The Record of Orc Civilization

Chapter 353 Princess Seraphina Maris

Chapter 353 Princess Seraphina Maris

Instantly, the atmosphere in the throne room shifted from its previous elegance and warmth to a lie. Even the beautiful melodies that had filled the air from the ceiling above went silent.

A coldness gripped the entire room, with several people staring at Moku with wide eyes. The servants who stood behind their masters froze, their teapots suspended mid-pour.

Aquaenar's initially smiling face also froze, his eyes twitching as if something were irritating his cheek.

Suddenly, a powerful aura emanated from one of the water elves seated beneath the throne, suffused with anger.


The presence was so overwhelming that the attendants behind him paled and instinctively moved back. The throne room seemed to quiver with the intensity of his overflowing anger. Moku wasn't sure of the exact level of this water elf's constellation, but one thing was certain: he was much stronger than Grit, whom he had encountered at West Fortress.

"Enough!" Aquaenar's voice cut through, restraining the water elf's aura from surging further.

"Your Majesty, this is an insult and a declaration of war against us. If this arrogant prince's words leave this room, it would bring shame upon Miracle Coral. We must apprehend this arrogant prince immediately and convey to him that Aquanorin cannot be underestimated so lightly!"

"I said enough!" Aquaenar's voice rose.

The water elf bowed his head and resumed his seat. However, his eyes still bore a venomous glare toward Moku.

Moku felt as if he were being glared at by a scolded child.

"Prince Moku, is it true that these were the words of the Arion King?" Aquaenar's gaze narrowed.

"Of course, Your Majesty. I didn't diminish it, alter its wording, or remove any punctuation," Moku replied.

This time, Aquaenar straightened up from the throne and fixed a piercing gaze on Moku. Though he didn't release his aura, the weight of a Level 8 Constellation Mage's stare was palpable.

Gundrid, who stood beside Moku, trembled as if caught in a snowstorm. Moku also sensed the vibration but forced himself to remain calm, shielding his mind with dragon prana.

"Then what did your king mean by saying that?" Aquaenar's voice resonated deeply.

All eyes in the throne room turned to Moku, waiting for his response. If he misspoke, there was a possibility Aquaenar might detain him to protect his own reputation.

Suppressing any instinct to resist or defend, Moku answered in a composed tone, "It's a greeting from my king, Your Majesty. You've detained a high-ranking official of our kingdom without a clear cause. So, it's only natural for him to react that way. I believe you would react similarly if such a thing happened to one of your trusted subordinates. I hope you understand."

Aquaenar nodded and turned to the water elf who had previously emitted an aura of anger. The water elf simply nodded in satisfaction with Moku's response.

Nonetheless, the Arion king was also a ruler, his power equivalent to Aquaenar's. He wouldn't demean himself with pleas after his subordinate had been captured so abruptly.

"I understand, Prince Moku. I also hope you can forgive my advisor. He's someone I trust, and therefore, I must heed his words."

The water elf rose from his seat and saluted Moku. "Prince Moku, please pardon my behavior earlier. My name is Mildan, and I am Aquanorin's military advisor," he introduced himself.

"Pleasure to meet you, Mildan, the military advisor of Aquanorin," Moku returned the salute.

"Prince Moku, I understand the distress of the Arion King at the moment. However, our reason for apprehending Ez was due to a misunderstanding involving one of my daughters. Ez, The First Diplomat, is currently under our supervision, and I assure you he and his wife are being treated well, as are the other Arions accompanying him.

"You can meet with him soon, and if you wish to take him back to the Wilwatikta Kingdom, it won't be an issue. However, I hope you'll stay in Miracle Coral for a while. Allow us to host you and introduce the hospitality of the Water Elves."

Aquaenar reclined back in his throne and spoke with a gentle smile. However, Moku sensed an undertone, indicating that he, or rather the Elf Alliance wasn't quite ready for Ez to return to the Wilwatikta Kingdom just yet.

Moku smiled and replied, "Thank you for your hospitality, Your Majesty. However--"


Suddenly, the doors of the throne room swung open forcefully, causing everyone inside to turn towards the source of the noise. Moku resisted the urge to turn around, but a feeling in his heart told him he might regret it if he didn't.

