of 100 people.

A Mystic Gate with 100 people entering was not uncommon. Rather, there were Mystic Gates that boasted a capacity of over 1,000 people.

‘100 is the maximum for the Red Rank.’

However, there had never been a Mystic Gate where more than 100 people could enter in the Red Rank.

In addition, the number of people who can enter the Mystic Gate signifies the difficulty of the Mystic Gate.

The more people who can enter, the more difficult it is inside the Mystic Gate.

In other words, the 100-man gate meant the most difficult difficulty among the Red Rank Mystic Gates that could appear.

‘The higher the risk, the greater the reward.’

And it was worth that much.

That’s why the 100-man gate was the top priority of all guilds.

The problem was that only 2-circle or lower adventurers could enter the Red Rank Mystic Gate.

Even though they would like to include 5-circle adventurers, they couldn’t.

It was also not easy for a single guild to clear it on their own.

It meant that they could lose the best prospect in the guild if they made a mistake.

That was not all.

‘There are many people who want it that much.’

What if the competition comes in when it’s not easy to just go on an adventure?

It’s a headache in many ways.

That’s why the 10 guilds in Liss Harbor agreed.

‘We have to break it together after all.’

They agreed that no one would monopolize the 100-man gate and that the 10 guilds would join forces to attack it.

Of course, there were cases where it was hidden, but in that case, no one recognized the ownership.

Anyway, now that the 100-man gate had appeared, the 10 guilds were in the process of forming the best members they could field.

Gafor’s Top was naturally also forming a team.

‘The Ibob Party will be entering from Gafor’s Top.’

And El Paume knew very well who had entered from Gafor’s Top.

It wasn’t because he had a good memory.

Although the 100-man gate raid was a big event in the world of adventurers, it wasn’t even that big in El Paume’s life, which was full of huge events.

The reason why the gate raid remained in El Paume’s mind was simple.

‘Anyway, they all died anyway.’

It was because the gate raid was a historic disaster.

‘Even after that.’

They had tried to raid it three times, but they had failed.

That’s why he remembered it.

Of course, his memory only went so far.

He had no memory of what happened to the Mystic Gate after that.

He wasn’t interested at the time.

But now it was different.

‘Whatever happens, I’m going to raid it this time.’

El Paume was determined to raid it.

And El Paume was confident that he could clear it.

El Paume was now a 2nd Circle, and he could use both telekinesis and fire arrow magic.

This alone allowed him to exert the power of a hundred men, or even more.

Crucially, he had the experience of the Last Adventurer, who had hunted more monsters than anyone else.

‘More surely.’

That said, El Paume was not complacent at this moment.

He couldn’t be.

If he were to die for some reason, the world would face an even more miserable destruction.

‘I don’t know the purpose of the one who sent me to the past. But he wouldn’t have wanted me to die a horrible death.’

It was a time when the best possible preparation was needed.

That’s why he borrowed 1 million mesos.

Of course, it was not money he borrowed to pay for his own life.

That would have been pointless in the first place.

Borrowing money from Gafor’s Top to pay off a debt to Gafor’s Top? That’s a ridiculous joke.

It wasn’t that he was trying to buy items either.

The fire arrow and telekinesis skills that El Paume currently possessed were classified as ordinary Rare-grade skills, but even Epic-grade items, which were the next grade up, were worth about 1 million mesos.

The Unique-grade items that El Paume wanted, items that were the only ones in Maple World, were impossible to purchase with mesos in the first place.

1 million mesos was a lot of money to begin with.

It was an unimaginable amount of money for ordinary people, but it was not that much money by the standards of adventurers or guilds.

After all, wasn’t it 1 million mesos that was spent to buy El Paume as a slave?

To be precise, it wasn’t money, but it was the Black Plague cure that was priced at that level, but in any case, that was all that could be bought with 1 million mesos.

‘All you can buy with this money is a slave.’

El Paume knew that too.

That’s why he borrowed it.

‘Then I should buy a slave.’


The status of a slave did not exist in Maple World.

But everyone knew.

“Humans are slaves to mesos.”

That everyone is a slave to money.

Adventurers were no different.

No matter how they packaged it, they were just people who risked their lives for adventure because of money.

Of course, a small number of people did whatever adventure they wanted without being bound by mesos, but they were literally a small number.

The slave market was thriving for these reasons.

“Welcome to the Human Resources Market.”

It was disguised as a very plausible and cool packaging called the Human Resources Market.

“You are an adventurer.”

Moreover, adventurers often visited such human resources markets.

“Do you have a preferred type? Are you looking for bait?”

The most commonly sought after are bait slaves.

However, not everyone was looking for bait slaves. In fact, only the Gafor’s Top handled bait slaves.

On the contrary, most of those who were traded in the slave market were people who had not been able to open their circles, but had various abilities.

“I’m looking for a warrior.”

Some of them were good at fighting with weapons.

“How much are you looking at?”

The price of those who were quite good among them was quite high.

At least in the Red Rank, even those who couldn’t use skills were a force to be reckoned with.

“I’m looking for Dibo.”

Of course, what El Paume was looking for was not a very good level.


The expression of the Liss Harbor Human Resources Market employee hardened at El Paume’s request.

It wasn’t hardened in a good way.

It was a hardened expression of worry and concern.

That expression was enough.

“Do you know who that guy is?”

What kind of person is Dibo, the one El Paume is looking for.

“I know.”

Of course, El Paume knew very well who he was looking for. If not, he wouldn’t have come here in person.

But the employee was different.

He didn’t believe it.

“You mean you know him and you’re still here? You’re going to hire that crazy dog?”

He thought that if El Paume really knew him, he wouldn’t hire Dibo.

El Paume nodded at the employee’s expression.

“Yes, I’m going to hire that crazy dog, Dibo.”

He knows him well.

‘Dibo. We meet again this time.’

No, he couldn’t forget.

‘The hero killer who killed Aran, the Polearm Hero.’

Dibo, the name El Paume knew him by, was something he could never forget.

[Translator – Prøks]

[Proofreader – Prøks]

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