The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 229: A Total Mess

Chapter 229: A Total Mess

"Nothing makes any sense in there, not even the ideology of time itself"

"But the only thing separating that nightmare of a place from us, is the Chaos itself"

"Chaos does not follow any known set of laws or ideologies it has its own set of rules and school of thoughts"

"There are great man things within it that even the gods and devils can never comprehend even in ten lifetimes"

"The Chaos gives birth to beings, creatures, treasures and resources that defies even the heavenly logic"

'Even Luo Sheng who based on what you have heard so far could be considered as an Overlord, would mean nothing out there" Min Hong heard this and went silent

"This was a lot!"

This was the thoughts of Min Hong who had always thought he understood everything about Daos just because he had comprehended a Dao that no one in the entire world had ever comprehended 

But, in just about thirty minutes with Cui, everything he thought he knew had almost went to shit, which only caused him to remember the words of his 'Greatest Senior Apprentice Brother' which made mention about being 'open minded'

Then he looked into the distance and saw one of the things Cui had been talking about in the distance

It was the same thing that he had been feeling a sense of familiarity to; a pitch black and behaved like the angriest thunderstorms as it warped and morphed into different shapes at the edge of the universe itself

"What happened next after that?"

Min Hong asked as he began to thank whatever it was that made him pay so much attention to this story

Perhaps, it was lady luck, or rather, it might have been something else

But whatever it was, Min Hong was currently extremely grateful to it 

"Did Luo Sheng eventually rescue his soulmate?"

Min Hong kept asking like a fan who had watched the trailer of an anime and was currently in the presence of the anime director in a 'Shounen Jump' program

"Well, who knows? This story is one many had considered as just another tale to tell the younger generations"

Cui shook his head with a slight smile as he responded to Min Hong's question "Wait! What do you mean by the word 'Considered'?...

Are you trying to insinuate that the story might be true?" "Who knows, the universe is endless and its miracles and creations, who could say that one thing was real and other things, aren't?"

Cui finished narrating his story as he bent forwards to pick up the gourd he had placed on the floor of the boat

It was at this point that Min Hong saw something through the corner of his eye, it was something etched into Cui's back it was something that looked very much like a seal

Then as Min Hong was engrossed in trying to make more sense out of everything he had heard up until now, Cui's voice jolted him out of his thought process;

"So, what do you think happened after that?" Cui asked

Min Hong was a little stunned by the question, since he didn't witness the entire scenario and wasn't the one narrating it, how in Huoyi's beard was he supposed to answer the question

Then Cui added;

"Get the question right and I will answer three of your questions" Min Hong was even more stunned by this offer

If just the random ramblings of this man called Cui could give him insights into the Dao, how much more would he receive if he actually asked?

Min Hong at this point didn't even know what to think as his mind was processing much more thoughts than he could handle, as he lamented; "If only Little Fei and Daniel were here"

One of the biggest thoughts in his mind right now, was the seal he saw etched into Cui's back

Perhaps, it was sheer coincidence, but what were the odds of that? It might also be a random tattoo and a story Cui made up to justify having it, or it could be his own delusional tendencies telling him such

"What in the world happened? Who is this guy?"

One after the other, millions of unanswered questions erupted and began to ski through Min Hong's mind

Then after being unable to take it any longer, Min Hong finally blurted;

"Venerable elder, who are you exactly?"

Min Hong's mind was already so chaotic that he was feeling completely angered from having not even the clue to one of the answers

"You mean me?"

Cui blurted seemingly unprepared to answer such a question at this point in time, whilst Min Hong simply rolled his eyes and thought to himself;

"No I was referring to the planet-eyed monster"

The sheer sarcasm that was radiating from the mute Min Hong gave Cui the answer the question he just asked, as he responded;

"I am just a relic of the time immemorial Currently, I am nothing at least not before now and not yet in the future But who are you?"

Cui threw a similar stunning question at Min Hong who heard it and nearly blew up in rage of having another question added to the marathon long list of unanswered questions in his head, as he blurted with a deep, displeased frown;

"Can you just, please cut the crap? Why are you mystifying everything?"

Min Hong was already beginning to think this Cui guy was unreliable since he kept uttering several meaningless and incomprehensible things, as he began to wonder why Cui couldn't just be straightforward and clear with his words and meanings

"Hehe he, but you have yet to answer my question"

Cui responded as if he could sense and read the current chaos Min Hong's mind was going through

"Fine you want to know my answer... I think he doesn't save her"

"I think he regrets the fact that he only planned for the netherworld or the heavens and not both of them combined"

"Thus, since he wasn't strong enough to defeat them both, he was forced to flee like a dog with its tails between its tails" Min Hong simply blurted out of sheer frustration and fury 

"Ha-ha ha, you're correct alright then, ask I will answer three questions of yours, if it is within the realm of my comprehension"

Cui grinned kindly at him, but there was also a sense of self-ridicule within that grin

But to Min Hong, he was so mentally scattered and unorganized at this point, that he didn't even feel any joy when he heard his answer was correct, rather, he was even filled with more confusion, as he couldn't believe that he could actually get the answer to such a difficult and impossible question by just lashing out based on his frustration

In fact, he was even starting to think that probably, it was due to Cui's insane boredom and loneliness that he just decided to declare his response the right answer

Min Hong at this point, was a 'total mess' and the annoying thing was that he knew that, but he wasn't sure Cui did

Thus, at this point, if Cui were to go on another rampage of mystifying and incomprehensible speech, Min Hong was very sure that he would very much run mad from having his mind and thought process extensively muddled up

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