There is Something Wrong with This Game

Chapter E011 – The Revenant Legion

Chapter E011 – The Revenant Legion

Time passed by, and the day had finally turned over.

As the clock crossed midnight, Hecate's consecutive login limit reset, allowing her an additional eight hours to remain in the game. She glanced at the interface—there were still around four hours left before the skill impartation process of the skill Precision Mana Control Lv6 would complete.

She glanced at the ten Mana Revenants, standing silently by the crystal, their eyes closed in quiet meditation. Their figures were still and eerie, bathed in the ethereal light of the tower's magic-infused interior. Each was awaiting their next command, but they had not been idle during this waiting period.

Hecate had assigned specific tasks to each one, focusing on distributing skill points throughout their individual Skill Trees.

Since they all inherited her Archwitch job class, it would be a waste to make them identical copies of herself. Additionally, there was the matter of equipment—they couldn’t wear normal gear, which meant they couldn’t benefit from equipment-based skills.

She hadn’t yet found items suitable for their unique nature, but that was a problem for another time.

For now, the real value lay in exploring different paths within the Archwitch skill tree, branching into areas she herself hadn’t fully explored. With this approach, they could potentially impart new, useful skills to the Territory, allowing her to harness them although limited to her territory. This was the opportunity to unlock the hidden potential of the Archwitch class.

Thus, she divided the tasks among her Mana Revenants to explore different branches of the Skill Tree:

    • Yuna: Pure Dark Caster Build
    • Diva: Pure Light Caster Build
    • Tria: Pure Fire Caster Build
    • Quarta: Pure Water Caster Build
    • Penta: Pure Earth Caster Build
    • Sesta: Pure Wind Caster Build
    • Setta: Wood Caster Build (Compound element Water + Earth)
    • Octa: Thunder Caster Build (Compound element Fire + Wind)
    • Nova: Ice Caster Build (Compound element Water + Wind)
    • Deca: Battle Mage Path (Focused on Melee Combat)

Hecate also sent them a copy of the Basic Mana Training manual via PM, knowing it would help them refine their abilities. Now, as they stood still with their eyes closed, they were likely building their first or second mana circle.

Next on her list was deciding their subclasses.

While their phasing ability allowed them to pass through walls, making Acrobatic subclasses somewhat redundant, she still needed to enhance their combat potential. The Collector subclass, useful for increasing their inventory limits, could stay. As for the Blacksmith subclass, Hecate hadn’t decided whether to replace it yet.

'There's no rush, I need to check all my storage first before deciding further.'

She resolved to review the subclass granter items she had collected and possibly buy more from the Adventurer’s Guild later.

As her thoughts wandered, she realized the day had changed, which meant the use limit of Raise Undead had reset. She could now cast the spell 10 times, creating 10 more Mana Revenants.

But then, Hecate had an outrageous idea. She remembered she possessed the skill Mystical Reverberation, which allowed single-target spells to become AOE spells. Additionally, her Mana Clone Lv3 skill currently allowed her to create three clones at a time.

'What if I combine these two? The results could be... staggering.'

With this combination, casting Raise Undead 10 times could create not just 10 Mana Revenants but 30 in a single day! Each Mana Revenant would also inherit her Mana Clone skill, albeit at Lv1, allowing them to create their own clones.

Hecate began calculating the potential numbers.

    • 1x = 3 + 10 = 13
    • 2x = 3 + 1x + 10 = 26
    • 3x = 3 + 2x + 1x + 10 = 52
    • 4x = 3 + 3x + 2x + 1x + 10 = 104
    • 5x = 3 + 4x + 3x + 2x + 1x + 10 = 208
    • 6x = 3 + 5x + 4x + 3x + 2x + 1x + 10 = 416
    • 7x = 3 + 6x + 5x + 4x + 3x + 2x + 1x + 10 = 832
    • 8x = 3 + 7x + 6x + 5x + 4x + 3x + 2x + 1x + 10 = 1,664
    • 9x = 3 + 8x + 7x + 6x + 5x + 4x + 3x + 2x + 1x + 10 = 3,328
    • 10x = 3 + 9x + 8x + 7x + 6x + 5x + 4x + 3x + 2x + 1x + 10 = 6,656

10 + 13 + 26 + 52 + 104 + 208 + 416 + 832 + 1664 + 3328 + 6656 = 13,309

Including Yuna and the others of the first 10 Revenants, the number of Mana Revenants would skyrocket to 13,309 at the end of the day. With that many, she could establish a fully functioning country!

However, after some consideration, Hecate dismissed the idea.

'No... Mana Revenants are made of mana. Using Mana Clone would literally split their essence, besides...'

She wouldn't risk their lives for this. They would probably wear themselves out and most likely degrade every time they used the Mana Clone skill. And the Mana Revenant created with this method would also definitely be inferior and fragile.

