The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 401 - Yes, Please!

After the cursed King's passing, his spirit ascended into the afterlife and entered the gate of the netherworld under the jurisdiction of custodian Docor.

Docor looked at the soul in front of him, he had taken a special interest in this particular soul because it's the reason why Sylvia visited the netherworld.

"So, where have you been in the last centuries? Why you only ascended this world today?" he asked curiously, given that he does not know about what's going on in the mortal world. And only lately that his interest got piqued about his specific soul because of Sylvia.

"My lord, my soul has been hibernating in the basement under the crumbling castle in the mortal realm for centuries. I was cursed by my enemy, unable to ascend here. Can I be eligible for reincarnation in the current times?" King Rhazien asked.

"Regarding your question, you have to proceed to the Soul Mast Tower because that is the place where you will stay for a while while waiting if you are eligible for reincarnation in the mortal world," Docor replied.

"Ah, okay. Thank you for the information, my lord," King Rhazien said.

"Wait here for my men to bring you to your cell. You will be transported to the Soul Mast Tower anytime soon together with the other souls who arrived to the netherworld within this week. That's all!" Docor stated and rose to his feet.

King Rhazien watched the custodian leave the room.

A few minutes later, a guy entered the room and escorted the King to his cell located underground.


Docor appeared in the VIP waiting room of the Soul Mast Tower. He settled comfortably on the couch.

A moment later.

Mehos' assistant entered the room. "My lord, nice to see you again," she said, smiling brightly. "May I know why you're here, my lord?" she inquired.

"Inform your master that I'm here to tell him something important..." Docor said.

"Okay, I'll inform him right away, my lord," the assistant said and left the room.

Docor stared at the wall wondering where is Sylvia right now. If nothing comes with the search and rescue team he sent out there to find Sylvia then he has to do something that he has never done before just to find her. Her disappearance baffled him because she vanished without a trace.

The assistant went back to her room and then she began talking to the wall in front of her. "My lord, you have a visitor," she said.

Mehos' voice vibrated in the air. "Who is my visitor?" he asked.

"It's your friend, Docor. He is in the VIP room, waiting room for you," the assistant replied.

"Ah, okay, got it! I'll go there and talk to him in a minute," Mehos said.

Silence fell upon the room.

Meanwhile, at Mehos' secret room.

He was lying in bed with Sylvia in bliss.

Because Sylvia displayed good behavior during the one-week trial run, he gave her some liberty, the ability to roam around the room freely.

Mehos claimed Sylvia's life for a searing kiss. "Sweetheart, I'll left the room for a while. I have a visitor to meet," he said.

Sylvia's bros furrowed. "Who is your visitor?" she asked curiously.

"Just a friend," Mehos replied and left the bed.

A few minutes later, Mehos vanished from the secret room.

Sylvia got up from the bed and roamed around the room, she went to the wall and began checking if there is a secret door somewhere hidden from her sight, unfortunately, there's no such thing as a hidden door.

She concluded that Mehos came into this room with his special ways and she can't leave this room unless he will personally bring her outside.

She's getting frustrated with her situation!

She doesn't want to stay longer in the netherworld! She wants to go home!

She only managed to convince Mehos to give her a little bit of freedom by obeying all his commands and giving herself completely to his addiction of physical intimacy with her. That's the sure-fire way to gain his trust.

However, she had a sunken feeling in the pit of her stomach that Mehos will never bring her outside and she will remain stuck in this secret room forever. Although, he no longer mentioned bringing her to the lake to erase her memory, still, that is entirely a possible thing waiting to happen!

No one can stop Mehos from enjoying living his fantasy world around her.

Groaning in despair, she went back to bed and sat on the edge, pondering about her difficult situation. Who else can help her? Where is Docor? He didn't even try to find her!? She has no one in this world. She's doomed forever!

Unless something comes up!


Mehos joined his friend Docor in the VIP room.

"Bro, what's up? Any good news in finding our common friend Sylvia?" Mehos asked, lowering himself on the couch, facing him.

Docor looked at Mehos grimly. "Nothing so far..." he replied. "But I have another news for you..."

"What is it?" Mehos asked.

"Guess who just arrived to the gate of the netherworld today?" Docor said.

"Who?" Mehos raised a brow.

