The Youngest Daughter, Chang Le

Chapter 40: The Journey of the Bottle Cap

Chapter 40

Qiuli glanced back thoughtfully at Zhu Changwang's carriage.

The Restoration Pill was meant to strengthen one's foundation and nourish vitality, but it was vastly different from ordinary tonics. This medicine could eradicate the innate weakness from a person's body, truly deserving the title of a miraculous drug.

However, such a medicine had only existed in legends for years because half of the pill's formula was missing. No one knew which ingredients were listed on that missing half.

If one were to claim it was fake, medical texts clearly described the pill's efficacy, and various sources confirmed its existence. Every physician dreamed of concocting this pill, but none had succeeded so far.

Qiuli had already guessed who the old monk they were referring to might be. If anyone could create this pill, it was indeed possible that Monk Zhiqing could do it.

In terms of martial arts skills, Zhiqing was unremarkable, and his adherence to monastic precepts was inconsistent at best. However, when it came to his obsession with medicine, he was second to none. The strangest thing was that the medicines he produced always seemed more potent than those made by others. Everyone in the Martial Arts World coveted his medicines, and even the imperial court used his concoctions.

"I wonder if he left any wine for me," Qiuli mused.

Indeed, Zhiqing's wine was also extraordinary. Unlike his life-saving medicines, one couldn't taste his wine without some personal connection. As Qiuli pieced together these details in his mind, he once again marveled at how remarkable Zhu Changle was, having made friends far and wide at such a young age.

Seeing that his companion had finally perked up, Dingding also brightened. "Didn't you make a special trip before heading home? Didn't you ask him then?"

"He wasn't there. I just took the jade pendant I had left and went on my way. You know what? Even the scent of that pendant had changed." Changle was surprised that her brother's health had held up so well on this journey. She started formulating new plans: she should leave more items at the old monk's place to gather blessings, and rotate them to ensure her brother received more protection.

Dingding twirled his dog-beating stick, performing increasingly intricate tricks with his fingers. He subtly steered the conversation to other topics, and soon laughter filled the air once more.

Ban Lian had never felt so carefree in most of her life. Her initial sadness at parting gradually faded amid the cheerful banter. However, having served others for so long, she would occasionally remember what her mistress would be doing at certain times of the day, and what her own duties would have been. Realizing she no longer needed to think about such things, her heart raced with irrepressible excitement.

She was no longer a servant whose life could be ended at someone's whim. Ban Lian tightened her grip on the reins, savoring this feeling. It felt wonderful.

As Zhu Changle's laughter reached her ears, Ban Lian exhaled deeply, trying to enjoy this newfound freedom.

Yufeng Town occupied a strategic triangular location, serving as a necessary passage to three different directions. As a result, the town was expansive, appearing even more bustling than some small county seats.

Zhu Changle had no intention of searching for anyone. She patted Little Golden's bottom and said, "Go call out a couple of times to let Little Lid know we're here."

This method was truly unique. Little Golden had barely let out two high-pitched cries when a figure appeared, leaping from afar and landing in front of the group.

She was tall and slender, with a heavy sword on her back that looked quite formidable. Her expressionless face as she stood there made her appear particularly unapproachable.

"Little Lid, you're finally here! I've missed you so much!" Zhu Changle bounded over, jumping onto her back and refusing to let go, even nuzzling her face affectionately.

The Zhu family members watched with concern, worried that this person might throw Changle off. To their surprise, not only did she not shake Changle off, but she even adjusted her grip to carry her more securely, her movements smooth and practiced.

Lady Zhang felt like covering her face in embarrassment. This child was really... Could it be that she had spent too much time with monkeys and picked up their habits?

"Little Lid, let me tell you, Dingding is such a jerk. He said he wanted to burn your boat!" Changle tattled.

"Zhu Changle, have you no shame? Who really said that?" Dingding protested.

"You did! I told you I'd definitely tell Little Lid." Zhu Changle made faces at Dingding, knowing Lan Ping couldn't see her. "Little Lid, teach him a lesson."

"I'll deal with him later," Lan Ping said, patting Changle's bottom before setting her down.

Zhu Changle, understanding her hint, quickly introduced Qiuli and Ban Lian. "I'll introduce you to my family later. First, let's find a place to rest properly. We haven't eaten or slept well on this journey, and I need to make up for it."

Lan Ping nodded, "Follow me."

"I knew you'd have everything arranged!" Zhu Changle exclaimed happily, bouncing back to cling to Lan Ping. She was overjoyed; with Little Lid here, she wouldn't have to worry about anything!

"Why did you take so long to get here? Weren't you at the clan?" Changle asked.

"I was in seclusion for a few days."

"No wonder. Little Lid, let me tell you how stupid Dingding is. You knew to come from the front to meet up with me, but he chased us from behind."

"He's stupid," Lan Ping agreed.

"How am I the stupid one? You didn't tell me which road to take," Dingding protested, spurring his horse forward to defend himself.

Zhu Changle mocked him mercilessly, "Brother, there's only one official road to Yunbei."

"How was I supposed to know where you were?"

"Little Lid knew."

"Well, she's smart."

"Exactly, she's smart, and you're stupid. Is there any contradiction?" Zhu Changle shook her head and sighed dramatically. "You're both my friends, how can there be such a big difference between you?"

Unable to argue further, Dingding resorted to his dog-beating stick. Zhu Changle giggled as she dodged left and right, occasionally throwing in a few more taunts to provoke him. The others couldn't help but laugh along, and even Ban Lian's face bore a relaxed smile.

Passersby on the road kept glancing at this group, unaware that these people had not only been demoted from their official positions but had also been pursued all the way here.

"We're here," Lan Ping announced, stopping in front of a large inn.

Zhu Changle looked up at the three-story building and clicked her tongue in admiration. "Who would have thought a town inn could be this grand? Don't tell me it even has private courtyards inside."

"It does," Lan Ping confirmed.

To think it really did! Zhu Changle hugged Lan Ping tightly and gave her a kiss. "Little Lid, you're so capable! From now on, I'm taking you wherever I go!"

Dingding sidled up to them. "What about me?"

"Of course I'll bring you too. Who else would do all the dirty work?" Zhu Changle laughed as she ran off. "Grandmother, Father, Mother, we've arrived!"

After helping her grandmother down from the carriage and whispering something that made the old lady smile, Zhu Changle happened to glance back. With her keen eyesight, she noticed her eldest brother clearly clenching his jaw, which was unusual for someone who typically concealed his emotions so well. It indicated he was in considerable pain.

At that moment, someone appeared beside her brother. It was Little Lid.

Zhu Changle took a step forward, then stopped. Her brother didn't refuse Lan Ping's assistance, allowing her to help him transfer to his wheelchair.

"Thank you," he said.

Lan Ping shook her head and met Changle's gaze.

Zhu Changle quickly snapped back to attention, taking a few steps over to make introductions. "This is my eldest brother. Brother, this is my best friend, Lan Ping."

Lan Ping addressed him as "Elder Brother," and Zhu Changwang smiled in response. "Changle has excellent taste in friends."

"Of course!" Zhu Changle lifted her chin proudly, accepting the compliment without hesitation, then led Lan Ping to greet the rest of her family.

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