The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 407 - My Story

The next day.

Menedelia visited Corbin's manor that afternoon.

She noticed the changes right away. Corbin has stationed guards around his property, especially now that his pregnant wife was already living in the manor.

Rebecca was brooding in the living room when she entered the house.

"Hello, Grandma!" Rebecca greeted her.

She went to her side. "Why are you looking problematic?" she asked.

"I'm not... I'm fine!" Rebecca said with a smile that never reach her eyes.

"How are you?" Menedelia lowered herself beside Rebecca on the sofa. "What's bothering your mind, child? Common, speak up to me! Maybe I can help you. What is it?" she inquired. She was expecting to see a happy Rebecca when she come here for a visit, but she's looking edgy right now. What could be the problem?

Rebecca released a deep sigh. "Now that Graven is already back, I'm worried that he will take action against my husband's family," she confessed, revealing her inner fear. "A war will eventually breakout between two parties, that's what I'm worrying about," she said.

Menedelia breathed deeply. "So, tell me, what can I do to help you?" she asked.

"Granny, can you help me talk to Graven and convince him not to retaliate against my husband's family?" Rebecca begged.

"Child, after going through a lot, Graven has a right to take revenge against the vampire couple. We can't blame him if that is what he's thinking in his mind right now," Menedelia said and patted Rebecca's arms, trying to console her. "No problem. I'll go with you and I will try to ask Graven not to wage war against your husband's family. But I'm not sure if he will listen to me," she stated.

"Thank you, Granny!"

"Don't mention it," Menedelia spoke.

"Can you go with me to Garven's manor? I want to know today is he's indeed planing in declaring war against Corbin's family," Rebecca asked.

"Sure! Let me see my sister and my Grandma Sitas first, then afterward we will go and visit Laura and Graven at their place," Menedelia responded.

"Thank you, Granny," Rebecca said and rose to her feet. "Let's go to the garden, they're relaxing there right now," she said.

"Okay," Menedelia replied, standing up.

The women exited the house and walked on the path leading to the back of the house.

Menedelia went to Grandma Sitas' side, sitting on the swing beside Anastasia, happily watching the blooming flowers in the garden. She planted a kiss on her Grandma's head and looked at Rebecca. "Where is my sister?" she asked, scanning the flower and vegetable garden.

"She went to the neighbors house because a pregnant woman was about to give birth today so they need her services and assistance. The house is just a walking distance from here. If you want, Anastasia can go there and inform Ebony that you're here," Rebecca offered.

"No need!" Menedelia refused, shaking her head. "Let's not disturb my sister so that she can focus on her delicate job, delivering a newborn baby into this world..."

"Okay, take your time bonding with Granny Sitas. We'll just go there to Graven's manor after you're ready to leave," Rebecca said.

Menedelia nodded her head. "We'll eave after two hours," she replied.

Rebecca looked at Anastasia. "Can you please inform the cook to prepare a refreshment for us?"

"Sure, my lady!" Anastasia said with a smile. She rose to her feet and walked in the direction of the kitchen

A few minutes later.

Anastasia returned to the garden carrying a wooden tray. She placed the pitcher of orange juice, and rice cakes on the table nearby. "Afternoon snack is ready!" she announced cheerfully.

She poured the orange juice into the four glasses. Then assisted Grandma Sitas with the snack.

Menedelia admired how Anastasia deeply cared for her grandma. "Thank you, dear, for taking good care of my Grandma every time my sister is not around," she said, in a grateful voice.

Anastasia smiled. "No need to thank me. Grandma Sitas is also like a grandma to me, I'm willing to take care of her anytime," she replied and pressed gently the glass of juice to Sitas lips.

Rebecca and Menedelia munched on the sweet and creamy rice cakes and sipped their refreshing juice afterward.

"Granny, have you already found a spot to rent in the town for your Palm Reading Business?" Rebecca inquired.

"Yeah, I did. I will ask the owner next week how much is the rent and I will negotiate with the rental fee. The owner is currently travelling in the next town, visiting her relatives there and she will be back next week," Menedelia replied.

"Okay. I can give you money for your rental, good for one year until your business picks up, no need to pay me," Rebecca offered generously.

Menedelia smiled and shook her head. "No, thanks! I still have enough money to pay the rent..."

"Just in case you run out of money, don't hesitate to come to me, okay?" Rebecca spoke.

"Sure! Thanks in advance, child!" Menedelia said.

After they finish eating their afternoon snack, they teleported to Graven's manor.

They landed in the living room of the manor.

The servant was removing the old flowers from the vase on the center table when the women arrived.

