The Protagonist System

187 Wrapping Things Up

187 Wrapping Things Up

The sports festival went off without a hitch. My girls and Momo, whom became just as fashion conscious as them, took the whole thing by storm. I knew it was going to happen, because they were the only ones not wearing the school's basic exercise uniforms. They still had them on, as per the rules, they just altered them and wore other things as accessories.

As the next Symbol of Peace and All Might's successor, I showed off only a little by only winning the first event, the race. After that, I pretty much stepped back and let my girlfriends keep the spotlight, mostly because they shined so much when it was on them.

Momo looked inordinately pleased to be right there with her new best friends, too. She was normally shy and not so outgoing, so seeing her bask in the attention her skills and talents brought her, really made her stand out that much more. It was really nice for her to finally see her worth with her own eyes and not because someone told her so.

Of course, she was picked up by the same hero agency as she was in canon, and so were my girls. They were an immediate hit and sold thousands of magazines when they were on the cover, with Momo's dark locks a definitive contrast to the surrounding platinum blondes. The ensemble really made their outfits pop as well, no matter what they wore. They were in their element and it showed on their joyous faces.

I declined placement, because I didn't want to be seen as favouring one agency over another. When you had hundreds of offers from all different kinds of agencies, how do you accept one and not insult the rest? Even All Might's old mentor said he would only be wasting my time when he was asked, so I gave him a few healing potions and thanked him for the consideration.

School resumed and the rest of the term passed without any trouble. When the summer break arrived, it was a break in name only. With no school to take up our time during the week, we had a lot of free time to get down to the real nitty-gritty. A vigilante's work was never done and we all revelled in it, because we were actually making a difference.


With all of the most dangerous villains taken care of, thanks to a lot of research and my portal ability that can go anywhere, life in the My Hero Academia universe was a breeze. We even took care of the ones sentenced to Tartarus Prison.

Some of them only needed their quirks removed to stop their antics, some needed to be put down permanently, and some were like Eri and were grateful that their quirks no longer controlled them and made them do things.

The rest, aka the crazy ones like Himiko Toga, Twice, and Spinner, whom actually went crazier when I removed their quirks. It was sad, really. They had been too twisted by their mentalities and behavior to even consider changing their ways and had to be disposed of. At least it ended their suffering.

Of course, we also found out about how a certain Hero Public Safety Commission was brainwashing people into becoming self-sacrificing heroes, thanks to Lady Nagant telling us about it. With her help over the next few weeks while she stayed with us at the apartment building, we grew closer together.

We eventually found enough evidence to expose the worst crimes the commission had committed and anonymously released it to the news outlets and not to the authorities, since they were under the nominal jurisdiction of the Hero Public Safety Commission. The public outcry was loud and also short-lived, unfortunately.

Lady Nagant hated that the executives had pretty much gotten away with their crimes and weren't arrested or even punished. They did lose their jobs; but, they also kept their pensions. That just pissed her off that they benefited so much and she went on a little murder spree to take care of them.

When we eventually tracked her down a week later. Lady Nagant had just finished putting a bullet into her final target, Madame President, whom had been the woman in charge. She folded her arm rifle away and held her hands out to me to be cuffed.

“Go ahead and arrest me, Apex.” Lady Nagant said. “I've done what I promised that bitch years ago I would do. I can go back to jail with my head held high and I'll serve my time with dignity.”

I gave my girls a pointed look, Momo included, and all of them turned away. I stepped forward towards Lady Nagant and took one of her hands, then slapped the back of it. “Bad Kaina Tsutsumi. You ran off without us.” I chastised her like a child and she looked shocked. “We could have helped you take care of this days ago.”

“You... you...” Lady Nagant stammered as the girls looked back at us.

“We're vigilantes. Of course we would help you right an injustice. It's what we do.” Hibiki said and the other girls nodded. “Now kiss him and let's go home.”

“Wh-what?” Lady Nagant asked, her eyes wide, then our lips met and she melted into my arms. After several seconds, I broke the kiss and she was blushing hard. She also looked too stunned to speak.

“We've already fixed up the last apartment on our floor for you to stay there permanently, so you don't need to worry about it.” Akari said. “Momo can work miracles like that on such short notice.”

Momo preened at the praise and nodded. “Having my own money to do things really does make all the difference in the world.”

“I told you it would.” Rei said and hugged her. “It's its own power, all by itself!”

The other girls let out laughs and nodded as well. They loved having their own money, too.

“But... I... I'm a villain.” Lady Nagant whispered.

“Not by choice. That's what they labelled you when you went vigilante.” I said and the girls nodded. “Your actions alone speak louder than words, Lady Nagant. You worked to protect the people, especially the heroes, from a prevailing and corrupting influence. We respect that.”

“We really do. It's people like you... and us... that have to do the dirty work to keep the rest of the world safe. It's not for political games and definitely not for petty reasons. They need us to carry this burden.” Mai said and Akari hugged her. “It's hard, and taking lives when it's necessary still hurts; but, we are here for each other and none of us has to suffer under the pressure alone.”