"It's no other than the soul of King Rhazien. The Grandfather of Sylvia, the one reason that made her visit the netherworld," Docor said.

"Oh, really-? Where is he now?" Mehos asked curiously.

"He's in the cell underground waiting for transport along with other new souls. They will be arriving to your tower in a few days," Docor explained.

"I see..." Mehos murmured.

"I suggest that you will put his soul in a special room. If we can find Sylvia anytime soon - they will be reunited with each other," Docor suggested.

"Sure! I'll grant your request," Mehos replied.

"Thank you, bro. That's all I came here for," Docor said. He rose to his feet. "I won't take much of your time, I'll go now," he said.

Mehos stood up as well. "Thanks for the visit, bro. Inform me right away if you already have news about Sylvia's whereabouts," he stated.

"Sure, I will!" Docor replied.

A few minutes later, Docor vanished from the room.

Mehos exited the VIP room and went to the room of his assistant.

"My lord," the assistant bowed her head.

"Prepare a room for a special soul that will arrive anytime soon in our tower. His name is King Rhazien. The moment he arrived here, bring him to his room immediately," Mehos ordered.

"Noted!" the assistant replied. "Anything else, my lord?"

"Prepare a delicious meal for me and my beloved woman. I will bring it to my room later," Mehos ordered.

"Copy, my lord," the assistant responded.

"That's all for today," Mehos spoke and vanished from the room in the blink of an eye.

A moment later.

Mehos appeared in the secret room.

Sylvia was lying on the bed during that time, staring at the ceiling blankly, wearing a sad expression on her face.

Mehos knew why Sylvia is sporting a forlorn expression on her face, but he must not let her pitiable expression lower his guard down. She might attempt to use her womanly charm to trick him into setting her free, and he knows that once Sylvia gets out and reached Docor's side, all hell will break loss!

It's something that he can't allow to happen.

He went to her side and lowered himself on the bed beside her. He draped his arms around her lovingly. "Sweetheart, why are you looking so sad?" he asked.

Sylvia looked at him. "I'm so bored here! All I can see is dull wall and nothing else!" she complained.

Mehos smiled and kissed her head. "That's not a problem!" he said. He stood up and faced the wall. he waved his hand at the wall. Soon enough, the view of a garden filled with colorful blooming flowers appeared on the wall.

Then he waved his hand again, a view of the pristine ocean with white sand beach appeared on the wall.

He continue decorating the walls with a life-like view, a mountainside and a forest appeared on the other walls.

Mehos looked at her and smiled. "Aren't they beautiful to look at - sweetheart? You have the view of the beach, mountain, forest and garden filled with blooming flowers in one room. I hope this time you won't feel sad and lonely anymore because you're already surrounded by four gorgeous landscape that you can admire 24/7," he said, very much proud of his handiwork.

​ Sylvia faked her smile. She knows that the landscape is just an illusion. "Thank you so much, sweetheart. You're such a darling!" she gushes enthusiastically.

Mehos claimed her lips for a searing kiss.

When their lips parted...

Mehos gazed at her eyes adorably. "I prepared a feast for us today... 'coz I have a good news for you," he said.

"What news?" Sylvia asked excitedly.

"Guess who among your love ones ascended the netherworld today?" he said, beaming.

Sylvia's heart stopped beating. "Oh, no! D-did one of my family member died? W-who-!?" she asked, her mouth trembling in fear and worry.

"It's no other then the one you're trying to find in this place, the spirit of your Grandfather King Rhazien has finally arrived to the netherworld today!" Mehos revealed.

Sylvia's face brightened up. "Where is he right now?" she asked excitedly.

"He's currently under Docor's jurisdiction, but soon, he will arrive at my place within this week. Don't worry, I'll put him in a room and give him a special treatment because he is valuable to you just like what I did with your son, Nathan's spirit. If you continue to be good to me, I will release you back to the mortal world with your son and your grandfather so that you can be reunited with your loved ones again. How that sounds to you?" Mehos said.

A megawatt smile appeared on Sylvia's face. "Yes, please!"

"And one more thing... I will help you kill all your enemies when you return to the mortal realm!" Mehos added.

"Oh, yeah! I love that!" Sylvia exclaimed in glee and planted a kiss on Mehos' face due to happiness and gladness.

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