The Warmest Romance

Chapter 1413

Chapter 1413

Just then, Lu Xiaoman suddenly asked, "Shishi, if I guess correctly, you should not ask these questions because of pure curiosity, but because you want to help cure Yu Yimo's leg, right?"

When she said this, Ruan Shishi hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

She owes Yu Yimo too much, and her ability is limited, and she can't do anything for him, so she thinks of Yu Gubei. Since his legs can be well, Yu Yimo's legs will certainly recover. She wants to find a way to let him stand up as soon as possible.

"I still remember the way to contact that doctor. That doctor has a friend who runs a private clinic named enqi in Jiangzhou city. His surname is pan. If you find him, you can find that foreign doctor."

Ruan Shishi secretly wrote it down in his heart, then looked at Lu Xiaoman and nodded, "OK, thank you."

"I should have said thank you." Lu Xiaoman said, and thought of what, can't help but ask, "by the way, I live in your house, I don't know if Fang is inconvenient, other people will agree?"

This other person, naturally, refers to song yean.

Ruan Shishi gave her a relieved smile, "I'll talk to him, don't worry."

With that, she went to the door, gently to help her with the door, and then whispered, "you have a good rest."

Through the corridor, Ruan Shishi went to the living room. What she was thinking was what Lu Xiaoman had just told her about the doctor.

If she wants to find a way to reveal the news to Yu Yimo, but she doesn't want to be so obvious, it seems that she has to trouble Xiao Meng.

In the twinkling of an eye, in the evening, it's getting dark. The servants are busy preparing dinner. Lu Xiaoman also volunteered to help. Sensenshasha was a little sad because Ziji left, but suddenly there was another person in her family, and they became more active.

For a time, the home is full of laughter, the atmosphere is also relaxed and happy a lot.

As soon as Ruan Shishi had set the tableware, he heard a sound coming from the yard. Soon, song yean walked into the door and took off his coat. With a smile on his face, he came to Ruan Shishi and asked, "Why are you so happy today?"

As soon as his voice fell, Lu Xiaoman came out of the kitchen with a dish, just opposite his eyes.

Suddenly, the atmosphere became cold. Song yean frowned slightly, and a little surprise flashed through his eyes. Then he looked back and asked Ruan Shishi, "this What's going on? "

At the beginning, Lu Xiaoman accompanied them to send song Yunan abroad to see a doctor. The three of them were familiar with each other, but later everyone knew that Lu Xiaoman had betrayed Ruan Shishi. Unexpectedly, they met again in such a way.

Ruan Shishi took a deep breath, moved her lips and said in a soft voice, "there's been an accident. I haven't had time to tell you."

Then she reached out and gently pulled his arm and said in a low voice, "let's go out and talk."

Song yean glances at Lu Xiaoman, then takes his eyes back, nods and follows her to the small balcony.

On the balcony, Ruan Shishi hesitated for a moment, then said softly, "Lu Xiaoman, she She is imprisoned by Yu Gubei, and she is pregnant. She wants to get rid of Yu Gubei. As a friend, I want to help her... "

Song yean's face sank. "You treat her as a friend. What about her? Is it really for you? "

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