Plus, she couldn’t guarantee the loyalty of Mana Revenants created from their clones. There was a high chance that their loyalty lies not in her, but the source of the MP used to create their bodies.

There was a saying: "The subordinates of your subordinate are not your subordinates."

With a heavy sigh, Hecate dismissed the idea of creating a massive army using this method. Instead, she would be content with raising a manageable 30 Revenants per day.

'Thirty per day is good enough. However, I need to wait until later, this is not a good place to create them.'

But for now, that would have to wait. The Precision Mana Control impartation process still had a few hours left, and the room wasn’t big enough for her to summon more Mana Revenants.


Time passed swiftly.

After four hours, the impartation process of Precision Mana Control Lv6 was successfully completed.

The moment the system notified her of its success, Hecate opened the Territory Skills interface and noted the effect: MP consumption for all active skills and spells within her territory had been reduced by 22.5%.

'This is quite significant,   for example the Fast Travel skill now only costs 1560 MP instead of the usual 2000.'

She felt the impact was substantial—this change would greatly ease her resource management, especially during critical moments. Additionally, the Territory Repair MP cost followed the same percentage decrease, another relief for her future upkeep efforts.

Hecate thought with satisfaction.

'Not bad, choosing Precision Mana Control was the right call.'

Without wasting time, Hecate used her Return Crystal to teleport to the chapel where her Save-Point was located.

The chapel had undergone significant repairs and modifications recently, no longer the simple place of worship it once was. Now, it had been transformed into a grand workshop for Hecate's experiments, fitted with the necessary space and structural integrity to accommodate her inspiration.

It was originally large enough to comfortably seat 500 people and could hold up to 2000 more standing, making it more than capable of containing the 30 Mana Revenants she intended to summon.

'Thirty Mana Revenants will barely take up a corner of this place,'

She quickly prepared for what was coming next.

Hecate began her preparations, consuming various item buffs and activating scroll skills to boost her maximum MP above 600,000. Her hands moved with practiced efficiency, layering each buff with the next, her MP swelling higher and higher.

Once she had reached the limit, she sat down in the center of the chapel, closed her eyes, and meditated, restoring her MP to its full capacity. The surrounding air felt dense with energy as she drew on her reserves, preparing for the ritual ahead.

"Let’s begin," 

She extended a hand and summoned three clones. Each clone cost 200,000 MP, slightly less than the standard for Yuna and her other Mana Revenants. But the slight reduction in their MP pool wasn’t a concern—they would serve their purpose.

"Alright! Now, the real work begins. Mystical Reverberation!"

She cast Mystical Reverberation, the skill that would turn her Raise Undead spell into an Area-of-Effect ability.

Once the spell was cast, she switched her wand to the +10 Superior Eldritch Bone Wand, its dark and twisted design matching the ominous tone of the ritual. Holding the wand aloft, she uttered one of her typical pretentious lines.

"From the depths of oblivion, I call forth new life. Arise, my revenants! Raise Undead!"

With Mystical Reverberation active, she cast Raise Undead. The spell pulsed out from her wand in waves, and before her eyes, three Mana Revenants awakened from the clone, and Hecate looked upon her new creations with mild satisfaction.

These, however, would not receive personalized names. There was no need for it at this point, given her sheer numbers.

"No. 11, No. 12, No. 13," 

She'd stopped bothering with elaborate names after the first ten.

Without missing a beat, she swapped the +10 Superior Eldritch Bone Wand for her +10 Superior Lunar Wand and repeated the process nine more times, carefully managing her MP and the spell-casting mechanics.

Each cast created three new Mana Revenants, and with each successful spell, her army grew. The chapel's air hummed with power, dark energy crackling faintly as the Revenants appeared one after another.

By the time she reached the end of her daily casting limit for Raise Undead, the full thirty Mana Revenants stood in formation before her. Though they were silent, the weight of their presence filled the room.

“Thirty... Quite the group."

She took a step back and surveyed them.

Her creations were tied to her own power—they were directly connected to her, extensions of her magic. Each one bore a faint resemblance to her in terms of mana signature and magical abilities. It was a satisfying outcome.

"Stand by for further instructions, I will take a break for a while." 

"Yes, Mother!" ×??

Hecate commanded, her voice steady and authoritative.

The revenants, as expected, obeyed without question, waiting silently near the altar.

Despite the satisfaction of her successful creation spree, Hecate felt a wave of mental exhaustion settling in. She had been logged in for an extended period, and even though her consecutive login limit had reset, fatigue was catching up with her.

'I need rest,'

Satisfied with the progress, she decided it was time to log out and get some much-needed sleep. There would be plenty of work to do later. For now, though, rest called.

After taking a final glance at her Revenants, Hecate logged out.

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