Ultimately, he turned his gaze backward, only to be greeted by the sight of a woman who could be described as possessing an otherworldly allure that captivates all who have the privilege of setting eyes upon her.

With a slender, lithe frame, she entered the throne room with the fluid grace of swaying seaweed, each movement an elegant choreography. Her blue skin glistened with a soft iridescence, reminiscent of the ocean's depths during a moonlit night. This delicate luminescence illuminated her surroundings, imparting an air of mystique to her presence.

Her hair cascades in waves of shimmering blue, like the tides themselves, with strands interwoven with tiny pearls and seashells that lend an ornate adornment to her tresses. When she swims, her hair flows behind her like a silken train, trailing her like a mermaid's enchanting tail.

Her eyes are the color of the deepest sea, their gaze both wise and inquisitive. They seem to hold the secrets of ancient underwater realms and the dreams of those who have ventured across the waters. Her eyes reflect the soul of a ruler who carries the weight of a kingdom's legacy, and yet, they also hold the lightness of a spirit unbound by the limitations of the terrestrial world.

She wears intricate attire crafted from the most delicate and exquisite fabrics, woven from seaweed fibers and adorned with pearls, shells, and coral fragments. The gown shimmers and shifts in hue with her movements, like the play of sunlight on water. Jewels encrusted in her attire glint like hidden treasures unearthed from the ocean's depths.

A diadem graces her brow, fashioned from rare corals and precious gemstones, its design a tribute to Aquanorin's rich heritage. It rests regally amidst her flowing locks, its elegance a symbol of her royal lineage and the burdens she carries as a leader.

"I apologize for my abrupt arrival, Father. However, I believe that I have the right to be present in this meeting, as the guest who has taken away what belongs to me."

Her voice, resembling the melodious waves of the ocean, carries an air of authority and compassion, resonating profoundly with those who seek her counsel. She holds herself with serene confidence befitting her royal status, a demeanor that truly sets her apart.

The first thought that crossed Moku's mind upon seeing the woman who entered the throne room and stood not far from him was, "Let's rape her."

For Moku, this was a compliment to the woman, as his orc instincts had somewhat diminished since becoming an Asura. Perhaps only the four Main Queens could arouse him like this.

Images of thrusting himself into her with all his might echoed in Moku's mind. Seeing her cry out in both pain and pleasure, while hearing the sounds of her moans of ecstasy, sent shivers through his body.

"Yup, let's rape her," Moku whispered to himself, adding a new item to his to-do list during his time in the Aquanorin Kingdom.

"Seraphina, what are you doing? I forbade you from coming into the throne room! Where are your guards?"

Just as Aquaenar said that several water elves in iron armor hurriedly entered the throne room. They appeared sweaty and had slight bruises on their faces.

They seemed to be the guards of the woman named Seraphina. Moku could deduce that Seraphina was a powerful mage, and these guards lacked the ability to restrain her desires.

"We apologize, Your Majesty," the guards said, kneeling.

Seraphina remained silent, not acknowledging the guards or even looking in their direction. Exhaustion was visible on Aquaenar's face as if he didn't know what to do with his rebellious daughter. Unfortunately, Moku could detect a slight inconsistency in his expression.

Nothing could escape his inner eye, even if someone had acting abilities comparable to a deity. He wanted to smile, realizing what plans were being concocted by the elves.

Yet, this suited his purpose. With his to-do list growing by one, he was now compelled to stay a little longer in Aquanorin.

"Your Majesty, who is this beautiful lady?" Moku asked.

"Prince Moku, allow me to introduce my daughter, Seraphina Maris."

Moku turned to Seraphina. "Oh, is this the lady who abducted our Prime Minister?" he asked with a smile.

The entire throne room fell into an eerie silence, until Princess Seraphina responded, "That's correct. I am the one who abducted Ez The First Diplomat and imprisoned him here. Are you the one who killed my fiancé?"

"Your fiancé?" Moku inquired, feigning ignorance.

"Raiden The Necromancer," Princess Seraphina answered succinctly.

"Oh, indeed. I am the one who beheaded Raiden The Necromancer and placed his head on the roof of my house. Do you wish to seek revenge?"

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