The Weakest Tamer Trash Picking Journey Begins

Chapter 632 Outside Edition Mr. Ginaru and Mr. Pravu

When I opened the door, I saw Prav standing with an impatient expression on his face.

It's not been that long, but what happened to Gilmouth and his assistants?

"What's the matter? Did you make a sudden change?"

"No, that's fine." I didn't make it back, so I thought something was wrong... "

I leaned my neck at the way the plough looked.

You look pretty nervous, don't you?

Did you think that you weren't willing to cooperate with the treatment because you had found a cure and you called "wait"?

I can't talk about the owner of the magic stone, so I just said, "I have a few errands."


"Oh, I'm done with my errands." Let's start the treatment. "

I don't think that the pluff with the openly pleasing expression is enough anymore.

Let's go.

The best thing to do is to reassure them by treating them as soon as possible.


Secretively search for signs of surroundings as you head to the top-secret location where the treatment is being conducted.

I knew it.

There was always a guard on the plough.

Two of us today? No, three of them?

A lot.

Since I was alone yesterday, there is a possibility that the Torurahu Gilmuth has healed and leaked out.

The place where the treatment is being given is one of the hideouts that Gilmuths had.

There are only a few who can get inside.

Doctors and auxiliaries, followed by one of Prav's assistants, the Adventurer's Guild.

When the pluffs were put together, there were four of them.

Does it mean that some of these people are leaking information?

”Nevertheless... you're not good at it, are you?”

The three sentinels are not amateurs, given the movement alone.

But we don't have enough skill to keep an eye on them.

In towns and villages, it's counterproductive to try to erase the signs.

If you're as sharp as I am, that's the opposite.

When you reduce the sign, the sign will wobble unnaturally.

It would be inconspicuous if you used magic items to completely erase the signs, but no matter how much you hone your skills, you can't completely erase the signs.

So in a village or town, the best way is to blend your own signs into the signs around you.

Well, this is pretty tricky.

It's gonna be tough, but I think I can do a little Ivy.

It wasn't perfect yet.

You said you didn't even know how Druid remembered.

I gently looked at one of the guards so that I wouldn't get caught.

You look like a villager.

In that case, it would be better to be dignified without trying to hide the signs poorly.

Well, it would be more troublesome if they found out. Ignore them now.

Besides, he's got my people.

He'll look into the identity of the sentinel.


What's the matter?

“Did you need anything?”

"No, it's okay."

I glanced at the plough walking next to me.

Sometimes it's weird and sharp.

I don't know if he's an enemy or an ally.

"Um, heh-"

"I don't want to talk about it here."

Stop talking about brainwashing where you don't know who's listening.

You're in a hurry.

"I'm sorry, I heard that I'm okay, but I'm scared."

When I saw the pluff, I looked pale.

This doesn't look like an act, does it?

But I'm concerned that I wasn't brainwashed.

Because Druid didn't care about that either.



Something's bothering me right now.

... what is it?

Druid reminds me of... ah, a skill.

I didn't become a top adventurer because of my special skills.

Could it be that Prav has a skill that doesn't require brainwashing?

It's a sudden thought, but it's impossible.

If you turn the corner three times from the main street, you'll see where you're going.

There's no one around here, so can I ask you something?

If I go to the safe house, there will be a doctor.

More than that, how can I talk to you?

In the meantime, let's play straight.

Does Plough have any special skills?

What? Skill?

When I stared at the state of Prav, I knew I was confused.

I just don't seem to be in a hurry.

Don't you have the skills you need to hide?

Yes, a skill. I thought you might have a different skill.

How did you know?

Because you're not an adventurer?

You're defenseless against skill.

Or is it a skill that you care so much about?

"Somehow. Do you have it?"

I never thought I'd find out so easily.

Somehow? It's amazing to be an adventurer up to Jinnal-san.

That's a different reaction from an adventurer.

"I just happened to hit it."So, do you have any special skills? "

Yeah, there are some, but I don't know if it's special because I don't know what it means.

Skills that don't make sense?

It's a 'through' skill.


Do you want to?

That's the first skill I've heard of.

“Yes, I'll write it this way.”

I stare at Prav writing on his palm.

"Through" in the new words?

Did you get rid of brainwashing because of this?

But I don't know what that means.

If you're a Druid with a special skill, you know what I mean?

Let's check back later.

"Um, do you know what this means?"

I'm sorry for the look on my face, but I shake my head to the side.

"No, I don't know since I first saw it."

I see.

Oh, I'm depressed.

Even if you have skills, you can't do anything if you don't know what they mean.

“Excuse me, Ginar has come to treat me.”

As she opened the front door of the hideout and went inside, Prav turned to the back and called out.

"No, I'm not treating you..."

I'm sorry to bother you.

As I tried to head to the back room, I felt the sign of my companions outside.

I was expecting you, but you're early.

"Prav. I was hoping one of my people could help me, but could you come here?"

Huh? Are you one of Mr. Ginar's people?

"Oh, I happened to meet you in this village yesterday."I'll help you, so I'll call you, okay? "

Prav showed a little thought, but he nodded.

That's good.

I'll get you there soon.

Huh? Are you close by?

"Yeah, I'm sure he's close by because I felt a sign."

What, a sign?

A smile flashed at Prav, who shouted in surprise.

"I'll be right back."

When you get out of the building, walk straight to the bend.

How was it?

Raise one hand to your fellow Uru standing in the corner.

All three are members of the Vigilante.

I sighed at Url's words.

I didn't know the Sentinel was a vigilante.

"Come with me."

Roger that. So, which one is Prav?

"I don't know. I thought it was skill that escaped brainwashing..."Do you remember the "through" skill? "

Do you want to?

Url shakes his head to the side.

I don't think so.

"Does that seem to have anything to do with brainwashing?"

"Maybe it's him."

"I see. By the way, Ginar, it's time to go to bed."

I didn't expect to be told by Ur.

I wonder if you're making such a terrible face?

I stroke my face with my right hand.

I'll go to sleep during the magic stone treatment, so if anything happens, thank you.

Okay, what else do you want to know?

“Doctors and paramedics are moving.One of them could be leaking information to the outside world. ”

Ull gave me a disgusting look in my mouth.

I hate betrayals.

What about the Adventurer's Guild Gilmouth?It healed yesterday, didn't it? "

I wonder?

We know you're in the building, but we don't know you're in good health.

Well, I was treated with a magic stone made by Sol and Flem.

How are you?

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