The Way of the Sword (BL)

Chapter 69: Chong Bo

Chapter 69: Chong Bo

Lan Ruan had the same thought as his little martial brother Zhong but was distracted by the figure of a young woman who watched from a distance. This young girl was none other than Chong Bo, one of the disciples who will fight little Zemin Yan directly. 

Unlike many female cultivators who only care about their looks, Chong Bo was not pretty, nor did she wear makeup or items to disguise her unlovely face. She had very round eyes and her long dark lashes made her eyes look permanently surprised. Her face was pale white, unattractive, but she looked unhealthy and her lips were pale, even a little purple in color as if she were really sick. 

The hair on her eyebrows was thin, she hardly looked like had eyebrows, her hair was long and brown, the most common kind, and she kept her hair in an orderly braid, which gave her feminine figure a hard air. She was practically straight as bamboo and did not have a very lush body there, she wore clothes of gray and more masculine style, there were only two items that could be considered beautiful on the body of this girl. One is the emblem of the golden-colored heron sect and the second is a teardrop-shaped red jade stone that she wears on a thin gold chain around her slender neck. 

However, with its ghostly appearance this red jade jewel gave a touch of horror to all this pale and sick figure, yes, she looks like one of those female ghosts in horror movies!

However, the words she was muttering were so strange that it looked like she was summoning some evil creature, so Lan Ruan watched this young girl 17-year-old who acted a little out of the ordinary.

"The Black Dragon. Would he be happy to know that the eagle is reciting his mantra? But the black dragon has no memories and the eagle is now a child The emperor is so cruel, year after year The lovers who meet and split I heard it's the last time ?!" Chong Bo's voice was extremely soft in the midst of everyone's confusion and conversation no one could identify what she was talking about. Even Lan Ruan listened to only a few parts and yet understood nothing of what this junior disciple of his sect said.

Suddenly, Chong Bo felt observed and looked at Lan Ruan, their eyes met, Lan Ruan was a little scared because it seemed that he was interested (romantically) in the young woman to have looked at her so intensely. Already Chong Bo just thought she must have acted weird for a popular senior like Lan Rua to be looking at her, so she smiled softly to show she wasn't doing anything wrong. 

Chong Bo's smile should have been the reincarnation of the Phantom Devil, but for some reason her lips curving into an exceptionally gentle smile softens the features of her not so pretty face, giving this young lady a bit of charm. 

Lan Ruan looked like a fool to watch Chong Bo, but he quickly retracted his gaze and snorted with annoyance, now this young martial cultivator must think he (Lan Ruan) liked her and so she smiled at him like that! That kind of girl was always the most problematic!

Chong Bo, on seeing Lan Ruan sulking and ignoring her. She didn't think much, just that her smile must have looked terrible so the senior Lan must have been disgusted, but also no longer looking at her as if he wanted to investigate her actions, so Chong Bo was quite happy with the result.

To her, her lack of beauty was the best weapon in the world!

While these two disciples first crossed each other's lives in an exchange of glances and made erroneous conclusions about everything, Zemin Yan also felt Chong Bo's gaze on him, but seeing the young woman's appearance, he had a very reaction different from Lan Ruan's.

"Who is this exceptionally beautiful older sister?" Zemin Yan thought as he saw the figure of the beautiful woman before his eyes. Of course, Zemin Yan didn't know that only he could see this beauty in the body of ugly Chong Bo.

Hong Yu coughed a little to get the attention of everyone who was still suffering from the effect of Tai-Yang powers, then people turned to look at this sect's core disciple. Zemin Yan, who had been distracted for a moment by the onset of this unexpected beauty, turned his attention to this suspicious elder brother Hong.

However, he couldn't help but look back at this attractive woman, he felt that in his heart he knew this woman from somewhere. Unfortunately, the beautiful woman was nowhere! There was only one very thin, a pale teenager in her place, a little sick, but the red jade pendant was the same as the pretty lady wore!

So Zemin Yan had a suspicion in his heart, but Hong Yu would start talking, so it was better to pay attention, later he would think about it.

Already Chong Bo had a rather bright and amused look on her pale face, some cultivators turned away from her, this talented girl of 17-year-old had a reputation for being a ghost demon and that she could summon otherworldly spirit beings to drag people to the hell!

Of course, this was all bullying and nasty gossip from fellow disciples of the same year as Chong Bo, after all, besides not looking good, this young woman was talented and wonderful for sword cultivation! She even had a soulful sword and it was already certain she had a vacancy as a central disciple in the Heavenly Sword Sect!

So her envious colleagues could only slander and gossip behind her back, there were even some men who mocked her and sometimes pretended to pursue her lovingly, only to later spread that they had rejected the ugly girl! Yes, there are men who are toxic even in the most reputable sects!

Some disciples who saw the exchange of glances between Lan Ruan and Chong Bo already had their gossip and malicious tongues working and spreading a malicious rumor that Chang Bo was in love with Lan Ruan!

"At least it wasn't for senior Zhong!" Chong Bo thought, sweating cold at the nasty gossip her colleagues were happy to spread. Anyone would be fine as long as they weren't senior Zhong because this big brother's fans were so scary!

"Besides, the eagle wouldn't forgive me if something like that was related to ..." Chong Bo thought with a sigh.

The human world was so hard to live!

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