The Last Paragon in the Apocalypse

Chapter 52: Who is this white hair kid

"Heavs, what happed here?" Far from where Klaus was battling the G Drake Lizard King, a group of warriors arrived, staring in disbelief at the battlefield. Thousands of Tier 3 monster corpses lay scattered across the g.

The shock was writt across their faces. These warriors, all of them Master stage experts, had clearly be through their own struggles. Yet, seeing the sheer number of fall monsters before them, some began to turn pale.

Soon, more people started arriving, including several Grandmaster stage experts, each wearing the same look of astonishmt. A few minutes earlier, wh the Flame Ball had exploded, it had drawn atttion from those scattered throughout other regions of the Forbidd Zone.

They had rushed over at full speed to investigate the chaos, but by the time they arrived, only the bodies of Tier 3 monsters remained. There was no sign of the person responsible. Greed quickly crept into some of their eyes.

"Who could have killed this many monsters?" one Grandmaster stage expert asked, his voice filled with awe.

"Why bother asking?" another replied, his gaze filled with greed. "There's no one here. This is a rare opportunity. We should grab these bodies and run before whoever did this comes back."

"Do you have a death wish?" a more clear-headed expert retorted, surveying the battlefield with caution. "Whoever did this must be powerful ough that they can kill you in an instant. Look at how many monsters they took down."

"Th what should we do?" someone else asked nervously.

"Let's survey the area first," the cautious one suggested. "If we're certain no one's a, we can take what we want."

Everyone nodded in agreemt and began to spread out, carefully moving a the battlefield, searching for any signs of danger.

Suddly, a deafing roar echoed from far away, causing everyone to freeze in their tracks. The sheer force of the roar st pressure crashing down on them, forcing several to buckle under its weight. But just as suddly as it had appeared, the pressure was wiped away by a powerful booming sound.

"Hurry! There's a battle up ahead!" one of the experts shouted, quickly darting toward the direction of the noise. The others followed closely behind, racing toward the new source of chaos.

Rushing forward, they arrived at a section of the g that was still smoldering from the explosion. Charred earth stretched before them, the air thick with heat and smoke.

"Heavs, what could have caused this?" someone muttered, voice filled with awe.

"More importantly, who could have caused this?" another person asked, eyes scanning the scorched surings. They all stood still for a momt, staring at the devastation in disbelief.

"Look ahead, Someone's still fighting" the leader of the group suddly called out, pointing toward the distance.

Everyone immediately moved closer, straining to see what was happing. As they got a clearer view, one of the warriors gasped in shock. "Is... Is that the G Drake Lizard King?" he shouted, his jaw hanging by a thread.

"Oh my god!" another exclaimed, panic rising in his voice. "It's the Overlord of this region! The G Drake Lizard King!"

They all stared in shock at the sight ahead of them. But it wasn't just the monstrous creature that held their atttion. There, in the midst of the chaos, stood a lone figure—a -haired boy, battling fiercely against the Overlord.

"Who is that kid?" someone whispered, eyes wide with disbelief. "Why is he fighting the Overlord?"

The warriors watched in stunned silce, unable to tear their eyes away from the impossible sce unfolding before them.

"Fuck, he's overpowering the Overlord! Quick, someone records this!" a figure exclaimed, frantically looking a. Seeing that everyone else already had their recording devices out, he quickly fumbled for his glass phone and started filming the battle.

Up ahead, Klaus continued to circle the G Drake Lizard King, unleashing fire attacks with reltless precision. Each strike landed with deadly accuracy, his movemts smooth and calculated. The arcs of fire he conjured were sharper than ever, each one shimmering with a gold aura.

Ever since awaking his sword aura, Klaus had expericed explosive growth in his swordsmanship. Every strike now carried an extra force, ough to cut through ev the toughest defses of the monster. No matter how thick its hide, his attacks always left a mark.

Suddly, the G Drake Lizard King let out a deafing roar and leaped high into the air. Its colossal body came crashing down toward Klaus, aiming to crush him beath its massive weight. But Klaus only smirked and dashed forward, disappearing and reappearing at the monster's tail just as it was about to land.

His sword gleamed crimson, and with a swift slash, he cut into the beast's tail, igniting it in flames.

Klaus didn't stop there. As the monster began to descd, he swung his sword again, this time striking its side. The force of the blow st the monster crashing into the g with a thunderous boom, causing a massive shockwave that pushed Klaus back several meters.