I brought Lady Nagant over to the girls and she was surrounded by hugs. I opened a portal back to the apartment where we kept our suits and didn't look at the tears on the faces of Lady Nagant and a few of my girlfriends. I did hand her and the girls several napkins to wipe at their faces and closed the portal behind us.

“Welcome home.” I said and kissed each of my girls. Hugs were shared and more tears were shed.


Time moved on and we settled into our split lives. During the week, we went to school and learned how to be heroes. On the weekends, we went out and protected the people like proper heroes. We also made sure to shadow Endeavor and a few of the other controversial heroes and recorded their behavior and their crimes. It was the only way to show people what they were really like.

We handed everything over to Shouto Todoroki and let him decide what to do with it. Since he was determined to keep his family happy, he didn't turn his father in to the police. What he did was show his siblings and then forced the man to retire and hand his entire agency over to his older sister. In Todoroki's eyes, it was better to destroy his father's ambition than it was to destroy his reputation.

I fully agreed with him and congratulated him on doing what was best for everyone and not for petty revenge, which proved he was that much better than his father. Todoroki had a real smile on his face the whole day after I told him that. It kind of weirded people out, actually. That reaction only made him smile more.

We passed the end of year exams with flying colors. It was downright easy to defeat the teachers after all the experience we had fighting actual villains and they never stood a chance against us. They were impressed, even All Might, and he knew I had been helping my classmates a lot more than anyone else thought.

It was only a short break and we were back to school and started our second year. The school was quieter, because most of the third year students didn't exist. Class 3-A had been expelled when they were Class 1-A, the year before ours, and over half of Class 3-B had either flunked out or quit from the pressure and harder schoolwork.

Surprisingly, none of the general course students had tried to upgrade into the vacant slots in any of the years, mostly because they had missed their chance when they first appeared and had too much to catch up on if they transferred into the hero course now.

With things a lot quieter, the school year proceeded in almost the same manner as the last one, only with more schoolwork and more hero training. The sports festival was focused on the first years again, so us second years were only seen when we were helping set everything up. That didn't stop us from showcasing our talents and we still received offers from several agencies.

Of course, my future brides-to-be were immediately accepted back into their previous agency and sold a few thousand more magazines. They really were a spectacular hit and very popular. They were also insanely hot, now that they were getting older and developing fully into young women. It almost hurt my eyes every time I saw them and they always blushed when I told them so.

It was soon summer break once more and this time we took a vacation. It was the first one for Inko and myself, so the girls went all out with the bells and whistles for the resort and activities. Little Eri absolutely loved the place and her happy laughs kept us all in great spirits for the entire two weeks we were relaxing.

Back to school and we blew through the exams again, shocking the teachers with how good we had become. They wouldn't let us graduate early, though. Principal Nezu refused, even though he knew he was holding us back. We weren't even allowed to get provisional licenses, because they didn't want us going out half-cocked and unaware of the real dangers of hero work.

We couldn't help it and laughed, right in their faces. It earned us a detention and we didn't care. We had done more hero work in the last three years than they had done in their entire careers. They thought we had no idea what it was really like out there and it was them that didn't know.

So, we stayed quiet about our vigilante work and went through the third year of hero school. We passed with top marks and no one was surprised this time. Were all 18 now, with Momo edging on 19, and that brought up marriage again. It took almost no searching to find a small country where multiple marriages were legal and we took a short vacation there.

We also had a full wedding ceremony, invited all of our hero friends, their families, and our mentors. I stood at the altar with the priest and waited for my brides. I had forgone groomsmen and only invited All Might as my best man, who politely requested Melissa Shield as Maid of Honor. All my brides agreed.

More than a few of the guests were surprised to see the procession of women. Hibiki was first, as always, and then Akari, Rin, Keiko, and Mai walked behind her. Momo was next and her parents were overjoyed at seeing her looking so regal in her custom-made wedding dress. The crowd gasped when Lady Nagant walked down the aisle last.

The ceremony was quick, because we had waited much too long for it to take place, and I kissed each of my brides on the lips. Most of our friend applauded and we left the gathering to head to the reception. We ate, talked, and had fun, then I opened a portal to our uncharted island getaway.

The next two weeks were filled with a lot of firsts, a whole lot more moans, and an abundance of love and happiness. Even Lady Nagant couldn't keep up her stoic demeanor for long when it was just us. Mind you, she moaned just as much as the others and she loved me just as fiercely.

It had been especially hard for her to let me into her heart after she had been betrayed by the previous man she had loved, and we all understood. We also promised to remain loyal to her, no matter what. All of us. She cried and kissed me, then kissed each of her sister-wives.

We returned to the apartment building when our honeymoon was over and opened up our own agency. Thanks to Momo's parents and their connections, the paperwork was handled without trouble and we set everything up to offer positions to all of our friends as well. All of them refused and went their own way, which we accepted. They had their own lives to live and so did we.

