The Whole Village Thrives After Adopting a Lucky Girl

Chapter 284 - 280: Time to Recruit Soldiers Again_1

Chapter 284: Chapter 280: Time to Recruit Soldiers Again_1

Translator: 549690339

“The same words I give back to you.”

Gathering all her strength, Yingbao tightened her grip around his neck, ignoring his fingernails sinking deeply into her arm, the blade in her hand sinking in even deeper.

The boy, in pain, dared not exert any effort, but still tightly held onto the girl’s arm.

When Yingbao saw her father, second cousin, and aunt running towards her, she immediately had them bind the boy’s hands and feet and put him on the cart, called back Xiaohei, and then left with the cart.

A crowd followed them in a frenzied chase, “Put him down! Put him down!”

Seeing that these people were about to catch up with the cart, Yingbao started throwing apples and cantaloupes at them from the cart.

The robbers paused, a few of them couldn’t resist and bent over to pick them up.

Two of them got a cantaloupe and, captivated by its enticing scent, started to eat it on the spot.

God knows how long it’s been since they had food, let alone fresh and sweet cantaloupe, that they couldn’t stop eating.

And so, only two people were left pursuing the carriage.

Yingbao threw over the last two apples and, as she did, also tossed the empty basket at them.

Whether from exhaustion or something else, the two gave up their pursuit.

The carriage darted away, quickly disappearing into the distance.

After what felt like an enormous distance, a post station appeared ahead.

Yingbao allowed herself a moment of relief and had Jiang Quan release the boy.

The boy was pushed off the carriage and fell beside the road, but he shakily got up, clutching his neck, and ran back in the direction they came from.

While the carriage continued rushing forward, Jiang Erlang asked, “Are we going to report this to the authorities?”

Yingbao nodded, “We must report this!”

This group of people had terrorized countless travelers by their highway robbery. They were fortunate enough to escape this time, so reporting to the authorities was a natural course of action.

Jiang Quan didn’t understand, “If we are reporting to the authorities, why did you let that young robber go?”

Yingbao answered, “Just in case.” If they didn’t keep their word and sent the teenager to the post station, it was possible that one of his family members who escaped would find a way to retaliate.

Her family’s carriage frequently traveled between the county town and the countryside, and there was no guarantee that these people wouldn’t intercept them again.

By then, it wouldn’t just be an ordinary robbery.

Jiang Erlang and Jiang Yunniang understood Yingbao’s intention and didn’t say anything.

Arriving at the entrance of the post station, Jiang Erlang got off the carriage to report the incident to the post soldier.

The post soldier went on to report to the post chief, who immediately summoned a dozen soldiers and went after the robbers on horseback.

Of course, Jiang Erlang was also taken along to identify the location.

By this time, it was almost dark.

Yingbao didn’t hold much hope for the capture of the robbers, but still waited quietly in the carriage for news, all the while tending to Xiaohei’s wounds.

Her aunt and second cousin’s injuries weren’t severe, only some bruises on their arms and bodies from being hit with a bat, and a few slashes on their cotton clothes.

Fortunately, their thick cotton clothes prevented the knife from cutting into their skin.

But Xiaohei was severely injured.

When Xiaohei attacked those men, it was also hit by their bats and sickles.

At this moment, there were not only bruises on its body from the attack, but several bloody cuts as well.

As darkness fell, the post soldiers finally returned, but they were unable to find the robbers.

Jiang Erlang seemed somewhat discouraged and asked Jiang Quan to drive the carriage away.

Before leaving, a post soldier kindly gave them two torches to be careful on the road.

Fortunately, there was unthawed snow on the fields, so it wasn’t completely dark.

Jiang Erlang drove the carriage carefully, remaining silent throughout the journey.

Yingbao fed everyone a piece of medicine to boost their spirits, and then quietly took out two pieces of five-ding zhi leaves to feed Xiaohei.

Xiaohei dutifully finished eating and even licked his young master’s face with his tongue.

After another two hours, they saw from a distance a carriage approaching with a torch lit atop it.

Yingbao immediately recognized the carriage as their own and couldn’t help but exclaim with surprise and joy. “Uncle! Second Uncle!”

