The Reincarnated Martial God Brings Down the Heavens

Chapter 78

Chapter 78 – The Little Marquis (1)

“No way!”

This was Duke Herman’s immediate reaction when he heard my plan.

“Are you out of your mind? You can’t take the princess to a place like that!”

“We need to raise her strong. She has to develop the independence to survive in this harsh world, doesn’t she?”

“Absolutely not. Do you think all royalty is like you?”

Duke Herman, who was practically a parent to her, vehemently opposed the idea.

“……Your Grace.”

“It’s not happening.”

Even Winley’s pleading gaze was useless.

“I don’t want to cause you any more trouble, Your Grace.”

“How can you not see that this is exactly what causing trouble looks like?”

“……Duke Kairos mentioned something at the royal council, didn’t he? About a ‘false engagement’.”


Duke Herman’s eyebrows twitched at her words.

“The Duke is already suspicious of us. He’ll probably steadily push for my political marriage to be arranged by my brother’s— no, the King’s— side.”


“I don’t want to sit idly by and live like a puppet.”

Duke Herman sighed and shook his head.

“……But that’s not a reason for Your Highness to go to such a dangerous place.”

“We have to do something. I have to show that I’m trying— that I’m not just a political pawn dragged around according to everyone’s plans, but an individual with my own will.”


A heavy silence fell over the room. How long did that silence last? Eventually, Duke Herman sighed again and looked in my direction.

“……Marquis Foltaine alone won’t be enough.”


Winley’s face instantly brightened.

“Thank you, Your Grace! I won’t forget this kindness.”

“I haven’t given my permission yet.”

In other words, he was granting conditional approval. That was my cue to step in.

“Then you could come along, Your Grace.”

“If I leave as well, who will take care of the palace?”

“True, who knows what tricks that bald old man might try to pull.”

“Just so you know, Count Arsene is out of the question. He’s a good person, but lacks the necessary skills.”

It was as if Duke Herman could read my mind.

“Convince one of the grand nobles. The princess should have a personal guard of that caliber to ease my worries.”

“Not all grand nobles are strong eccentrics like Marquis Foltaine, though?”

“A grand noble isn’t called a grand noble for nothing. Some are highly skilled themselves, and even if they aren’t, they all have at least one Expert-level knight under their command.”

Duke Herman’s voice was firm, as if this was non-negotiable.

“So find a trustworthy guard. Then I’ll try to convince them to allow Her Highness’ leave.”


I went straight to Marquis Foltaine to select the appropriate guard. I wasn’t sure if having another guard was necessary, but a condition is a condition.

“I don’t know the grand nobles of this country very well. Could you recommend just one person?”

“If you’re only asking for my opinion……”

“Your opinion is all I need, Marquis.”


Marquis Foltaine looked at me silently for a moment before responding.

“……I would personally recommend Marquis Milon.”

“What kind of person is he?”

“Do you remember the guy at court yesterday who only said ‘I’m against it’ in response to your title acquisition? The one who looked like he had no social skills whatsoever.”

Ah, him.

I remembered him clearly— not just because of his curt words, but because of his unusual appearance.

“You mean that kid?”

“……He may look like that, but he’s probably thirty by now.”

“Huh? That kid?”

He didn’t look a day older than me, even at a generous estimate.

“They say it’s because of an illness.”

“What kind of illness?”

“A type of dwarfism. His body doesn’t grow, no matter how old he gets.”

“A curse, then.”

“If there’s any silver lining, it’s that he was born with extraordinary magical talent.”

It’s not that unusual. I’ve heard that those born with one disability often have other senses that develop extraordinarily.

“Marquis Milon is one of the few nobles who is also a high-ranking magician. He’s as smart as his natural talent suggests. If I had to choose the most brilliant person in our kingdom, I wouldn’t hesitate to pick him.”

“That impressive?”

“Impressive enough that even Duke Herman wouldn’t object if you took him along. Though, his lack of conversation could be an issue.”

“It’s that bad?”

“The day he said ‘I’m against it’ was probably the most he’s spoken in a long time. He avoids meeting people altogether.”

That’s a bit concerning.

“Why not just give up on the princess? As the Duke said, there’s no need to take her to such a dangerous place.”

“She’s very determined.”

“Then do as you wish. I have to admit, imagining you struggling with this does sound quite entertaining.”

“You didn’t recommend him just to mess with me, did you?”

“How did you know?”

We both chuckled softly, neither of us taking the joke too seriously. When I mentioned Marquis Foltaine’s recommendation to Duke Herman,

“……So Marquis Foltaine recommended Marquis Milon? How fitting.”

He nodded repeatedly, as if he agreed that this was the best choice.

“To reach the Black Swan, you’ll have to pass through the Valley of Death. With all the monsters and poisons lurking there, it’s wise to have a skilled magician with you.”

“It would be even better if I could use this opportunity to build a good relationship with him and bring him to my side.”

“……But taking him along won’t be easy.”

His voice became increasingly doubtful.

“If it’s the Marquis Milon that Marquis Foltaine and I both know.”

His reaction was similar to Marquis Foltaine’s.

* * *

Reaper Scans

[Translator – San]

[Proofreader – Abstract]

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* * *

Marquis Milon, who had been out and about since morning, was now sprawled on his bed.