Over the next six months, we started turning in all the evidence and claimed all of the bounties for all of the criminals we had caught, treated, or eliminated over the previous years we had been active. Funnily enough, no one ever connected the disappearance of the vigilante team led by Apex to the creation of the Pinnacle Agency. Most of the bounties we claimed didn't even register to the higher-ups at the Hero Commission until we submitted the evidence of Stain's capture and elimination. That stirred up a hornet's nest and had several agents sent to our agency to confirm it.

I produced copies of the man's weapons for inspection and they were confiscated. The agents then demanded we hand over everything else and I gave them copies. They took them and left.

That night on the news, it was announced the top hero Hawks had discovered the villain Stain's remains and they showed a live unveiling of the villains weapons. The girls all laughed and pointed at me, so I ended the spell. The weapons dissolved on live television and both Hawks and the Hero Commission were left with egg on their faces for delivering fake weapons.

“They won't be trying that again.” Lady Nagant said and gave me a kiss. “I've already reworked their computers and we'll receive the proper payments in the morning.”

“Thank you, dear.” I said and handed her the real weapons. “If they bother showing up here after that, you can give those to them.”

Lady Nagant softly laughed and kissed me again. “It will be my pleasure.”

I chuckled as well, because the agents would think they were also copies and could dissolve away at any time. I wasn't really worried about that, though. Hibiki had taken time off and she would be having their first child soon, so he had much more important things to worry about than dodgy commission agents.


Time moved on again and the fame of the Pinnacle Agency grew as they were credited with more villain takedowns and solved cases. They always did their paperwork and claimed the credit and payments as soon as possible, making them the most reliable agency in the city. Whenever they were called to handle a crime, or they stumbled across one, it was always solved. Always.

It earned them the nickname, Symbols of Peace, and they encouraged it. The more widespread it was, the more people would stop thinking that a single person should hold the title after All Might retired.


Years passed and little Eri wasn't so little anymore as she entered UA hero school. She also had 12 sisters and brothers back home that she adored. Her father had given her everything she ever wanted, no matter what ridiculous thing or power she asked for, and she loved him with all her heart.

Eri had also secretly watched a few times... well, okay, more than a few times... when he was in bed with one of her mothers. Momo made the cutest sounds when he played with her and Eri blushed as she thought about it. She wanted to either make those sounds herself or make someone else make them. It was just so hard to find a good boyfriend or girlfriend when your dad was so famous.

She would never approach her father about it, because she loved him too much to embarrass him by asking about how to go about finding someone for herself. She also couldn't admit that she kind of and maybe definitely had a bit of crush on him, too. How was she ever going to find someone like him?

“You don't have to do anything special to find someone to love, Eri.” Her father's voice said from behind her and she was embarrassed that he had so easily guessing her thoughts. “It does help to start things, though.”

“D-dad.” Eri turned around and she looked at his perfect body and managed to not blush.

Izuku took her into a quick hug and let her go, knowing she didn't want him to embarrass her too much at school. “The lecture hall is this way.” He said and took her hand to lead her there.

“You don't have to...” Eri started to say.

“Don't worry, I've got this.” Izuku said and led her into the auditorium. It was half full of students and a few teachers were on the stage. “LOOK EVERYONE! I found the fabled Unicorn of Legend! HURRAY!”

“Daaaaaad!” Eri groaned and blushed as everyone turned to look at her.

Izuku led her down the middle aisle and kissed her cheek as he sat her beside a buxom blonde that wore a cowboy hat. “There you go! Every cowgirl needs a noble steed.”

“Ohhh, someone please kill me now.” Eri complained and put her hands over her face.

The cowgirl let out a giggle and a few of the students around them laughed.

“Shared embarrassment makes good friends.” Izuku said and held a hand out to the cowgirl as he spoke in perfect English. “I assume you're the new transfer student from America, Gina Torres?”

The cowgirl nodded and shook the offered hand. “It's shore nice ta meetcha.”

“Likewise.” Izuku said, giving the girl a copy of his Language ability to make things easier for her. “I'm this poor girl's father and a guest lecturer this year, Izuku Midoriya.”

The cowgirl's eyes widened and she looked at Eri. “Yer dad's the leader of the Symbols of Peace?”

Eri let out a long drawn out sigh and uncovered her face. “Yes, and he promised to not embarrass me today.”

“Oops.” Izuku said with a chuckle. “I'm sure Gina has some good dad stories, too.”

“I shore do.” Gina said with a grin.

“Then I'll leave Eri in your callused and gentle hands.” Izuku said and Gina laughed. He winked at his daughter and went to the stage with the other teachers.

“Why does he have to act like that all the time?” Eri asked, rhetorically.

“Cause he loves ya.” Gina said and Eri gave her a surprised face. “If'n he didn' care 'bout ya, he'dve let ya git here on yer own.”

Eri blinked her eyes at that statement and then a light blush came to her cheeks.

“Me own da dropped me off'n tha parking lot cause he had ta git back ta tha plane.” Gina said, her voice full of fondness. “Flew allaway here wit me 'cross tha world ta make shore I was okay livin' inna dorms.”

“He really loves you.” Eri said and Gina nodded.

It was the start of a beautiful friendship with their mutual love and exasperation over their fathers.

No one but a single person noticed when the world turned grey and time came to a stop.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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