The Record of Orc Civilization

Chapter 357 Amphitrite

Chapter 357 Amphitrite


As the resounding gong echoed loudly across the entire arena, the duel was declared underway. Moku and Princess Seraphina locked eyes, reading each other's expressions and assessing.

In this battle, neither of them was allowed to use the [Domain] spell, restricting the fight to a spellcasting contest. However, the use of the Mana God form was still permitted.

Both Moku and Princess Seraphina were unaware of each other's Mana God forms. Despite Ez's efforts to gather information, the water elves remained tight-lipped, and Ez also didn't divulge any of Moku's secrets.

Thus, staring at each other wouldn't yield results. Princess Seraphina decided to take the first step, especially since Moku had been displaying signs of "Ladies First."

Lake Toba, situated above the Miracle Coral, suddenly roared, and a flood burst forth from above them. It cascaded into the arena, dousing Princess Seraphina.

Instantly, what appeared before Moku and the spectators was a scene that blurred the boundaries between the mortal world and the depths of the sea. As spells resonated through the air, streams of cerulean and aquamarine energy enveloped Princess Seraphina, weaving intricate tapestries of water and magic around her.

Initially, Princess Seraphina's form appeared blurry and fragmented, as if dissolving into airborne droplets. These droplets fused and merged, gradually taking on the bewitching shape of a Goddess.

As the transformation took place, a luminous aura akin to the glistening ocean's surface enveloped Princess Seraphina's form, creating a delicate light that danced with the hues of the deep sea.

Her limbs elongated slightly, resembling the graceful swaying of seaweed in gentle currents. A flowing sea-colored gown manifested around her, rippling in wave-like patterns that mirrored the ebb and flow of the sea.

Intricate patterns of aquatic life—corals, seaweed, and delicate shells—adorned the fabric, gleaming as if alive. Sparkling gems, treasures of the sea, were embedded within the fabric, reflecting prismatic hues that captivated all who beheld them.

As the transformation neared completion, Princess Seraphina's hair underwent a captivating change. It transformed into cascading waves, each strand shimmering with different shades of blue and green, evoking the complex colors of the ocean.

Around Princess Seraphina's head, a crown of sea pearls materialized, its radiance rivaling the light of the full moon on the water's surface.

A majestic Sea Goddess materialized before Moku and the audience, taking their breath away. She exuded an aura of tranquility, wisdom, and the untamed beauty of the deep sea. The air around her seemed to carry the gentle whispers of waves, and her movements echoed the rhythm of the ocean's tides.

In this form, she held dominion over the sea's mysteries and possessed the power to command its forces—a conduit through which Amphitrite's essence flowed.

"[Sea Goddess: Amphitrite Form]!"

It took a moment to recover from the awe of the sea goddess before them.

Moku smiled, and suddenly a radiant white Orb appeared before him — the Intent Orb. Moku caught the Intent Orb with one hand and squeezed it tightly.

Dragon prana surged within his body, pouring into the Intent Orb. Then, Moku lifted the Intent Orb above his head with one hand.

Unbeknownst to him, the male arions among the spectators also stood up, mimicking Moku's movements. The nearby female arions instinctively distanced themselves, covering their faces in fear of being associated with these peculiar individuals.





Choruses of shouts erupted from the male arions in the audience, echoing Moku's cries.

His free hand, not occupied by the Intent Orb, performed a dab. With a clockwise motion of both hands, Moku positioned the Intent Orb in front of his waist and tapped it with both hands.

The Intent Orb spun rapidly like a spinning top, emitting dazzling light. Brimming with enthusiasm, Moku drew the light into his hands and tapped it against his chest.





Other spectators, beyond the male arions, particularly young boys, had inexplicably risen and joined in Moku's movements. They shouted with fervor as if possessed. At that moment, the spectators, especially the males, unified regardless of their species.

Suddenly, his body was enveloped in a brilliant blue light. The blue light began to recede, starting from the tips of his hands and feet.

Seeing the transformed figure of Moku, clad in the Kekayon Armor, Princess Seraphina's eyes narrowed. Perhaps she believed that this manifestation held a concept capable of hypnotizing others.

This was evident in the male spectators who suddenly mimicked Moku's movements during the transformation. Moku merely chuckled inwardly, mocking the ignorance of the women who failed to grasp the romance within this form.

Princess Seraphina raised her spear and began to charge forward. Mana surged within her body, cresting like ocean waves.

