The Warmest Romance

Chapter 1442

Chapter 1442

Yu Yimo's face didn't change. He said, "to be on the safe side, do it again."

Looking at Xiaomeng's retreat, Yu Yimo takes a deep breath. The questions that used to be blocked in his heart now come back. The thought of Ruan Shishi's divorce with song yean makes those questions more and more intense.

Some things are better to be true.

In less than half an hour, Ruan Shishi had already arrived at the gate of the community. Seeing the familiar and strange building at the gate, she felt some feelings.

Say, she once lived in this apartment in this community for a period of time, more or less there will be some residual feelings.

Unexpectedly, Yu Yimo keeps this apartment in his hands all the time. It seems that he should come back to live here from time to time.

Ruan Shishi hesitated for a moment. According to her familiar memory, she found the gate of the unit building, got on the elevator, arrived at the floor, went to the gate, raised her hand and buttoned the door.

Soon, the door opened, Xiaomeng with a smile stood in the door, "sister poetry, you come!"

At this moment, Ruan Shishi is not in the mood to say hello at all. She just wants to see that her little heart is safe and all is well. That's enough.

Seems to have seen through her ideas, Xiaomeng side to let her in, and then said, "little guy tired, now are in lunch break."

Ruan Shishi was a little worried and looked around, "in which room?"

Xiao Meng reached out and pointed in a direction.

She immediately strode to the other side. When she got to the door, she slowed down again and pushed the door open gently.

Inside, the light is dim and quiet. Sensen and Sasha are nestled on the soft bed, sleeping back to back, breathing evenly, looking like two little angels.

In an instant, Ruan Shiti's heart suddenly relaxed in her throat. She just wanted to go to the bed and sit down. Yu Guang swept something and suddenly found that there was another person in the room!

By the window, the curtain was drawn, revealing a narrow gap. The light came through and softened a lot. Yu Yimo sat there, motionless.

In the dark, she clearly saw the light of the man's eyes, her heart moved, watching him move his lips, did not speak.

Yu Yimo drives the wheelchair slowly and comes this way. When she passes by, she whispers, "give them to me. You can rest assured that no matter what happens, I will protect them."

This sentence is like an explanation, but also like a comfort, Ruan Shishi listen, but inexplicably feel a soothing force, she was restless and nervous heart slowly calm down, turned to watch him leave the room.

When the door closed, Ruan Shishi felt a sense of guilt. She did have some problems with Yu Yimo's attitude these times. When things happened, she would always blame him impulsively, but after thinking about it, he didn't do anything wrong.

Ruan Shishi took a deep breath, and her tight body slowly softened. She turned her head and looked at the two little guys on the bed beside her, and unconsciously raised her lips.

Fortunately, with them, whenever she was upset, there was always a feeling of being cured when she saw them.

From the tight state slowly released, unknowingly, her eyelids began to fight, she put her hand on the edge of the bed, holding her head, unknowingly began to doze.

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