The Malevolent Female Villain Turns Out to Be Me

Chapter 86

Chapter 86

He Junyan listened to her younger brother's desperate apology filled with a desire to live, and couldn't help but laugh. Then, out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a girl coming from behind He Junting.

He Junting was tall, completely shielding Xu Wanwan behind him, so He Junyan and Ye Jinmeng didn't see Xu Wanwan at first.

"Wanwan! You came with Brother Ting!"

Ye Jinmeng's eyes shone with curiosity.

He Junyan heard Ye Jinmeng call the girl Wanwan, and her brain searched through her memories for this name. She then recalled that her mother had mentioned the girl her smelly younger brother had brought home was named Xu Wanwan!

Her eyes lit up instantly. She walked up to Xu Wanwan, staring at her face, and reached out to greet her.

"You must be Wanwan, right? I'm Ting's older sister, He Junyan. It's nice to meet you!"

Oh my, this young lady is so fresh and youthful. Not only is she pretty, but she has a great figure too. Tsk tsk tsk, I didn't expect this smelly brat to have such good taste. Not bad, not bad at all!

Feeling his elder sister's appreciative gaze, He Junting awkwardly rubbed his nose.

He Junyan was also very good-looking, with a fierce beauty. Her misty blue wavy hair cascaded down her back, exuding a "I'm the queen" aura.

This was Xu Wanwan's first time meeting He Junting's older sister in her two lifetimes. She was a bit nervous, but since He Junyan took the initiative to greet her, she didn't seem difficult to get along with, so Xu Wanwan gradually relaxed.

With a smile, she politely responded, "Hello, I'm Xu Wanwan. I'm very pleased to meet you too."

Seeing Xu Wanwan's formal response, He Junyan couldn't help but laugh, covering her mouth. She took Xu Wanwan's hand and laughed, "Oh my, no need for formalities. You should call me sister. This smelly brat is so lucky to have found such a good-looking sister-in-law."

He Junting didn't say anything upon hearing this, only giving Xu Wanwan's blushing face a casual glance, with a faint smile on his lips.

Seeing that Xu Wanwan was shy, He Junyan didn't tease her further and directly pulled her hand to sit by the hospital bed.

Xu Wanwan looked up and saw Ye Jinmeng's expression full of curiosity, so she reached out and pinched her cheek.

Leaning close to Ye Jinmeng's ear, she whispered softly, "Meng Meng, don't overthink it. I told him the secret today."

Ye Jinmeng's eyes widened in disbelief.

She looked at He Junting, whose expression remained cold and aloof. She couldn't help but think, "Wow, as expected of Brother Ting. Even after learning about such a fantastical secret, he's as steady as an old dog!"

And at this moment, He Junting was also observing Ye Jinmeng's expressions, first surprised, then confused, then admiring. He couldn't help but silently wonder:

Just how could such a silly and naive person be Xu Wanwan? Well, he couldn't imagine it...

He Junyan, sitting by the side, watched the three youngsters exchange glances and felt a sense of abandonment, as if she had been left behind after being abroad for just two years...

She coughed to break the awkwardness and said to He Junting with disdain, "Hey, Ting, why are you still standing there like a utility pole? Come sit down!"

He Junting rubbed his forehead and walked over to sit down, then asked, "Sister, how did you get here?"

He Junyan glared at him again. "Shi Shuan picked me up from the airport. I came straight to the hospital from the airport. I had just arrived when you all came after me."

"I never expected our obedient Meng Meng to be so seriously injured. My heart breaks for her."

As He Junyan spoke, she reached out and pinched Ye Jinmeng's chubby cheeks.

Ye Jinmeng hugged He Junyan's arm and started acting cute. "Jieyan, you're so nice. Meng Meng loves you the most! But don't worry, Jieyan. I'm almost fully recovered. The doctor said I can be discharged, but my mom and the others won't let me leave and insist I stay in the hospital for a couple more days."

At this moment, Shi Shuan came in from outside.

"Ting and Wanwan, you're here too. Perfect timing, I've washed the fruits, so dig in."

After receiving He Junyan and hearing she wanted to visit Meng Meng, Shi Shuan brought her to the hospital ward, then went to wash some fruits.

"As always, my brother Shuan is so thoughtful, unlike my useless younger brother. He promised to pick me up at the airport at eight but stood me up. I almost got recognized."

He Junyan was a year older than Shi Shuan, making her the eldest among their group of young people. She had been an actress since childhood and had won all the major awards in the country. For the past two years, she had been working in the international film industry abroad.

This time, she didn't bring anyone from her team and didn't disclose her return to the public, so basically no one knew about it.

Upon hearing this, Shi Shuan's old face turned red as he scratched his head, a bit embarrassed.

Xu Wanwan heard the keywords "eight o'clock" and "pick me up from the airport," and only then realized the meaning behind He Junting's earlier inexplicable apology, "I'm sorry."

She had asked He Junting to meet her at the cafe, which had apparently caused him to miss an important matter.

Feeling guilty, she spoke up for He Junting.

"Jieyan, I'm sorry. I didn't know Scholar He was supposed to pick you up. I asked him to meet me at eight to discuss something... Please don't blame Scholar He..."

Actually, He Junyan was just teasing her younger brother, but when He Junting saw Xu Wanwan's apologetic expression as she defended him, a ripple couldn't help but arise in his heart.

He Junyan didn't expect Xu Wanwan to take it seriously. Seeing her stand up for Ting like this, her fondness for Xu Wanwan grew even more.

"Oh, I see. I thought this smelly brat was deliberately not picking me up. It's okay, Wanwan, I don't blame you. A date is more important!"

Then she turned to He Junting with a pout. "Ting, you really... You could have at least told me you had a date, making me wait so long!"

He Junting sighed, "...I'm sorry..."

Xu Wanwan: ???

Ye Jinmeng pulled Xu Wanwan's hand and whispered in her ear, "Wanwan, don't mind him. This is how Brother Ting and Jieyan have always been. No matter what happens, Ting is always at fault in the end. We're used to it!"

Xu Wanwan: ...I didn't expect Ting to have two sides to him! But, how cute!

He Junting didn't know what Xu Wanwan was thinking, but from the emotions showing in her eyes, uh, it didn't seem like anything good...

After chatting for a while at the hospital, Ye Jinmeng noticed the fatigue on He Junyan's face and quickly spoke up, "Jieyan, you just got back. You must be exhausted from the journey. You should go back and rest early."

He Junyan stretched lazily, her eyes filled with tears of fatigue.

"Ah, that's right. I haven't adjusted to the jet lag yet. Good Meng Meng, I'm relieved to see you're doing well."

Then she looked at He Junting. "You all stay here and keep Meng Meng company. I'll head back first."

He Junting: "Okay."

Shi Shuan immediately stood up. "I'll walk you out."

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