The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 300: P.D.A

Chapter 300: P.D.A

But that middle finger was backed by Min Hong's full 1 Star Saint Stage battle power, cracking the boy's skull and sending him flying out of the arena;

"I am not that friendly"

Min Hong spoke calmly and nonchalantly as he looked back to the strongest outer court disciple and extended his arm;

"Friends?" He asked


The boy who seemed to be about Kun Chao's age responded and took Min Hong's hand, and the moment Min Hong pulled him up, the youth realized that he was free of the gravity effect and declared;

"I admit defeat!"

It wasn't like he was going to win if they actually fought but the duel had to end, and he would definitely not ask Min Hong to beat him black and blue, hence his admission to being defeated

Then after that, Min Hong extended his arms to the duo who remained bowing and asked;

"Friends?" He extended his arms once again, as the duo took each of his hands and stood up;

"Friends!" They responded before turning around and announcing;

"I admit defeat!"

The entire spectator stand including the elders, the Sect Leaders and even Fifth himself were all stunned speechless

None of them expected this turn of events

"So smart!" The Sect Leader was the first to blurt out uncharacteristically

"First he showed them the rod, and then offered them a carrot!"

"What better way is there to turn an enemy into a friend" Fifth couldn't help but comment in awe

"As expected I know you will surely do something out of the ordinary once again Fei Hong, I am truly lucky to have met you"

Long Sha couldn't help but reaffirm his devotion to Min Hong

But Min Hong simply looked towards Mu Bai and Mu Bai understood immediately what that look was all about

Min Hong had just given him the duty of initiating these three talented youths into their group

Then Min Hong looked over to Min Qing's direction and blew a kiss at her, and the moment he did that, the entire spectator stand which numbered over 30,000 disciples, outsiders, elders and random experts looked towards her direction and caught Min Qing in the act of catching that kiss


Min Qing whose emotion was caught in the moment had caught the kiss before she realized that well over 60,000 eyes were locked onto her

Some with curiosity, some in shock, some unperturbed, but there were specific gazes that were staring daggers and hammers at her, and when she looked over and the first one she saw which was the strongest amongst them, belonged to the furiously pouting Xi Mei, who ran her index finger across her throat

It was a no-brainer to understand the message she was passing across, as many began to sigh in pity, but Min Qing simply looked at her and curled her lips downwards into a ridiculing grin, causing the raging Xi Mei to nearly explode from sheer fury

But Min Qing wasn't concerned, rather she was bus looking at her man who was on the stage seemingly introducing himself to the trio he had just recruited

But when she remembered why Min Hong had blown her a kiss in public, her face went tomato red, after all, she was the one who had asked him when the world was going to know they were dating, and he had vowed back then, that he was with her anytime she wanted the world to know, and had kept his vow

Even if she was to choose where the announcement of PDA [Public Display of Affection, for those who don't know what it means], she would have never chosen a place this crowded out of shyness

But he had boldly done that without any confliction in his emotions, and he even chose the perfect time to do it

The moment when everything was silent and all eyes were on him, thus making his action attract a lot of attention which later poured on her

But while Min Qing was relishing in the feeling of being publicly announced romantically in such a manner, Qing Tan on the other hand was feeling a little jealous;

"What am I doing?" She heaved a deep sigh as she thought to herself;

"I should be happy the way things are My time would surely come too"

She thought to herself as she rested her head on Min Qing's shoulder, stunning Min Qing because she just remembered that Qing Tan was sitting beside her, the whole time she was busy being all lovey-dovey

Thus she kissed Qing Tan on the forehead before caressing her hair and consoling her;

"Don't worry I know he loves you too"

"Though, it might not be as much as he loves me for now, but he is a very cautious person and wouldn't fall in love easily"

"So, you will have to give it time, okay?"

"~Hmm~" Qing Tan responded like a little obedient and docile girl

"So, what do we do from here?" The fourth strongest outer court disciple who was called Dai He, asked

"Don't worry, someone would come get you the moment you three step out of this arena together"

"He will bring you to my apartment, where I and my group normally have out discussions, then you will be properly introduced into the group."

Min Hong said as he stepped out of the stage and approached the elder presiding over the 'War God Trials' whilst the newly recruited trio walked out of the arena, and just as Min Hong had initially said, Mu Bai met with them and took them to Min Hong's apartment

Min Hong on the other hand reached the Elders position and muttered something which made all the muscles in the elder's body contract

People saw what happened, because all eyes were still on Min Hong...

After saying what he had to say, Min Hong walked off the stage and was joined by Min Qing who took her position by his left and Long Sha by the right, whilst Kun Chao, Kun Lin, Mu Li and the rest followed straight behind him

"Yue Yao!"

"Yes big sister Mei!"

"Find out who that girl is for me!"

"Yes big sister Mei!"

The little girl called Xi Mei growled as Yue Yao scrambled over to her, and when Yu Yao heard the task she had been given, she immediately knew the answer to the question is, but she knew that this, short-fuse tempered little grandaunt, would definitely not like the answer at all, and might lash out on her, so she decided to keep the answer to herself for now, and hold it for as long as possible, so that Xi Mei would be able to keep her by her side till she had recovered enough face to stand alone

But for now, she still needed her status as the retainer of a Core Court disciple, who was also the princess of the third strongest Super Clan in the Dogon Empire

Since Min Hong had already left the stage and arena, a few spectators as well as the affiliate sect leaders and the Sect Leader, including Fifth began to wonder why the person who was supposed to be on the Sect Leader's seat didn't show up

"Perhaps, he lost interest" Fifth looked towards the Sect Leader as he whispered to him;

"Nah The Imperial Patriarch never goes to any occasion without being present"

"Moreover, he has not left the sect yet, which means something is missing" The sect leader spoke in thought

Just as his statement landed, the Elder who was presiding over the trials moved over to the sect leader's position and lowly spoke;

"S-Sect Leader, that Fei Hong lad said he and his group are looking to move into the inner court within three days"

"Okay, so what are you flustering about that for?"

The set leader responded with a displeased frown, he couldn't believe he could have his thoughts interrupted because of such a meagre news, especially when it is coming from an elder

"That's not all Sect Leader"


"Then spit it out!"

The Sect Leader was already getting impatient and annoyed with the way the conversation was preventing him from thinking about more important matters;

"Y-yes Sect Leader

He also said he would be challenging the 'War God Trials' of the inner court in seven days

He is looking to become a core court disciple in a week's time" "What!?"

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