The Simple Job of Only Perishing to the Hero

Book 3: Chapter 9

Book 3: Chapter 9

In the capital city of the St. Altlis Kingdom, Edius, where a large number of Beastmen, Sylphid, Metalio had left all at once due to the Demi-Human rejection, the period of chaos had ended.

The personnel that flowed out and vanished were replaced with people that came flowing in from other regions and Humans that came back from foreign countries, and other than the point that there was almost no demi-humans, things could be said to have almost returned to how things were.

The reason why the end of the chaos came quickly was because the business transactions with the other countries had continued.

Putting aside the Jiol Forest Kingdom that they were in a state of tension with, the merchants of the other countriesespecially the merchants of the Canal Kingdom and the small countries other than the four major nations, were still doing business with the merchants of the St. Altlis Kingdom.

So while there was a circulation of goods from other countries through merchants like that, the endeavors to raise self-sufficiency in the St. Altlis Kingdom also continued.

Like that, Edius was at peace on the surfaceHowever, with the atmosphere of the smell of war definitely intensifying in the air, today as well, it received the night.

So its you again.

What appeared at the side of the young girl who sat on the roof of a vacant house was a single young boy. He probably entered the house without permission, and climbed up from the attic.

Ignoring the young girls annoyed face, the young boy sat down beside her.

The young girls name was Ein.

The young boys name was Kain.

The two of them possessed similar sounding names, however, there was a decisive difference between them.

It was how Ein was a Mazoku, and Kain was a Human.

Incidentally, Ein was here to perform an investigation on the St. Altlis Kingdom on Rokunas orders, so having Kain following her around was a bit of a bother.

However, ever since she saved Kain from an Alva attack, Kain came to visit Ein almost every night as if to see what was going on.

The fact that she would definitely be discovered by Kain no matter where she was also hurt Eins pride as a spy a bit.

I am sure that I told you to not get near me though.

HahaYoure just the same as always.

Youre the one who is the same as always. Dont tell me that you still havent given up.

When Ein cast a sharp glare at him, Kain averted his eyes and scratched his head.

No, I actually havent given up.

Give it up. Its a waste of time.

Kain, who was a student of the Edius Adventurer School, was tenaciously inviting Ein to join his Adventurer party.

Of course, since Ein had the objective of investigating and needed to do covert actions, she continued to refuse even now.

If you want a vanguard,, then that spear wielding, wild boar of a girl should be sufficient.

While remembering one of the girls that got along with Kain and was the daughter of the Necros Duke house that was called the Spear Princess, Ein said that sounding like she found him to be a pain.

Thanks to Kain coming to see her like this, Ein had come to be acquainted even with the female group that was around Kain.

It was extremely bothersome, but on the other hand, for some reason, there were a lot of people related to important people among the girls, so there was the merit of being able to obtain various information. To Ein, this gave her mixed sentiments.

Ahh, you mean Seria. I had thought of trying to invite her toobut, theres this whole situation going on, see. It seems that her worries are pretty big even as a Duke.

It seems that a majority of the royal capital has calmed down though?

UnCertainly, it looks like its calmed down on the surface. But its really muddy on the inside.

Is it about that Demi-Human argument thing? Then it would be fine if you relied on that woman you call senpai. She holds an important position, right?

The one that Ein was talking about was Quelia who was Kains senpai as well as the daughter of the Head Priest of St. Altliss Grand Temple.

It seemed that she had built a good senpai-kouhai relationship with Kain, and she could sometimes be found happily walking together with him.

Ah, yeah. Qu-senpai, huh

When Kain was about to say something, he hesitated, and just like that, he turned into a groaning ornament.

The reason for that was simple. It was because Quelia was a supporter of the Demi-Human argument.

Publically, she demonstrates an understanding with ways of thinking other than the Demi-Human argument, and although she might not be self-aware of it, Quelia was also one of the people that created the current atmosphere of the St. Altlis Kingdom.

A bit moreI think that Ill consult Qu-senpai a bit later.

I dont care. Do as you like.

Yeah, Ill do as I like.

Seeing Kain say that with a smile, Ein breathed a blatant smile.

She had gotten involved with a truly bothersome man.

Also, ever since that day she made direct contact with Kain, the strange Alva continued to appear.

The Alva that attacked Kain spoke words and tried to obey orders, which were features that made it hard to imagine that it was an ordinary Alva.

To begin with, the action of the Alva targeting a specific person itself was something strange.

In order to investigate what the Alvas objective was and what the person that was being targeted by Alva was, Ein monitored Kain, but as a result of trying to prevent the Alvas strange actions, she ended up revealing her figure in front of Kain.

Like this, although she became acquainted with Kain and no longer had to hide from him, it seemed like the Alva would also come to attack her frequently if she were to make movements that were even a little showy.

And so.

What, do you still have some kind of business with me?

Ahh, yeah. It would be great if you knew though.

Seeing Kain acting hesitant, Ein clicked her tongue and urged him to continue on with her gaze.

Since Kain had also gotten completely used to this, he saw that as an acknowledgement and continued his story.

Do you know anything, about things like the Jiol Forest Kingdoms internal conditions?

Hearing the words Jiol Forest Kingdom, Ein reacted in her mind, but she feigned calmness.

