The Record of Orc Civilization

Chapter 311 The Sky God

"In the vast sky, Zephyr soars, the Sky God, ruler of the celestial realm. In their ethereal existence, they radiate power, gracefully guiding the forces of the heavens.

They take on majestic forms, gliding through clouds, and traversing across endless horizons. Listening to the whispers of the wind, and observing the dance of the stars, they find solace in the symphony of the skies.

In the celestial domain, they wield the tempest with might, conjuring storms and gentle breezes alike. They caress every ray of sunlight, casting rainbows across the expanse, showering the world with celestial blessings.

With profound knowledge and divine insight, they maintain cosmic harmony, protecting the celestial balance. Their touch brings serenity, stars find their paths, and constellations align in perfect order.

Oh, Zephyr, the Sky God, you are the wise one, guarding the celestial realms, illuminating the world with cosmic light. In your presence, we find awe, following your guidance, embracing the wonders of the skies.

Soar on, Zephyr, the Sky God, in the splendor of infinity, inspiring us with boundless possibilities. We learn from you about harmony and transcendence, within your embrace, the celestial realm becomes eternal."

Similarly to satyr race and distinct from other elf races, sky elves worship only one god, Zephyr. Despite the existence of two different races: Wind Elf and Valley Elf, both share the same religious teachings, even though they reside in different locations.

The common belief in this teaching is that Zephyr, the God of the Sky, is the source of life and power that should be respected and worshipped. They believe that Zephyr represents freedom, beauty, and the wonders of the universe.

However, the differences in their living locations influence their perspectives and religious practices. Wind Elves, who live in open fields with a clear and unobstructed view of the sky, develop an understanding of spiritual freedom.

They feel directly connected to Zephyr through the sweeping winds across vast grasslands. Their rituals and offerings are often performed under the open sky, facing the boundless blue above.

On the other hand, Valley Elves, living within valleys, face a sky that appears more distant and less clear compared to what Wind Elves see. This creates a perception of the grandeur and hidden majesty of Zephyr.

Valley Elves contemplate the wonders and unfamiliarity of the deep sky, considering it something sublime and beyond reach. They focus their rituals and devotions in hidden temples within the valleys, seeking spiritual understanding through deep meditation and introspection.

Despite the differences in perspectives and religious practices between Wind Elves and Valley Elves, they still share a common belief in the power and wisdom of Zephyr. They respect and uphold both approaches as a form of reverence to their God.

Thus, although there are differences in perspectives and religious practices among these two races, they share the same foundational belief in Zephyr as the God of the Sky. They appreciate and honor the beauty and wonders of the universe, each finding unique ways to reverence and worship the spiritual forces within their lives.

However, apart from differences in worshiping Zephyr, there are other distinguishing factors between Wind Elves and Valley Elves. These differences are evident in their physical forms and reproductive abilities.

The bodies of Wind Elves, with additional bones filled with fur, grant them larger size and extra wings on their backs. These wings are their distinct characteristic, enabling them to fly without relying on magic as propulsion. The grace and freedom they display while soaring through the skies make Wind Elves truly awe-inspiring beings.

On the other hand, Valley Elves also possess distinct physical characteristics. The feathers that cover their bodies resemble bird feathers, giving them a captivating appearance. Although they lack the additional wings on their backs like Wind Elves, Valley Elves have remarkably strong legs. This advantage grants them the ability to run and leap with exceptional speed and strength, allowing them to navigate valleys with agility and overcome challenging terrains.

With these striking physical differences, Wind Elves and Valley Elves showcase unique abilities that reflect the characteristics of their natural habitats. Wind Elves, with their enchanting wings, master open spaces and explore the skies with grace, while Valley Elves, with their powerful legs, excel in traversing difficult terrains.

When it comes to reproductive abilities, both Wind Elves and Valley Elves employ an egg-laying method. However, there is an interesting difference between these two races regarding the number of eggs produced.

Female Wind Elves tend to produce a smaller number of eggs compared to Valley Elves. On average, each female Wind Elf is capable of producing around 2-3 eggs per decade. On the other hand, female Valley Elves possess an exceptional ability, capable of producing around 12-15 eggs per decade. This significant difference results in the Valley Elf population being several times larger than that of the Wind Elves.

