The Record of Orc Civilization

Chapter 316 Ez The First Diplomat

[A few days earlier]

[Bitter Maja, Wilwatikta Kingdom, Throne Room]

"With the elite enemy commander killed, we're practically declaring war on the elf alliance!!"

"We're currently positioned between the human alliance frontline fighting against the demon species! If we go to war with the elf alliance, Wilwatikta Kingdom will be surrounded by enemies from above and the sides!"

"YOU'RE ALL COWARDS!! The elves have harmed our Holy Queen, and yet you want to let the culprits escape just like that! Don't you have any courage?"

"I never meant to let them escape. They still have to pay for hurting our Holy Queen, but it doesn't have to be by killing them all! We can capture them and demand a ransom from the elf alliance. It's a safer approach for Wilwatikta Kingdom!"

"Paying with their heads is only fitting! If they truly take offense, we're not afraid to go to war!"

"ALL YOU HAVE IN YOUR HEAD IS WAR!! Don't you see that our kingdom is rapidly growing? If we go to war, this progress will be delayed!"

"But suggesting negotiations is the dumbest advice! Do you think the mana species would negotiate with monster species? Our emissaries will just be burned alive as an example, and our kingdom will be attacked like they're exterminating pests!"

"That's true. We tried to fight against their elite mage forces, and in the end, we emerged victorious! Even their Level 5 Constellation Mage couldn't do anything against our Ku's Kekayon Armor!"

"You fools! Do you think the mage alliance only has 20 mages and just one Level 5 Constellation Mage? They have thousands, maybe millions of other mages currently fighting against the demon species! What if the mage alliance decides to launch a full-scale war against us?"

"Furthermore, the Level 5 Constellation Mage isn't the highest level of a mage. There are Level 6, 7, 8, and possibly even more powerful than just Raiden The Necromancer! How about his king? How about the legendary elf couple, Iron Darius and Lily Ariel?"

"As you mentioned earlier, the elf alliance is currently at war with the demon species. And based on information I received from the elves in Elf Husbandary, the elf alliance doesn't have an advantage in that warfare! There's no reason for us to fear a full-scale war threat from the elf alliance."

Moku observed the monsters seated in their respective chairs, engaged in a heated debate. He saw that all the logical points they made were reasonable, making it difficult to determine who was right and who was wrong.

Nezena, sitting on Moku's lap, also furrowed her brow. All of this started because the monsters wanted to avenge her, but the situation only became more perilous. She felt a little guilty, but unfortunately, it had already happened. Now, all she could do was find a solution to save Wilwatikta Kingdom.

Nevare, seated in a chair next to Moku's throne, was at a loss for words. The monsters were smart and able to logically analyze the kingdom's issues and find solutions. However, their intelligence also led to decision-making delays due to the multitude of opinions they had to consider.

Nerphyl, in her seat, closed her eyes. She had been through many debate-filled meetings like this, so she understood that ultimately it was the leader's decision that mattered.

Besides, she didn't have a solution to offer. When Nerphyl was queen, the sylphs were a weak monster race, leaving them no choice but to flee when facing formidable enemies. It was different from the current state of Wilwatikta Kingdom, where they had a chance to fight back.

Nedira, on the other hand, felt confused by what the monsters were saying. She understood their language but not the meaning. In the end, she chose to remain silent and observe, confident that her husband would find a solution to their problems.

As for Moku's other wives, they weren't too bothered by the monsters' lengthy debates. If they had opinions, they wouldn't express them in the Throne Room but rather convey them to their respective Main Queens.

When the faces of the monsters turned red from arguing, and the asuras' grip on their chairs cracked, Moku finally spoke, "Ez, do you have an opinion? It's unlike you to stay silent like this," Moku whispered, looking at a hobgoblin who had been quiet all this while.

"Forgive me, Ku. I was just thinking about your conversation with Raiden The Necromancer before the battle took place," Ez snapped out of his reverie.

"What's about that conversation? Speak up, Ez The First Diplomat," Moku commanded.