Certainly, the internal conditions of the Jiol Forest Kingdom werent known in the current St. Altlis Kingdom.

The St. Altlis Kingdom had sent out spiesbut since the Jiol Forest Kingdoms vigilance level had increased, they could not get a great deal of information.

That is the story that Ein had heard from the spy of some country that she had just happened to find and defeat not too long ago though.

Why, would you want to know something like that?

Information related to the Jiol Forest Kingdom needed to be treated especially carefully nowadays.

The fact regarding the treaty of friendship between the Jiol Forest Kingdom and the Zadark Kingdom was continuing on in secrecy for the time being.

According to Rokuna, since the first impact is important, that information couldnt be circulated to other countriesespecially the St. Altlis Kingdom, until tomorrows announcement.

If Kain were to know something, she would need to identify and crush the information route, restrain Kain until tomorrow morning or afternoon when the situation moves, and prevent the diffusion of information.

However, what came out of Kains mouth were some unexpected words.

Im, worried about Luuty-san, see.

Ein immediately understood when he mentioned Luuty Ligas.

She was a Sylphid, and one of heroes that were a part of the Hero Ryuuyas party.

She was formerly the board chairman of the Edius Adventurer Schooland then.

Another woman, huh. Do you have some kind of disease where youll die if you dont bury your entire field of vision with women?

N, no. That isnt really the case though

Then, just think shes probably doing fine or something.

When Ein said that, Kain didnt say anything more than that and sank into silence.

Seeing him look like he was enduring something, Ein reluctantly gave him a minimum amount of information.

There arent any stories of her dying. Are you satisfied with this? If you are satisfied, stop making that irritating face.

Eh, ah, yeah. Thanks. If she isnt dead, then shes fine, isnt she.

You should just think that a person you havent met in a long time is doing fine. Thats all there is to it.

No news is good news, huh

Hearing Kains muttering, Ein made a puzzled face.

Could it be, are you exchanging letters with Luuty Ligas or something?

It would be a huge problem if that were the case.

By going through Luuty, there was the possibility of various information being circulated to the St. Altlis Kingdom.

Thinking that, Ein shuddered.

Eh? No, it isnt that sort of thing.

Not that sort of thing? So its a tryst. Whats the meaning of this when youre just a mere student.

Ein pressed him for answers as she tried to somehow pull information out of him, while Kain was slowly backing away while being impatient for some reason.

Determining that the fact that he was shedding what seemed to be a cold sweat to be proof that he was keeping something secret, Ein decided that she wouldnt let him escape and grabbed Kains collar and pulled him close.

She wouldnt allow him to use magic and escape, and on top of that, he was within super close range, which Ein specialized in.

Maybe because he resolved himself from knowing that he couldnt escape, Kain shouted while becoming increasingly flustered.

L, like I said, that isnt it! Its just an old saying! The one that says that when letters dont come, its proof that theyre doing fine

So you really are exchanging letters with herSpit it out, what were the topics.

Im telling you, thats wrong! Its a metaphor!

Hearing him go that far, Ein finally stopped questioning him.

Taking her hands off of Kains collar, she threw him down onto the roof.

How pointless. Say that from the start.

Didnt I tell you that it was different from the start

Having no interest in Kain who was muttering his complaints, Ein looked up at the night sky.

As expected, the information blockade was perfect.

Up until today, the talk about the Jiol Forest Kingdom that flowing about within the St. Altlis Kingdom stopped at the level of just being rumors.

Everything would happen tomorrowTomorrow, the world would move greatly.

For the sake of the peace that Demon King Vermudol desired, a time where the Mazoku would also greatly move more than they are now would come.


Suddenly, Ein felt a sense of discomfort in the sky.

As if something, were crackingthat kind of faint sense of discomfort.

However, Ein knew the source of it.

Oi, no-faithfulness.

Eh, are you talking about me?

It looks like a guest has come today as well.

Kain reacted to those words, and he hurriedly stood up and drew the sword on his waist.

The Alvaso they really came tonight as well!

Thats right, that was the sign of an Alvas appearance, the Alvas characteristic Space Transfer method.

The spacial crack eventually expanded from an ellipse to a circle, and a thin Alva made its appearance.

The opened space extinguished one the Alvas transfer was completed, and returned to being the original night sky.

So, it became stronger again.

Seeing the Alva that appeared, Ein evaluated it as such.

The Alva that appeared and targeted Kain were weak to the point of being useless at first, but ever since Kain was added to the battles, they gradually became stronger.

They started to widen their tactics, and even the Alva themselves, they started to vary depending on the day such as having the type that attacked with magic or the type that attacked directly.

The Alva that appeared in the sky opened its black wings, and making a quick survey of the area, it confirmed Kain and Eins location.

I always say this but. I dont mind if you die, just dont get in my way.

Id like it if you gave me some words of encouragement sometimes though

Do your best to not get in my way. Are you satisfied with that?

Leaving Kain, whose tension was complicatedly raised, alone, Ein took out her short sword.

It was possible for her to use her strength as a Majuu (magic beast) even in her Majin form, but with her being in front of Kain, she couldnt use those techniques.

In that sort of meaning, Kain was getting in the way, but there was no helping that now.

When Ein came to that kind of clear decision, she readied her short sword.

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