The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 302: The Imperial Life

Chapter 302: The Imperial Life

"Exactly that is what I am looking to do"

Min Hong said with a cunning grin, and the moment everyone saw that grin apart from the newcomers, they all sighed at how busy they would be in the coming week and how miserable the Treasure Hall would suffer

"Alright, Mu Bai begin the introduction and induction process" Min Hong looked over to the three guys he just recruited in battle

Mu Bai didn't begin by exchanging their names, rather he began by telling them about the dos and don'ts of their group, followed by their rules, and benefits which he didn't need to explain much of because their conversation today were self-explanatory, and when all that was done, Mu Bai asked;

"We don't force people to join our group, and because you refused doesn't mean we won't still be friends"

"As long as I am not going to be doing any bowing to anyone, then I don't have any problems joining the group"

The strongest figure in the outer sect voiced out, whilst the other two also gave their reasons which were nothing impossible to the rest of the group, so they moved on to the introductions;

"I am Dai He, popularly known as 'Fourth' which signifies my rank in the outer court strongest disciple rankings"

Dai He was the first to introduce himself, and with the attitudes he had given so far, he seemed like someone who warms up to others right of the bat; the type that trusts others too early

"I am Ma Dong, popularly known as 'Second' just like Dai He here"

"I am Xiao Chun" The strongest of the outer court briefed leisurely

For some reason he didn't count the exchanging of names or using aliases as anything, and to Min Hong, he looked like a very decisive person who would follow whatever they have set their minds to regardless of whatever other situations or conditions that is attached to that thing

It was not pride, and neither was it impetuousness; it seemed more like the confidence one had in their beliefs, and this was what drew Min Hong to him

Earlier during the trials, Min Hong's gravity effect had soared up to the 8 Star Nascent Soul Level, and this seemingly aggressive guy had refused to budge

Min Hong knew his total battle power amounted to around the 4 Star Nascent Soul stage, but still he would even buckle under the total aura pressure of an expert 4 stages stronger than him; it was this exact character that Min Hong liked about him, and to him, people with this sort of attitudes, are always reliable in whatever tasks they were given

"We are all happy to have met you; this is our leader, and you can refer to him as 'Fei Hong', or 'His Majesty' Whichever you find easier" Mu Bai began;

"This is Fei Long, and is the next in command after Fei Hong, so you can also refer to him as 'First'"

"This is Fei Qing, our leader's mistress, and also our treasurer, but you can refer to her as 'Second'"

"This is Kun Chao, and you can refer to him as 'Third'"

"I am Mu Bai, and I am the one in charge of recruiting more experts into our group and you can refer to me as 'Fourth'"

"This is Mu Li, my twin brother, and he is the one in charge of gathering information for the group, and you can refer to him as 'Fifth'"

"We also have Kun Lin, Kun Chao's younger sister, and you can refer to her as 'Sixth' and then finally, the little bunny in our group, Qing Tan and you can refer to her as-"

"-Our leader's second mistress"

Min Qing didn't allow Mu Bai to land as she interrupted, causing the entire room to go eerily quiet

They were all stunned speechless, albeit for different reasons

As for the existing group, they didn't know when or couldn't understand why Min Hong had his eyes set onto another innocent, little beauty, when he already had the fearsomely sexy Min Qing by his side already;

"It is the imperial life"

Min Qing spoke as she looked over to Min Hong who could do nothing other than sigh helplessly

But whilst they were wondering why Min Qing wasn't taking any offence to that and was even the one catalyzing the relationship, they turned to look at Qing Tan whose entire body was already red from blushing, as she kept staring at her feet whilst fondling with her fingers;

"Alright, come over here"

Min Hong said with a pained sigh because Min Qing had just given his a stinging pinch

Moving like a thief who had just be caught red handed, Qing Tan shyly dragged her butts across the couch until she was sitting on Min Hong's right hand side

"And you can also refer to her as 'Seventh', which means, you; Xiao Chun, would be called 'Eight', and you; Ma Dong, would be called; 'Ninth' and finally you; Dai He, would be referred to as 'Tenth'" Mu Bai explained

"Any questions?" Mu Bai asked as he saw Dai He hold up his hand;

"Why isn't he given any number?"

Everyone in the entire group also found Mu Bai's introduction a little strange

Though they don't mind the numbering as it is better than having their names out there and would even help them cover up their identities outside

"Well it is just as Third had just said; 'It is the imperial life'"

"He doesn't get a number because he is the Emperor of our group"

"But if you don't know what our group is called yet, we call ourselves; 'The Hong Dynasty' which is the main purpose of this group"

"To build an Empire" Xiao Chun or 'Eight' commended the group's goal with a nod

"Alright, my own question is; How are there only three girls in this group?"

"The group doesn't stop or prevent anyone from having a love affair outside our circle"

"The only thing is that, just like everyone else, they must possess good qualities which would be studied by anyone from First to Fifth, before they are inducted into our group"

"We don't want people with bad attitudes amongst us, and neither do we want those who don't have talent or character either"

This time, it was Min Hong who sat up to speak, and the moment he did, the entire group went silent, and though they didn't bow, the respect was even more glaring than if they did

Xiao Chun knew that this level of respect they had for Min Hong wasn't forced or fickle, rather, it was a deep sense of reverence that came from witnessing so many inhumane deeds that Min Hong had done

Even Xiao Chun, himself, had immediately respected Min Hong when he battled eight of the ten strongest outer court disciple and defeated them all without laying a finger on them

Even Shen Wang had buried himself alive, and everyone might not know it, but he knew Min Hong wasn't serious with the trials and didn't even regard them as an opponent which was why he didn't lay a finger on them except from the gravity technique he used which rendered all of them useless before the battle could even begin

Then the only time he showed a slight hint of seriousness, he had flicked the heard of the third strongest outer court disciple with a finger and had still managed to crack his skull, rendering him unconscious and definitely bedridden for months

It was since that time that the fear of Min Hong took root within his heart, because the person he just flicked away like a bug, was actually a Peak Emperor stage cultivator with two Intent Level Daos

But the moment Min Hong refused to force him to bow like other tyrants would, and even offered him friendship was the same moment all that fear multiplied and transformed into deep respect, bordering on servitude

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