The Warmest Romance

Chapter 110

Chapter 110

It's said that he was aware of the smile on Aunt Rong's face. Almost instantly, he realized that something was wrong. He tightened his hand with chopsticks and immediately said, "no need."

Is it not clear whether he needs to mend his waist for his physique?

"Why not?" Ruan Shishi took a bite of spareribs, but he didn't realize the connotation of the topic at all. He said in a positive tone, "I think you should make up for it."

As the voice fell, Yu Yimo's face became more and more ugly.

This woman is really

Yu Yimo was angry and helpless. Seeing that Ruan's poems were completely unknown, the fire could not come out, so he had no choice but to keep silent.

Aunt Rong looked at the couple, shook her head with a smile and went into the kitchen.

At the end of the dinner, Ruan Shishi wanted to go back to her room and have a good bath. Before a few steps, someone came up behind her.

Suddenly, as soon as her wrist tightened, she turned around and saw Yu Yimo.

Ruan Shishi was stunned and asked, "what's the matter?"

I don't know if it's my own illusion. Ruan always feels that men seem to be unhappy.

Yu Yimo's eyebrows could not help pressing down, "do you think my waist is bad?"

Said that in front of aunt Rong, didn't he want face?

Ruan Shishi said in a positive tone, "you Isn't it hurt? I'm not doing it for you! "

Looking at the woman's appearance, Yu Yimo didn't know how to pick out the words, so he had no choice but to pick his eyebrows.

Let her go, he started to walk in the direction of the study.

Looking at the man's back, Ruan Shishi thought of something and suddenly stopped him, "wait a minute!"

Yu Yimo stops, "what's the matter?"

Thinking of the task given to her by Ms. Liu, Ruan took a deep breath, "I have something to tell you..."

If she doesn't talk to Yu Yimo about the wedding, I'm afraid Ms. Liu will come and ask him in person.

"I went home for dinner that day..." Ruan Shishi suddenly felt a little embarrassed and held the corner of her clothes in one hand. "My mother asked me when I was going to have the wedding."

Hearing the word "wedding", Yu Yimo's face suddenly became serious.

She hesitated to elaborate on the ideas of Ms. Liu and Professor Ruan, "my father and mother, they mean that since we have obtained the certificate, we should do the wedding as soon as possible. There is no need to be particularly luxurious and high-profile, that is, the families of both sides should have fun together..."

Yu Yimo's brows tightened. After a pause, he finally said, "I'm afraid I can't promise you..."

As for his identity, if there is a little disturbance, the gossip will stir up half of the sky in Jiangzhou, not to mention the big event of marriage. I'm afraid that it will not only affect him and Yu family, but also the whole Yu group.

Therefore, he can obtain the certificate in private, and it is absolutely impossible to hold a wedding.

Ruan Shishi didn't expect that Yu Yimo would refuse directly. She was stunned for a few seconds. Then she forced up a smile and wanted to ask the reason. Before she spoke, Yu Yimo began to speak.

"You know my situation, and you know the impact of words on the company. If we have a wedding, it will inevitably be known by outsiders, so I can't give you a wedding."

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