The Way of the Sword (BL)

Chapter 94: Reunion (2)

Chapter 94: Reunion (2)

Miss Song's voice sounded especially loud as everyone fell silent, only the sound of the wind passing through the leaves and grasses making a sound in this peaceful lake. Zemin Yan's eyes grew wide and he looked like a lost little deer, his mind was thrown into chaos, he never imagined that a powerful female cultivator would tell him such unbelievable words at a time like this.

"What?" Zemin Yan's voice was shaky and his brown eyes sparkled with emotions between doubt and joy. The child's hands were shaking, so Yi Yuga held his friend's hand trying to pass some strength and tranquility. However, it was not only Zemin Yan's mind that was in chaos, Yi Yuga and Zhong Liang were also confused by this sudden information.

"Come here, I'll tell you better," said Miss Song with a little anguish. She didn't give them time to react, she quickly brought Zemin Yan to her side using her cultivating power, so they went to a more reserved corner to talk. Yi Yuga felt helpless and can only cheer for his best friend, he was happy and anxious for his friend.

As Yi Yuga glanced nervously at his best friend, Zhong Liang was cold sweating as he dealt with his happy but painful memories, taking advantage of Zhong Liang's chaotic state of mind and the demonic energy began to spread from the dantin to the body, trying to reach his body to get in Zhong Liang's soul.

One must remember the demonic energy, or any energy, is produced by the soul, but this demonic energy is an intruder in Zhong Liang's body and has hidden in his dantin. Of course, it is very risky for this kind of energy to reach the soul, given that Zhong Liang's soul is severely wounded, and the path of Zhong Liang's cultivation was totally opposed to demonic energy. Zhong Liang's sword path was emotionless and had many restrictions since demonic energy needed chaos and many negative emotions.

Unfortunately, neither Zemin Yan nor Miss Song realized the state of Zhong Liang as they had isolated themselves to talk. Zemin Yan had his eyes wide open trying to see the face of this powerful cultivator, but he still saw everything blurry. 

To be honest, Zemin Yan hoped one day to find his family again, but he thought that as soon as he saw one of his family members he would know that these people were his family, in his mind something in his body or soul would tell him the answer.

Of course, he was being a little silly to think so, one could only expect or prove to be related to someone else if he performed a bloodline ritual. This was a very expensive and complicated ritual to do, and only then can one establish whether one person was related to another, beyond facial features. 

There were some simpler rituals, but they weren't as accurate, which was also useless for the powerful lineages. In short, you can't know who your family is only if your "blood resonates," that's a silly thing!

"Little Yan! Ah, little Yan, I wanted to meet you all this time! "Was the first thing Miss Song said in isolating them both in that place. She really wanted to hug her cute little brother, who had a lost deer look, but if she held back, she would most likely scare the child that way. 

"Senior I don't understand!" Zemin Yan's voice was confused. He really didn't understand what was going on. He always imagined that he was an only child and that his parents had fled the Qin Empire's main Song family. He later received some little information about his father from Elder Han, but as things were rushed at the time there was no time to delve further into the matter.

Then Zemin Yan came to imagine that his father should be part of the Celestial Sword Sect, but that he was a discreet person in a humble position, which led to being persecuted and not helped by the sect. That he could understand ... However, now was a powerful female cultivator who appeared to be more powerful than Elder Han and had a higher position than Elder Han, saying she was his sister!

Zemin Yan was confused and sad, his older sister was someone important in the Heavenly Sword Sect, which is the first sect of humanity, that was not little power and by the words she spoke, she knew about his situation Even so, she and his other family members did not seek him out.

Previously, Zemin Yan hid in the woods because of his parents 'request that he could not fully awaken his lineage until he was 16 years old, while it would be better to remain in the ancient forest since the world and his parents' enemy could hurt him. That is, his parents wanted him to live a simple but safe life. Only things didn't go as their parents wanted.

That day, after the accident with his parents, when he woke up hours later in a part of the unknown forest, he panicked and ran to his house, but there was no house there, just rubble and destruction. The only thing left of the house was a large pillar strangely erected in the midst of destruction. 

For the next few days Zemin Yan with his small five-year-old body, his fluffy pink cheeks, his small bright eyes, and his otherworldly air, he stared at that ruined place waiting for his parents to appear, but there was no one, until three days passed and he was starving, when village hunters passed by and saw the scene. This was how the rumor spread from the Song Family Tragedy of the capital of the Qin Empire.

At that time the hunters helped Zemin Yan by giving some of their prey and some good-hearted women gave some fruits and vegetables, but no one dared to take the child away, so afraid that the capital's Song Family would blame them for anything. So much for Zemin Yan's stubbornness to stay close to the destroyed house. 

A week after the rumor settled in Village 10, several powerful but strange and particularly arrogant people came to the destroyed house, that day Zemin Yan had left for a few minutes to relieve himself in the nearby bush. 

When he heard these strange people talk, it was some adults and young people, about 10 to 20 people, who did scoff of his parents and the foolish people of the village while turning over the rubble to steal the belongings of his family!

He later learned that these people had announced in the village that they belonged to the Song Family! So from that moment on, Zemin Yan has always dodged everyone who claimed to be the Song Family.

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