The disparity in the number of eggs produced can be a major factor influencing the population growth of both races. With more fertile reproduction, Valley Elves have the potential to have a larger and numerically stronger community. Meanwhile, Wind Elves, despite their smaller numbers, still possess uniqueness and other advantages in their flying abilities and larger mana reserves compared to Valley Elves.

The differences between these two bird-like elves pique the interest of R18 to examine their genetics. However, unfortunately, the Progenitor Queen prohibits any harm to Valley Elves after the Wilwatikta Kingdom successfully established control over Aerithor.I think you should take a look at

The Progenitor Queen sees the potential of Valley Elves as breeding slaves. With their rapid reproductive capacity and larger numbers, breeding grounds could easily thrive and counterbalance the rapidly expanding orc population.

Certainly, I agree with my sister's opinion. Just like the satyr race, who believes in the food chain, Valley Elves can be easily controlled. The majority of them are cowards who dare not fight back despite their larger numbers. It is because of their cowardice that Aerithor was always dominated by Wind Elves in the past.

As for the Wind Elves, both I and the Progenitor Queen agree to eradicate them completely, down to the roots. This elven race is too arrogant, even more so than the Wood Elves.

They consider themselves the chosen servants of Zephyr in heaven, believing they would rather die than serve others. Their stubbornness was clearly evident during the First Mana Species War.

At that time, the Wood Elves, Night Elves, and Wind Elves formed a coalition to launch an attack on one of the human alliance's defense strongholds that had been impeding their progress. However, despite a prolonged siege, victory eluded the elven alliance.

Their supplies dwindled while the human alliance still had ample resources within the fortress. They were forced to retreat and resupply.

However, the distance between the siege location and the storage facility was considerable, and the human alliance would surely detect their movements if they used spells to fly. As a result, the Wood Elves and Night Elves entrusted the task of retrieving the supplies to the Wind Elves.

But to their disbelief, the Wind Elves refused. At that time, the leader of the Wind Elf forces was Kaon, the father of Zephyrion. The Night Elf leader was Iron Darius, and the Wood Elf leader was Lily Ariel.

Kaon adamantly rejected the agreement reached by Darius and Lily, stating that he would rather die than retrieve the supplies. Darius, upon hearing this, became furious, accusing Kaon of betraying the elven alliance.

Despite the tension, Kaon remained firm in his refusal. A duel between Kaon and Darius was on the verge of breaking out, but Ariel managed to intervene before the flames could ignite. She gently calmed Darius down and asked Kaon for the reasons behind his refusal.

Kaon responded to the question with utmost confidence, "The wings of Wind Elves were not meant to carry sacks of grain! We are not farmers! We are free birds who proudly gaze upon the sky!"

Upon hearing Kaon's nonsensical reasoning, Darius became infuriated. However, Ariel, being a Wood Elf herself, understood the pride and arrogance behind Kaon's words.

Though they may not be as arrogant as the Wind Elves, the Wood Elves considered themselves the true nobility among the elven species. Many of them refused to engage in menial tasks such as digging trenches or carrying supplies, even during times of war.

But just as Ariel understood Kaon's arrogance, she also knew how to harness it. She stated that the current siege situation was dire, and they needed a fresh breakthrough to create an opportunity for breaching the human alliance fortress.

Ariel proposed that only the wings of the Wind Elves would go undetected by humans. They would be the saviors of the elven alliance... no, the saviors of all elven species from defeat and enslavement at the hands of humans.

Kaon, moved by Ariel's plea, immediately ordered his entire army to strap bombs to their bodies and fly without expending any mana during the nighttime.

The human alliance forces guarding the fortress were unaware of any mana movements, never suspecting the thousands of Wind Elves flying above their heads. When they sensed they were in position, the Wind Elves suddenly dove and struck the human alliance encampment inside the fortress.

Without waiting for their enemies' response, the Wind Elves confidently pulled the triggers on the bombs strapped to their bodies, detonating themselves. As a result, the entire human alliance force was thrown into disarray, providing an opportunity for the elven alliance forces outside the fortress to launch an attack.

The war was won by the elven alliance, and the fortress was successfully captured. Kaon, as the leader at the forefront, sacrificed himself in the suicide bombing, becoming the first to explode.

This tale left everyone who heard it shaking their heads in both awe and astonishment at the arrogance of the Wind Elves.

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