"[Nexus Dance]!"

As the spell hung in the air, a luminous aura enveloped Princess Seraphina, pulsating with a gentle light that rose and fell in harmony with her heartbeat.

As the spell took effect, Princess Seraphina's feet glided above the ground, leaving faint traces of sparkling stardust in the air.

With each movement, intricate patterns of light and color emerged beneath her feet, resembling constellations coming to life upon an unseen canvas. Princess Seraphina's body moved gracefully as if guided by invisible hands, as this dance wove its intricate tale.

Cosmic energy hues clearly began to swirl around Princess Seraphina, forming arcs of light that curved and rotated in mesmerizing patterns.

These arcs resembled trails of luminous lines left by shooting stars in the night sky, only these lines pulsated with a mysterious enchantment. Princess Seraphina's arms extended with grace, tracing arcs and spins in the air, weaving intricate symbols and motifs that seemed to resonate with the fabric of the universe.

As Princess Seraphina intensified, the environment around her responded in kind. Clusters of stardust coalesced from the cosmos, creating an otherworldly backdrop that mirrored Princess Seraphina's movements.

Moku watched with a furrowed brow and a mind filled with question marks. The [Dawnshadow Blade] materialized in his hand, gripped tightly.

What he knew was that Amphitrite was a sea goddess and one of Poseidon's wives. But what connection did this goddess have with stars and dance? Shouldn't the manifested power be sea-related, like summoning dolphins or other fish?

Regardless, Moku couldn't allow Princess Seraphina to complete her dance. He lunged forward with [Padakacarma], his body shooting faster than the speed of sound.

However, before he could approach, hundreds of twinkling stars surrounding Princess Seraphina suddenly streaked toward him. Moku sensed the danger of these stars, realizing that they might turn his body to dust upon impact.




He evaded with remarkable agility, and each time the stars struck the ground beneath his feet, massive explosions reverberated throughout the arena, akin to meteors striking the earth.

Not only that, these hundreds of stars formed a formation that prevented Moku from getting close to Princess Seraphina. He attempted to deflect them with [Dawnshadow Blade], but instead, his body was thrown backward, increasing the distance between them.


The stars shimmered in rhythm with Princess Seraphina's steps, while galaxies in the distance spun and danced to the tune of the spell. The air itself filled with wonder, vibrating with cosmic energy as if the very sky had joined the dance.

A surge of mana, much greater than before, emerged and caused the entire arena to tremble. Radiant celestial light emanated from the heart of the sorceress, illuminating the area in a breathtaking display.

The emanating energy spiraled upwards, forming delicate nexuses that linked Princess Seraphina to the cosmic power they had invoked. These nexuses shimmered and pulsed, echoing the heartbeat of the universe itself, exuding a deep sense of harmony and unity with all creation.

After the [Nexus Dance], Princess Seraphina stood amidst the enchanting tableau, her body still glowing with the residual light of the heavens. The energy gradually subsided, leaving a sense of tranquility and wonder in its wake.

Moku gazed from beyond the tableau, captivated by the twinkling stars surrounding Princess Seraphina. He instantly realized that he wasn't facing an ordinary spell; it was the ultimate spell that the princess of Aquanorin Kingdom had stored.

"Prince Moku, do you know why Poseidon fell in love with Amphitrite?" Princess Seraphina said with a captivating smile in her Amphitrite form.

"I'm not particularly fond of mythology and have no intention of studying it," Moku replied.

"He fell in love with Amphitrite when he saw her dancing at Naxos among the other Nereids. He then abducted Amphitrite, all due to his fear of the stars protecting her. Let me show you what Poseidon felt at that moment!"

Suddenly, all the stars pulsed strongly, like behemoths opening their eyes. Moku understood that the true usage of [Nexus Dance] was about to commence.

The number of stars within his sight had now reached millions and would keep increasing with the mana Princess Seraphina channeled. He didn't know if he could evade them all, but if he didn't face them seriously, this battle could end poorly.

As anticipated, Princess Seraphina raised her spear. With a single sweep, all the stars followed her guidance. They sharply dove toward Moku, moving at a speed nearly imperceptible to his Inner Eye.

"[Star Shower]!"


Clicking his tongue, Moku crossed both of his karambits in front of his chest. Dragon prana refilled the Orb Intent situated within his Kekayon Armor.

Then, Moku intoned his mantra.

"[Vivid Dream: Moon Blade]"

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