The Weakest Tamer Trash Picking Journey Begins

Chapter 637 Episode 590: Withered Callio Flowers

Welcome back.

Seeing Fischer's voice from the front door, I saw an empty plate.

Ginar and Uru were due to come tomorrow, but they were trying roast beef with large meat, so they managed to get enough for two.

But I don't have enough for Mr. Fischer.

And Fischer didn't come back for two or three days.

What am I supposed to do?

Can I have something I made for the trip?

"After all, this sign that is difficult to understand was Uru."Why is Ull here? "

Fischer walks into the room and raises his hand to Ur.

In response, Mr. Url raised his hand lightly.

"You were early. I introduced Uru to the Druids." For the future. "

"That's right." Well, Ull is useful. "

Mr. Fischer is satisfied with Mr. Ginar's explanation.

What does it mean to be useful?

Is there something special about Mr. Ull?

Oh, more than that, rice.

"Welcome home, Mr. Fischer." Um, would you mind if I made you some rice for your trip? "

How hungry are you?

"Hmm? It's okay. I said yesterday, 'I don't need dinner for two or three days,' so I ate on my way home."

I'm glad to hear that.

I ate too much and ate even snacks, so I didn't want to move a bit.

I don't think we need to do this much.

"What's wrong with coming home early?"As expected, it was a mission that didn't end this quickly.

Ginar-san passes the tea to Fischer-san.

"Thank you. No, I got it."

Remove a bunch of paper from Mr. Fischer's magic bag and give it to Mr. Ginar.

Ginar-san gave a slightly surprised expression.

"Are you finished? What? Did you sneak into the church so soon?"

That's what I was doing.

I'm glad you made it home safe.

"Oh, I was able to quickly rendezvous with my friends who were diving in."The document was already in the possession of the fellow. ”

The church has Ginar's people.

As I thought before, the organization to which Mr. Ginar belongs is huge.

There are people in the villages and towns, and there are lodgings to protect.

Who's on top of the organization?

I'm sure he's a very brilliant man.

"Did you make sure they knew it was an outside crime?"If they suspect anyone in there, it's dangerous. "

If we find out there's a traitor, we'll do terrible things to find him.

"That's why the church now has nearly three times as many people coming and going as usual, thanks to what we learned four days ago.Checks on people entering and leaving are also quite neglected.Now, whatever you steal, you'll be able to mislead me to a certain degree.And the documents are copies, so you won't even know they've been stolen. ”

Mr. Fischer's face looks extremely pleasant.

"Did you make a copy?So there's a lot of confusion in the church.What the hell happened? "

Fischer nodded as Ginar asked strangely.

"That's... * giggle *"

Fischer suddenly laughed at what he remembered.

Ginar-san turned to Ur-san with a confused look on his face.

"I don't know because my people didn't give me any information."

As Mr. Ur shrugged, Mr. Ginar's gaze returned to Mr. Fischer.

"Don't laugh. Explain it to me."

"I'm sorry. I remember the bishop running around the church with such a funny expression......"

The bishop is the greatest man in the church, isn't he?

Was he running around the church with a funny look on his face?

I can't imagine it, but... maybe I'd like to take a look.

"Phew, calm down." Well, I don't know what happened. There was a nobleman from the capital five days ago who came to see Callio's flowers.Oh, my God, that Count Halibarrow. "

The Count Halliburton?

"He was being investigated for possibly dyeing his hands in drug trafficking, but he couldn't catch his tail.Of course you know Ginar and Ull well, don't you?How about Druid? "

Mr. Fauche's gaze turned to his father.

"I only know the name.Someone in the back office says you shouldn't get involved. ”

Should I stay out of it?

Uru-san tilts his head to his father's words.

"It seems that we sometimes add to our weaknesses and let them do impossible work without pay."However, she has never been sued for what kind of weakness it is. "

Wow, you're a lousy aristocrat.

Uru-san also had a disgusting look on his face.

"Count Halliburton is good at detecting danger.Even if we push them, we can still escape for some reason. "

Mr. Ginar shakes his head to the side as he exhales a sigh.

"I think we'll be fine this time."It must have been quite an important deal.Usually, the other aristocrats were moved by themselves to send another aristocrat.And there's evidence of Count Halliburton's signature on the bundle of paper I just gave you.Oh, because I brought the original, and I bought some time to put a copy on it. "

In Fischer's words, Ginar flips a bunch of paper around.

"Oh, is that it? Transaction records in the contract?Looks like you're selling a lot of mussels to the nobility living in the capital.If I give this document to a knight I know, it's going to be interesting. "

While looking at the documents, Mr. Jinnal smiles as if he is planning something.

The anger and all that seemed to clear up.

Well, I can't help it because the Count Halibarrow seems to deserve it.

“Fischer, is the fact that Count Halibarrow himself came to the church a cause of chaos in the church?”


Speaking of which, did you hear why the bishop of the church was running around the church with a funny expression on his face?

Oh, it's different... oh, I heard why Ms. Fischer could easily make contact with her fellow church members.

"No, the church was messed up because there was not a single callus flower left in the cave."


Ginar-san, his father, and Ur-san looked at me with the same expression.

No, it was Toron who withered the callus flowers!

"Speaking of which, Druid, Ivy. Did you know that if you withered Callio's flowers, they would disappear after a few days without leaving anything behind?”


The voices of my father and I overlap.

Does it disappear without leaving anything behind?

"It looks like neither of you knew that expression."Count Halibaro, who had gone to see the flowers of Callio, came back to the church in a stunning shape and said, "There is no sign of the flowers blooming, but I'm going to get out of the way!You lied to me! ”My colleagues were yelling at me.”

"This is the second time that Toron has withered Callio's flower garden."That's why I don't really understand. "

My father nods as he looks at me.

I know that church officials were in quite a hurry before, but I don't know what happened to Callio's flower garden after it withered.

"Are there any traces of flowers in bloom... good news?"

I don't know what Mr. Ginal is talking about, so I look at him.

He laughed when his gazes met, but somehow the smile was black.

I think I've come up with something.

“I'm surprised there wasn't even a trace of the flowers, but it might have been nice.”

'Good, isn't it?

Ginar smiles happily as he leans his neck.

"Yeah. Without the traces of the flowers, no matter how much the bishop says there were flowers, it all looks like a lie.It's in very good shape to make a mistake. "

That's a mistake.

It seems that the Count of Halliburton actually went to the cave to see the flowers, so he is confident that there are no flowers.

Whatever the bishop says, it all looks like he's lying and deceiving.

Well, how do we make the most of this opportunity?

Ginar and Fischer begin to talk in earnest, so they start cleaning up after tea and sweets.

I can't help you even if you ask me anymore.

Sounds like fun to me.

Ahead of his dumb-faced father's gaze, Ginar and Fischer are discussing how to guide and hunt Count Halliburton down with church officials.

Both of them seemed to have a lot of fun.

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