This Girl Wins Three Hundred Million Dollars

Chapter 101

Chapter 101

Idiots abound every year, but this year there are especially many.

Shen Youlin was so angry at the idiots that had just popped up that wisps of blue smoke rose from the top of his head. He was waiting for his wife at the entrance of the clubhouse, the two drivers were almost there, one to pick them up and the other to drive his Bugatti back.

So Shen Youlin had the valet park the Bugatti by the roadside. A group of drunk, colorfully dressed funeral lovers passed by noisily. A crazed woman poured a whole bottle of champagne into his car, deliberately pouring it onto the stereo.

The security guards immediately detained that group of people. The main culprit cried her eyes out when she found out the stereo alone was worth over a million yuan, shaking uncontrollably in fear.

"I, I, I...I was drunk, don't take it to heart, I don't have any money..."

"You were drunk? If you go hurt people or set fires when drunk, could you tell the police you were drunk afterwards and expect them to forgive you?"

"I don't have any money, I can...I can be your servant...I can...offer myself to you..."

Things would have been fine if she hadn't said that. But as soon as she said it, Shen Youlin blew up.

"Which f*cking village's wild sow are you, so narcissistic? Offering yourself to me? Look at yourself, built like a barrel, ugly and coarse, offering yourself to me, even a butcher would walk the other way if he saw you at the meat stall! You must have read too many dumb novels!"

Yu Shu came out just as Shen Youlin was yelling. She asked, "What's going on?"

Shen Youlin put his coat on her and briefly explained what had happened.

Seeing Yu Shu, the woman knew "offering herself" was out of the question. She stuck out her neck and said, "You're so rich now! Asking me for compensation is bullying the weak! Being unjust when prosperous! I only make 5,000-6,000 a month, one meal for you is my annual salary! I'm alone in Beijing..."

She cried as she spoke, her friends chimed in to back her up. Security was shorthanded and could barely hold them back.

Now Yu Shu laughed in anger: "You're poor so you're right? Does the law care if you're right?"

Shen Youlin wanted to curse more but Yu Shu stopped him: "Ask Mr. A to come handle this. Get compensation however it should be."

By now the driver had arrived too. Shen Youlin left one driver to wait for Mr. A, do everything by the book, call the police if needed, file a lawsuit if required.

As soon as Shen Youlin got in the car he started complaining, "Wife, you don't know, that woman must be mentally ill, she actually said she'd offer herself to me?! F*ck, looking like a wild boar, so dark and burly and ugly, my eyes hurt just looking at her... "

Sensing Yu Shu's abnormal mood, Shen Youlin's voice weakened: "What's wrong...why aren't you happy?"

"A woman's looks should never be criticized." Yu Shu's tone was cold and detached. "Remember what I looked like when you first saw me? I was like that too, ugly and fat. What you see now, the glamor and beauty, are built with money and time."

"But you had good fundamentals! That wild boar could never be turned into anything decent no matter the work..." Shen Youlin's voice trailed off as he felt Yu Shu getting angrier despite her lack of expression or action.

Shen Youlin said again: "You'd never be like her, you wouldn't do something so stupid."

"What were you thinking when you first saw me?"

"I just...I thought you were fun, and very direct." Shen Youlin tried to curry favor with an obsequious smile. "And you were already very pretty then, now you're as beautiful as a goddess."

Just curious, that's all.

Yu Shu ignored his fawning: "If I didn't have money, would you still like me?"

"I don't care if you have money or not, I have more than you anyway!" Shen Youlin gathered his courage and sidled up to her, "Why are you unhappy?"

Yu Shu spoke tonelessly: "If I didn't have money, I wouldn't look like I do now. I'd be fat from overwork, pimply and dark from irregular hours and diet. If I were still ugly and fat, would you say those same things about me?"

When you saw me, did "wild sow" cross your mind?

Shen Youlin didn't dare joke around anymore and sat up straight: "If you really were like that, we'd have never met right?"

She would never have gotten on that plane, much less entered first class, and later would not have gone shopping at luxury cosmetics stores.

Their paths would never have crossed, and they would not have a story.

Yu Shu was suddenly reminded of Lu Renyi's words, they were not entirely unreasonable.

"No, why are you overthinking like this? Why dwell on 'what-ifs'? 'What-ifs' are things that never happened. We're together now, that's a fact, and that's enough!"

Yu Shu suddenly felt exhausted and closed her eyes, massaging her temples: "Book me a hotel room tonight, okay? I need some quiet."

"Why?! What did I do wrong? Or do you think I should apologize to that woman? I'll never make fun of looks again if you say so! I'll do anything you ask! What are you mad about?!"

"Let me be quiet, let me think this through myself, you're really wearing me out like this."

Shen Youlin hung his head. "You're annoyed by me..."

"Just let me be alone for now, okay?" Yu Shu gently coaxed him. "I'll come back tomorrow morning and we can have breakfast together, okay?"

Her mind was in turmoil even though she was the one staying at a hotel. Shen Youlin was the sad one.

After a long silence, Shen Youlin softly said "Okay."

Shen Youlin took her to the hotel but didn't dare ask to book a room too, afraid of bothering her.

After checking in, Shen Youlin wanted to take her to the room but she declined.

If she let him come up, she wouldn't have the heart to make him leave.

"Come back early tomorrow."

Like an anxious child with severe separation anxiety abandoned at daycare, forced to compromise in the end, he miserably pleaded for the parent to pick him up early.

Yu Shu was the one staying at the hotel yet Shen Youlin was the sad one.

Yu Shu also felt awful inside but knew she was overthinking things. She needed time and space to sort out her thoughts.

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