The villainess shall be mine

Chapter 139 To The Heart Of The Empire (Part 7)

After meeting up with Blanca, Adam headed to the dining area while escorting Amelia.

A table was already prepared for them and a few maids, a chef, and other personnel were waiting for their arrival.

"Act like a proper noble. These people respect and care about you so don't disappoint them," Adam muttered to Amelia, but she didn't appear in the least pleased by what was happening.

After they were seated, the chef asked them about what they would like to have for dinner and began to give some details about the dishes that he prepared.

Adam chose what he would like to eat as recommended by the chief, but Amelia acted like a problematic child again, sitting in an extremely vulgar way and supporting her head with her palm while putting her elbow on the table.

"Amelia, I hope you remember what we discussed earlier…" Adam reminded her after seeing her behavior.

"Anh? Hmph!" Amelia sneered as if saying that Adam couldn't do anything to her in front of these people so she would act the way she wanted.

Adam knew that the Corruption had something to do with her behavior but she was just so irritating to look at. Thus, he had even thought about the possibility that Amelia was just in some kind of rebellious phase.

The chef appeared to not know what to do after looking at Amelia.

"She will be having the same thing as me," Adam said to the chef.

The chef hesitated a little bit but seeing Adam's face, he immediately nodded to the request.

"What? I…. Waaaaa? What is this?" Amelia felt something cold touching her body, then wrapped around her hips, her neck, arms, and legs.

Suddenly, she was sitting straight in a very awkward manner but at least, it was better than her previous posture.

"You didn't give me the choice. Unfortunately, I am not the type of man who likes to have dinner with a, forgive me for the language I am going to employ, shitty brat," Adam said, sitting elegantly in front of Amelia.

Blanca didn't say anything but by doing so, she looked like the Lord's wife. There was no trace of her rough attitude or warrior's aura, and she gave off a refined and almost exotic vibe.

Looking at Adam and Blanca the ship's personnel were struck by awe and they couldn't help but admire what they were seeing. Two extremely beautiful people with noble aura, and graceful attitudes but have a very authoritative presence.

Compared to them, their Lady looked like some kind of commoner who lacked common sense and this made them feel a little bit ashamed.

Consequently, for the Lord to ask Adam to watch over his daughter made sense, and even though they didn't hear what Adam and Amelia were discussing, they could see that Amelia was acting a bit more like a noble.

"Hey! Guard! I will tell my father about this…" Amelia began to scream but she couldn't move.

"Now, I am seriously wondering about your problem. The question is, why do you keep acting the way you do despite knowing that you are being a bother to everyone else? Okay, let's solve this mystery right here," Adam continued. "Don't worry, no one will know about what I will discover here today."

"I refuse to talk to you. You can't force me to say anything," Amelia said.

"Mmm? Ah, well, I don't need you to say anything in the first place. I am just talking to myself," Adam muttered, ignoring Amelia's reaction.

Soon, the chef came with the food and the maids helped him to set up the table.

"Enjoy your meal," the chef said and bowed respectfully.

"Thank you," Adam said.

After that, Adam began to taste the food and his expression showed that it was good.

"If you eat this kind of meal every day, I doubt your problem is related to your lifestyle. Also, your parents aren't the kind of people who would force their ideals or dreams upon you. They treat you well, love you, and care about you. Your entourage also cares about you too, and despite your problematic attitude, they still hope that you will mature and realize on your own that you are being a pain to everyone. In other words, you have a wonderful family and grew up in a very positive environment."

Adam stopped eating and looked at Amelia who refused to eat anything at all.

"So why are you like this?" He pointed out. "I have a few theories, but I hope that most of them are not true. From what I could observe, however, you are probably trying at the same time to hide something and to request help because what is happening to you is not something you can just discuss with anyone. This is the theory that I prefer to be true because if the reason for this is something else, then I would need to treat you differently based on your intentions."

Amelia still refused to take part in the conversation but what Adam said made her frown for a bit.

"Let's go to with this theory for now and figure out what you are trying to hide. Your father said that you were looking forward to attending the Holy Academy and it's not an exaggeration to say that this is your long cherished dream. Thus, unless you have changed your mind and decided to adopt a very problematic attitude just because you felt like rebelling, you would not want to discard all of your efforts so that you will fail the test, make fool of yourself, tarnish the name your family, and turn into a complete failure. I truly hope that this is not the case," Adam proceeded with his deduction.

"Considering all of that, the problem could be an external factor, for example, a person, an event, but it can also be an internal factor, like a change in your body or your gift. Oh, you can't use your gift when you are close to me, so that's not the problem. So, I am wondering, which of these are the reasons? Or can it be also all of those? Still, looking at you, I can tell that there's an external factor behind this, and it seems that you deemed yourself, who was somehow affected by this external factor, dangerous if other people came in contact with you, thus, you adopted this attitude even though it might ruin your entire life."

Listening to Adam Amelia's eyes widened, and it looked like she was trying to say something but restrained herself.

"I will stop here for today, and as you can see, whatever is happening to you or can happen if I am close to you, it doesn't affect me. Everything that we discussed here won't leave this room. Now eat, you are safe," Adam added.

Adam couldn't determine the exact reason behind Amelia's behavior but it appeared like she didn't know what else to do, and what was happening was serious so even if she had to discard away everything, she wanted to keep it for herself.

Adam knew that if he helped her out of the blue, it might complicate things as he didn't have enough information as to how the Corruption managed to reach Amelia.

'Lord Tylliar said that she began to act weird a few months ago, but she only visited our planet before this and never traveled somewhere else before. Crustal made sure to explore the whole city and search for threats that might bring harm to my family, but there was nothing suspicious, so the origin wasn't on their planet,' Adam thought to himself.

After connecting the dots, Adam realized that something happened to her while she was visiting his planet. And searching through his memory he remembered a girl the day after the coming of age ceremony incident.

Trying to dig deeper, he remembered what Pride said about how some people were observing him, and also about the letter that Josephine wrote, describing a certain that supposedly knew everything.

Now, the question was, why did this being targeted, Amelia? Still, thinking about this, Adam knew that there were extremely strong beings in this world, and if Pride didn't use his authority to erase the time in which the event of Adam's sudden transformation happened from people's minds, things wouldn't have ended up the way it did.

"Tell me, what exactly is your gift? Everything led me to think that it's the cause of all of this."

This time, Amelia couldn't keep up with her act anymore and said something.

"You… You should have stayed away from me," Amelia said, then she stood up and walked away, but her behavior and her expression had changed.

Adam looked at Amelia as she exited the room and wondered if what was happening could be more serious than he thought.

Unexpectedly, he saw a link between what was happening to Amelia and the one who dwelled behind the Empire.

'This is bad… Your daughter had stepped into a dangerous territory, Lord Tylliard," Adam thought to himself.

The ship would arrive on the planet under the jurisdiction of the Raizel family in a couple of hours but Adam had already begun to adjust his plan again.

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