"Hello dear," Rebecca said.

"Hello, my lady! It's nice to see you again!" the servant greeted them cheerfully.

"Can you please inform the lady and the lord that they have visitors?" Please?" Rebecca requested.

"Sure! I'll go upstairs now," the servant said and climbed the stairs, going to the second floor of the house.

The maid stood in front of the master's bedroom and knocked gently on the door. "My lady, my lord... Rebecca and Menedelia are waiting in the living room!" she announced.

The door opened by Laura. "Tell them to wait for a few minutes because my husband is currently taking his bath in the bathroom," she said.

"Aye, my lady!" the maid replied and left, going back to the ground floor.

Laura closed the door and sat on the bed. She feels worried a bit about what's going to happen today.

A few minutes later.

The bathroom door opened and Graven exited, already wearing his clothes.

Laura looked at him. "Husband, Rebecca, and Menedelia are waiting for us in the living room," she informed him.

"About time!" Graven said. He's been longing to hear Rebecca's story during her captivity and why on earth she married the enemy? There are so many men in this world, she had plenty of choices, why it has to be the enemy's son? That bothered him deeply. He needs to get to the bottom of it.

Laura placed her hands gently on Graven's arms. "Husband, I have to remind you that Rebecca is pregnant, please interrogate her gently. Don't raise your voice on her, okay? I know that you're upset that she married the enemy's son, complicating your thirst for vengeance. Please be calm in dealing with her, okay?" she begged.

Graven sighed. "Of course! Rest assured that I won't scold or shout at her. I will ask her properly, Rebecca is a like a sister to me. No need to worry, okay?" he reassured her and planted a kiss on her lips. "Let's go!"

"Thank you, husband!" Laura felt relieved.

The couple exited the bedroom and walked on the hallway, heading to the staircase.

A few minutes later.

The couple was now sitting on the couch facing the visitors.

"Hello, Rebecca and Menedelia! I'm happy to see you again, girls!" Graven said pleasantly.

"Hello, Graven and Laura! Nice to be back here again!" Menedelia replied.

Rebecca was silent the whole time, unable to look Graven in the eyes.

Uncomfortable silence engulfed them.

Laura cleared her throat. "Um... Menedelia and I will go to the garden," she suggested.

"No need to leave. We're just going to have a discussion here," Graven said. He looked at Rebecca. "Sister... why are you silent? Do you have something to say or explain to me? Maybe, you can start with my question... Why on earth you married the son's enemy and impregnated by him? That's one thing I don't understand... can you explain that issue to me, please?" Graven asked her directly, straight to the heart of the matter.

Rebecca shut her eyes for a few seconds and released a deep sigh. "Alright, it's about time you will know what happened to me while being held captive by the enemy," she said.

"Continue..." Graven spoke.

Rebecca took a deep breath. "The giant birds brought me in the vampire couple's manor. That time, I was still disguising as Laura. They suppressed my power and I was not able to escape. Corbin visited my room and befriended me without his parent's knowledge.

They prepared the ritual and paraded me in front of their clan to see. When the ritual finally took place, they discovered my disguise so they ordered their men to throw me into the furnace as punishment for deceiving them. Corbin arrived in time and rescued me from the furnace. I suffered seconds degree burns all over my body. Then he brought me to his manor.

Thankfully, Ebony... Granny's sister who is the caretaker of his manor was gifted with great healing capabilities. She nursed me back to health. After one month, my charred skin healed miraculously under her nonstop medication, aided by her assistant, Anastasia.

Corbin set me free, but I want revenge! Instead of going home, I return to the manor to unleash my revenge on the vampire couple. Unfortunately, I can no longer leave the manor. I was strapped inside and my power is gone again. I come to Corbin's room to hide. He protected me and told his parents that I am his girlfriend and we're planning to get married.

I was forced to go along with his marriage alibi just to save myself from further harm. During that time, I'm no longer wearing Laura's image that is why they didn't recognize me as the impostor. They thought their son brought another woman again into their home, which he regularly did in the past.

The vampire couple arranged the marriage ceremony hastily. I have no choice but to go along with it because Corbin told me that it's the only way to save myself. According to him, his parents will never kill his wife no matter what.

To make the story short, we fall in love in just a short time of being together and finally get married. Even though it's against his will, Corbin set me free, hoping that I will return to his side one day and raise a family with him for real.

I stayed with Granny Menedelia in her house in the forest. That's where I stayed all the time after leaving my husband's side. I decided not to return to you, guys, because of shame that I married the son of the enemy and got impregnated by him.. That's all!" Rebecca finished her narration, bracing for Graven's questions.

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