The energy reserved for outdoor activities had been completely drained.

However, he had no choice but to go out again in the afternoon because of the annoying king’s coronation ceremony.

‘Can’t they just handle it themselves?’

While he was already in a foul mood—

Knock, knock, knock.

“Marquis Milon, you have a visitor.”


Milon’s brow furrowed.

The palace never seemed to leave him alone.

“Pardon the intrusion.”


The door slowly opened, and the head of a child, wearing an apologetic expression, peeked inside.

“I-I apologize. I wanted to take care of it myself, but the guest is the princess’s fiancé……”


“Yes, the princess’s fiancé. That’s me.”

It was a silent communication. Milon hadn’t uttered a word, but the child continued the conversation through expressions alone.

‘Just hearing the identity makes your intentions seem dubious.’

“……It seems something about this displeases you?”

‘Obviously. He probably wants to undermine the old men and build his own reputation. He needs to establish himself in this country, and he can’t do that without securing a decent position. But the old men are dead set against him.’

The child bowed his head.

“I’ll just send him away.”

The child’s head disappeared through the door.

But before long—


‘What now?’

“Well…… He said that if you don’t want to meet him, he’d at least like to leave you a gift.”

Milon’s lips curled into a smirk.

‘Don’t get cute with me.’

Of course, the child read that expression too.

“The thing is…… the gift is a high-grade elixir.”


Suddenly, Marquis Milon’s eyes shot open, and he sprang out of bed.

‘Is it for real?’

It was his first sign of any intense emotion. Even if all other gifts were returned, elixirs were always to be reported. That was a consistent internal rule of the Milon family.


Pat, pat, pat.

I couldn’t help but be puzzled by the sudden show of hospitality, which included pats on the shoulder.

Marquis Milon, who was shorter than me, had a warm, gentle smile plastered on his face.

‘Could it be because of the gift I brought?’

It seemed like that was the case. There was no other reason for this behavior.

‘I’ll have to thank Marquis Foltaine.’

For the record, the high-grade elixir was something Marquis Foltaine had given me to bring.

Whoosh, whoosh!

He gestured towards the chair, and I sat down without hesitation. Without a single word, he clasped his hands together as if telling me to say what I wanted.


He shook his head.

“I haven’t even said anything yet?”

This guy was certainly peculiar. It was as if he already knew what I was going to say, shaking his head even before hearing it.

And that wasn’t all.


He made an X with his fingers.

‘Go back.’

He waved his hand dismissively as if shooing away a bothersome fly.

‘This is even more annoying than just saying it out loud.’

Should I just punch this little brat?

“I-I’ll translate for you!”

At that moment, the child who had greeted me rushed over.


“Y-Yes. My name is Arden.”

Arden bowed and quickly sat next to Marquis Milon.

“……So, why not?”

“He says it’s bothersome.”

“What kind of nonsense is that?”

“He’s asking, ‘Why do you keep speaking so rudely?’”

At that point, I looked at Arden. How does he translate all of this just from expressions? But the child nodded at me as if he understood everything.

“……You’re doing the same.”

“You, do you know how old I am?”

“In a society of ranks, why are you bringing up age?”

“Ranks? You’re just a knight. I’m a marquis.”

“I’m a prince, though.”

“If you want to be treated as a prince, go back to your country.”

Should I really just kill him? More importantly, is this translation even accurate?

‘……Then again, it wouldn’t make sense for him to lie in front of a marquis.’

In other words, this interpretation was the little brat’s true thoughts.

‘This kid has a talent for getting under people’s skin.’

I pressed my temples lightly.

“So, you’re just going to keep the gift for free?”

“If you expect something in return, it’s not a gift.”

“If you know that, shouldn’t you have refused it outright?”

“I’m not the type to turn down gifts.”

“If you’re not going to grant my request, shouldn’t you at least give the gift back? After all, you care about your noble reputation.”

“Reputation? I don’t care about that.”

I turned away without hesitation.

“This isn’t going to work.”

Was my response unexpected? Arden’s voice reached my ears again.

“He’s asking, ‘You’re giving up more easily than I thought. Are you upset?’”

“Not particularly.”

“You should be. You’ve lost a valuable gift and are now leaving empty-handed.”

I glanced back slightly.

“I have nothing to be upset about. You’re right.”


“If you give something with an ulterior motive, it’s not a gift. It might as well be a bribe.”


I could feel a sharp gaze on the back of my head.

“Let’s just call it a day.”

“……Are you going to come back?”

“I’m not the type to give up.”

“Just give up. Don’t waste your time. I’m giving you this advice because you don’t seem as awful as I thought. You need results before the diplomatic visit, don’t you?”

“Thanks for the advice.”

Maybe he noticed the determination in my words?

“When you’re in a hurry, you lose. No matter how urgent, you shouldn’t let the other person see it.”

“Well, I don’t have much time.”

“More importantly, I already know all about your situation. Do you think you can negotiate under these circumstances?”

I nodded quietly.

“At least your head seems fine. Goodbye. I won’t see you out.”

“I’m feeling competitive now.”


“Two days.”

Both of them tilted their heads simultaneously as I gave a faint smile.

“I’ll make sure to get you to open that mouth of yours within two days.”


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