"I find it strange that Raiden perceives the monsters as a new mana species that they haven't encountered before. It's like he's trying to show goodwill," Ez recalled what he saw in the sylph's transmission.

The battle between the monsters and Raiden and his forces was recorded by Nerphyl, who was present and broadcasted in Wilwatikta Kingdom through the sylphs. Although the duel between Moku and Raiden couldn't be broadcasted due to their use of domains, the fight between the other monsters and the elven mages was still visible.

"Goodwill? How do you come to that conclusion?" Boku asked.

"More precisely, Raiden The Necromancer seems to be trying to foster mutual understanding between monsters and elves. When they heard that we attacked their villages for food, there was a nod of agreement from the elves. It's as if our actions in attacking their villages were understandable. And they didn't ask for compensation from us; instead, they hoped to provide compensation for injuring our Holy Queen. Their attitude could be considered overly kind," Ez replied.

"So, you think the elf alliance wants something from us so they can easily overlook the attack on their villages?" Mige immediately grasped the essence of Ez's words.

"More accurately, there's something they want from the New Mana Species, and it's so crucial that hundreds of elf lives are considered expendable," Ez continued.

"What is it? What's so important that their own people's lives become so cheap?" Swa didn't understand; to him, an asura's life was as valuable as his own because they were all brothers.

Ez shook his head. "I don't know, but wouldn't it be advantageous if they considered us as the New Mana Species?"

"Why is that so?" Nevare leaned forward, also intrigued.

"If they see us as the New Mana Species, we could send a diplomatic team to them. With that, we might be able to absorb their resources without having to resort to raiding," Ez answered with a smile.

"Ez, I don't mean to blame you, but right now we are much weaker than them. If there's something they want from us, and it's so important, why wouldn't they just take it by force? Even though the elves may seem to have noble hearts, in reality, they are the most hypocritical among hypocrites," Nezena said, shaking her head.

"I thought they didn't consider themselves much stronger than us. Or maybe they think we're weaker than them, but engaging in a war with us would cause significant losses for them," said Ez.

"Oh, why so?" Moku raised his chin with interest.

"Because Raiden The Necromancer called you 'Moku The Ku,' not 'Ku Moku.' That means he sees 'Ku' as a title, not just a royal address. He doesn't know that 'Ku' means 'the strongest' and believes you're just one of the elite commanders of our kingdom, and there are others stronger than you," Ez explained.


Suddenly, all the monsters in the Throne Room understood what Ez meant, and they all nodded their heads. Once again, their enemy's misunderstanding and ignorance provided a way out of the problems they faced.

"If that's the case, the solution you propose is to negotiate with the elf alliance, claiming that we are the New Mana Species residing in the Bog Forest. Is that right, Ez The First Diplomat?" Moku asked with a broad smile.

"That's correct. By sending a skilled diplomat, we can negotiate with the elf alliance. This diplomat must be skilled and intelligent enough to deceive the elves, making them unaware that they are negotiating with New Mana Species and not just the monsters," Ez replied, nodding and smiling.

"That's right; this diplomat must be someone we can trust wholeheartedly. They should have excellent communication skills and possess mana in their body to appear as a mage, isn't right Ez The First Diplomat?" Nevare agreed, nodding while looking at Ez.

"Exactly," Ez gave a thumbs-up.

"This diplomat must have significant negotiation experience, isn't right Ez The First Diplomat?" cheered Nezena, looking at Ez.

"Hmm," Ez nodded.

"If that's the case, they must also have a well-known name among all the monsters and be familiar with everything in Wilwatikta Kingdom, isn't right Ez The First Diplomat?" added Nerphyl, staring at Ez.

"Yes," Ez began to sense something was off.

"They should also be someone brave and unafraid to die for the sake of the kingdom's interests, isn't right Ez The First Diplomat?" Nedira chimed in after realizing the direction of the conversation, looking sharply at Ez.

"Eh?" If even Nedira realized it, there's no way Ez didn't notice.

Moku smiled and said, "So, when will you depart for the elf alliance, oh Ez The First Diplomat?"

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