Jiang Dalang and Jiang Erlang were also delighted to see their younger brother and quickly turned their carriage around.

When the two carriages met, Jiang Dalang couldn’t help asking, “Why so late?”

Jiang Sanlang did not hide anything and briefly recounted what had happened on the road, “We ran into some bandits on the way, which cost us some time.”

“You ran into bandits? Are you all okay?” Jiang Erlang asked anxiously.

“We’re fine,” Jiang Sanlang shook his head, visibly relieved. “It’s just that we came back late.” If they had set out earlier, perhaps none of this would have happened.

Jiang Quan glanced at his third uncle guiltily and whispered, “It’s all my fault.” If it weren’t for his insistence on business dealings, his cousin and third uncle wouldn’t have to rush back in the afternoon.

“As long as you’re fine, let’s hurry back. The whole family is waiting for you to have the New Year’s Eve dinner,” said Jiang Erlang.

The two carriages hurried back one after the other, vigilant of their surroundings.

At this point, Yingbao was relieved. With her two uncles helping, she was not afraid of another wave of bandits.

She regretted the loss of her hedgehog, which she had kept in the cave for so long, now lost.

Just as the carriage reached the village, they saw old man Jiang waiting anxiously under a soapnut tree, holding a lantern.

Upon seeing that his sons and grandchildren were back, he finally breathed a sigh of relief. “Why so late?”

Jiang Sanlang recounted the incident again, adding, “I think those people were refugees fleeing from something, I’m not sure where they came from. We must be extra careful, and I’ll talk to the other villagers about this when we get back.”

The fact that a group of refugees were wandering within the boundaries of Qinchuan County on New Year’s Day, blocking the roads and robbing people, was very odd.

“Yes, we need to tell everyone. If we are caught unprepared as we were a couple of years ago, it would be disastrous,” said old man Jiang. “Even if there is no immediate threat, it is a good idea to alert those who are traveling.”

A lot of people would be visiting friends and family on the second day of the New Year, and running into trouble would certainly spoil the fun.

When they got home, Yingbao led Xiaohei to the kitchen, made a nest for him behind the stove with some old cotton, and sutured his wounds with a needle and sheep intestine thread before applying some medication.

Xiaohei shivered from the pain but didn’t move, allowing his young master to stitch him up and apply medicine.

Yingbao rubbed his head and fed him two medicine balls.

Dahuang also came over to join in the fun, thrusting his head forward eagerly. Finally getting the attention he desired, he wagged his tail wildly.

The first month always passed quickly. With everyone eating, drinking, and having fun, it was soon February.

One day, Lizheng came with about ten village men, unannounced, and handed a register to Jiang Sanlang.

“This spring, the Imperial Court is recruiting soldiers. Ten men are to be enlisted from your village.”

The register was issued by the County Government and meticulously recorded who among each family was to be drafted.

Jiang Dalang’s family had two men, himself and his son Jiang Quan, so one of them had to be enlisted.

The situation was much the same with the Clan Leader’s eldest son’s family. They also had to send one person.

Even Chen Sanyou’s eldest son’s family had to send one as well.

“Why are they recruiting again?” Just like leeks being continuously harvested, the common people were recruited wave after wave, hardly getting a few years of peace.

Upon closing the register, Sun Licheng said, “The governor of Yizhou has rebelled, plus the disturbances from Liao. This year the Provincial Government is drafting troops from each county. Just our village alone needs to send two hundred men.”

Sending two hundred young and strong men, he wondered how many would return.

Jiang Sanlang took the register and read through it, his eyebrows furrowing upon noticing that over two thousand men from Qinchuan County were to be enlisted.

That indicated what? It suggested that the casualties on the front line were high and it was necessary to draw large numbers of soldiers from various counties to fill the vacancies.

“Can we hire substitute soldiers this time?” Jiang Sanlang asked.

Sun Licheng looked at him and said solemnly, “I know your village is rich. But because of this, I have to remind you that no matter what, there mustn’t be a single shortfall in the number of men our village is enlisted to provide.”

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