The Warmest Romance

Chapter 54

Chapter 54

Then he held out his hand and grabbed Ruan Shishi's hand. "Even in the friendship between us, you have to plead with Yu for us! How about poetry? "

Ruan Shishi was suddenly held by him. She felt her body shaking and her goose bumps fell to the ground. She quickly pulled her hand back and stepped back. "I don't know about it at all."

Qin Xianli asked, "Shi Shi, do you really want me to kneel down and beg you?"

For a moment, Ruan Shishi didn't know what to do. Qin Xianli hesitated to see her face, and he really stepped back to kneel down.

"No!" Ruan Shishi quickly retreated, "I Help you! Let me help you tell him... "

Qin Xianli's eyes brightened and he quickly straightened up, "poetry, I know you are the kindest!"

Yang Yue was also surprised and said, "Shishi, we'll ask you this time!"

Looking at their two thanks, Ruan Shishi was in a complicated mood. After watching them turn around and leave, she slowly recovered.

If this thing is true, she feels that she shouldn't do it. Although Yang Yue is cruel and abets others to set a trap for her, there's no need to involve the whole company.

Biting her lips, Ruan Shishi turns around and gets on the elevator in confusion.

When she got back to the office, she was in a state of restlessness, and it was this thing that came back and forth in her mind.

Ruan Shishi couldn't calm down after thinking about it. It happened that the administrative department had a document to send to the president's office. She went to send the document and wanted to take the opportunity to ask Yu Yimo about it.

At the president's office, Ruan Shishi knocked on the door and put down the document, but he didn't mean to leave.

As soon as he looks up, he sees Ruan Shishi standing at his desk staring at him.

For a moment, their eyes were opposite, and Ruan Shishi's heart sank. All he felt was that the glory of the whole room had gathered on the man, and his dark eyes wanted to absorb her.

"What else?"

Cold male voice came, instantly pulled her back to reality.

"I There's something I want to ask you Ruan Shishi corrected his mind and said, "did you do the work of Yang's company?"

"Pa", Yu Yimo put his pen on the table, leaning back straight, "well, I made it."

"Just now Yang Yue and Qin Xianli came to me and apologized to me. Then I knew about it."

She took a deep breath, and then said, "in fact, I don't think things will come to this point. Yang Yue is really wrong, but it's not unforgivable..."

"Ruan poetry." Yu Yimo looks suddenly gloomy, stares at her and asks, "did you forget what they did to you at that time?"

Ruan Shishi bit her lip. "I know, but if you do this, many innocent people will be involved. People in the company will lose their jobs and their families will suffer."

Yu Yimo's eyebrows trembled. A few seconds later, he didn't open his eyes. "You don't have to worry about it. I have a sense of propriety. Yang Yue and Qin Xianli deserve it when they get to this point."

Looking at the man's suddenly cold expression, Ruan Shishi was about to open her mouth. Unexpectedly, the sound of footsteps came from behind, and then Du Yue's voice rang out, "president Yu, Miss ye Wan'er, she..."

Du Yue just said half of what he said. When he looked up, he realized that there was another person standing in the room, and he quickly stopped talking.

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