"Fuck, having a big body sure has its perks," Klaus cursed, picking himself up from the g. He shook off the impact and dashed forward again, sding out a few more blazing fire arcs before closing the distance betwe him and the beast.

"So it seems my defse still needs some work," Klaus muttered to himself. After narrowly surviving the heatwave and shockwave from the flame ball's detonation and now being thrown back by the monster's weight, he realized he was still lacking in defse. Ev with all his power, there was more to improve.

But he wasn't done yet. He would keep pushing until he reached his limit—if he had one at all.


The G Drake Lizard King slammed its massive claws into the g, causing spikes of harded earth to erupt and shoot toward Klaus. Klaus smirked, effortlessly dodging some of the spikes while shattering others with quick, precise strikes from his sword.

The G Drake Lizard King was an earth-type monster, fully adept at manipulating the earth elemt. Its attacks were earth-based, each designed to crush or impale its emies. But Klaus wasn't worried. His agility far outmatched the colossal monster.

He moved with incredible speed, his reflexes razor-sharp, and before any of the monster's attacks could ev reach him, Klaus would disrupt them with ease.

Klaus knew he wouldn't have had such an easy time if the G Drake Lizard King had be a human. A skilled human oppont might have predicted his moves, adapted to his speed, or countered his attacks. But this monster, for all its raw power, lacked that level of strategy and finesse. It relied too much on brute force and the overwhelming strgth of its elemt.

"It's not ev my match," Klaus sighed, his tone calm as his speed suddly increased. In an instant, he appeared directly in front of the G Drake Lizard King. His sword flashed forward, aiming for the monster's neck. Just before the blade tered its thick hide, it glowed a brilliant blue. With one swift motion, Klaus buried the sword to its hilt in the monster's neck.

The beast's eyes wided in shock for a brief momt, th turned completely , froz in place. Its massive body trembled violtly, trying to resist the unnatural cold spreading through its veins. But it was too late. The ice had already tak hold, freezing its blood and locking its body in place.

The G Drake Lizard King, once full of life and ferocity, stood completely still, now lifeless.

Klaus stood beside the froz corpse for a few seconds, his expression unreadable. He calmly withdrew his sword, wiping it clean. No blood flowed from the wound—the ice had sealed it completely. The towering monster, the Overlord of this region, was dead, its reign brought to an d.

The onlookers, who had be filming the battle with their recording devices, stood froz in place like statues. Their faces were pale with shock, unable to comprehd what they had just witnessed. Klaus ignored them for a momt, bding down to retrieve the monster's core. He stored it away without a word, th finally turned to face the experts.

They stood there like mannequins, still holding their devices, eyes wide with disbelief.

"It's dead," someone blurted out, breaking the silce. The voice snapped the others out of their daze. Slowly, they began to gather their sses, staring at the colossal, lifeless body of the G Drake Lizard King lying before them.

"Wait... It's him! The Pretty Boy!" another person exclaimed. Now that the fight was over and Klaus stood visible in the op, everyone finally recognized him. He was the infamous "Pretty Boy" who had be causing an uproar on the internet lately.

Over the past few days, people had be scrambling to get a new image of him, but no matter how hard they tried, he always seemed to slip through their grasp.

Just a day ago, a user by the name of @GoodBoyB posted a selfie with Klaus, captioning it: "Big brother is in seclusion, so no one should bother looking for him." The post exploded, causing a storm online. Thousands of people, from curious fans to high-profile companies, flooded @GoodBoyB's direct messages, demanding to know Klaus's whereabouts.

Brands and businesses wanted to sign deals with him, while people from all walks of life were desperate to learn more about the igmatic -haired youth. Because of the frzy, @GoodBoyB became an overnight ssation. Yet, despite the atttion and offers, he remained tight-lipped, refusing to share any more information about Klaus.

Th, just a day later, another user, @Hi_Its_Me_Mandy, posted a thread filled with various selfies of her and Klaus. In each photo, Klaus was wearing the same clothes as he had in @GoodBoyB's post. This stirred ev more chaos online, with people becoming ev more desperate for any sight of him.

Now, standing before them in the flesh is Klaus, the Pretty Boy everyone has be looking for. They didn't know how to behave. They just stood there looking at him with both shock and reverce.

"Fuck, I am heading over," A young lady with a bow on her back said walking toward Klaus with shaky confidce

"Brother..." She started to speak but she realized she didn't know his name, nobody did.

"Klaus" Klaus responded with a small smile making his name known to everyone now.

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