The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 209: Dragon Slayer Sword; First Stance: Chaotic Soul Slash…

Chapter 209: Dragon Slayer Sword; First Stance: Chaotic Soul Slash…

When it finally collided with the wings, not only did it rid it of all Death Qi within the wing, but also tore a human sized hole within it as the death dragon plunged towards the ground but not before sending its whip-like, extremely sharp and massive tail towards Min Hong

Though, the last ditch attack was abrupt and fierce, Min Hong didn't falter, instead, a cunning and knowing smirk tore the corner of his lips as another different voice spoke out;

"My turn!"

This time, it was Daniel who actually entered the fray as he took control of the sword made of Metal Dao from Min Hong and bellowed mentally; 

"Little Fei, Now!"


The amount of Metal Qi in the sword erupted as the sword grew so large even I was wondering how Min Hong could actually still lift it...

Then Oblivion Qi took over the hilt to reduce the expected shock from impact before Chaos Qi wrapped around the blades like scarf...

Then finally, Little Fei responded by adding the same soul force that tore a hole in the death dragon's wing to the edges of the blade as Daniel bellowed through Min Hong's voice;

"Dragon Slayer Sword"

"First Stance"

"Chaotic Soul Slash!"

and then with a swift, smooth and beautiful swing of the massive sword in his grip, Daniel target the spot where the death dragon's tail was joined to its body with a sniper's precision and hacked ferociously at it 





A deeply painful roar burst forth from the mouth of the death dragon which plunged downwards towards the massive cube where Shen Bing was trapped before smashing into it

Instantly rising from the humiliating fall, the death dragon which was now missing its massive tail that was still wriggling fiercely in front of Min Hong like an earthworm within a bowl of salt, cocked its head backwards and bellowed another deep roar, but this time, there was a mix of pain, wariness, pure rage and slight fear hidden within

"Thanks guys"

Min Hong said to himself as Little Fei replied;

"This isn't over yet in fact, we just seriously pissed it off..." 

The death dragon actually exploded into a massive cloud of Death Qi which gradually began to shrink inwardly like it was being sucked in, until it wasn't any larger than Min Hong himself...

Then from what they could see from the distance and when the Death Qi was finally absorbed a brand new dragon which wasn't any larger than Min Hong in height appeared before everyone's view

Though, it was smaller now, it was even scarier

Its claws were so sharp they glistened like the scope of a sniper in the sunlight

Its body was now sturdier and all the rotten flesh, bones and organs were nowhere to be found, as Min Hong saw two wings which could actually wrap around five adult male behind it, albeit extremely sturdy

But that was not all, Min Hong saw the gaping hole in its wing began to close up as the death dragon absorbed more of the Death Qi which was now shrinking at a faster rate

A similar thing was also happening to its tail as a new one began to grow in its place, but this time around, the tail had the tip and edge of that of a demon as the two horns on its head actually had flames of Death Qi burning at the tip like it was some sort of ancient battle torch

All in all, this death dragon was looking very much complete, stronger, sturdier and from the vibes the Min Hong trio were sensing from its, a whole lot faster too

Then the death dragon cocked its head back and roared to the sky before speaking in a tone of pure, unadulterated rage; 

"Little mortal, you should count yourself lucky that you could actually witness me transform back to the glimmer of my divine sense You can go to the yellow springs of the netherworld now"



Min Hong barely saw a black streak approach him at first, then it turned to a blur, and after a single blink the dragon was already in front of him, but instead of smashing into him like expected, it simply took off and flew upwards past Min Hong who was stunned speechless when the death dragon didn't attack him

Not even a slash of Death Qi, or claw swipe, or wing slap or even pure ramming?

But before his thought could fall onto the next process, Little Fei screamed into his brains;

"Watch out!"



Min Hong was sent flying over 300 feet away from the point of impact

"Damn it That was way stronger than I expected"

Min Hong grabbed his dragon slayer sword which had left his grip from the impact of the dragon's attack, as he landed on his feet, digging a fifteen inch deep and 50 feet gully in his wake

The death dragon had gathered all that speed and momentum earlier not to attack with its main body, but actually strike with its newly grown tail, and the force behind that tail strike was, by Min Hong's standards, equivalent to the full force attack from a Peak Star Nascent Soul expert

Adding to the fact that he was slightly caught off guard by the massive and intelligent feint the death dragon made with its body, if not for Little Fei's warning and the instincts of Daniel who brought the dragon slayer sword across his chest, Min Hong would have most definitely suffered a grievous injury to his soul...

After all, just the after-shock of the tail impact was enough to make his physical body in the outside world puke a mouthful of fresh blood

"Nah, I correct myself, I would have died if that tail had touched me" 

Turning around to look for the death dragon which was nowhere in sight, Min Hong saw what he was looking for just three feet away from him, with a claw strike headed for his head;


Min Hong blurted as Little Fei wrapped him in a blanket of soul force whilst Daniel wrapped another layer of all four Intent Level Daos he had comprehended before Min Hong finally raised the dragon slayer sword to block the attack from landing squarely on him

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